No longer a sully

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Lo'ak had always been the black sheep of his family and clam he could never be the son his father and mother wanted. He had always been compared to his older brother and sister by his father and other members of the clan, and he was rumored to be a bad influence for his young sister Tuk. Even others will compare Lo'ak to neteyam saying that neteyam was the better son of Jake sully and Lo'ak was the failure son. Lo'ak had spent all of life hearing he had brought shame to this family from his father and anyone else who will say that to him.

Lo'ak " ......" Lo'ak was standing in the middle of circle of olo'eythans and their heir anyone else once again, the boy had been blamed for something he didn't do. Other clan members were watching and listening from far away, as the meeting was happing.

Tonowari " once again jake sully you son is nothing but trouble"

Jake " Lo'ak"

Lo'ak " sir I didn't do it I swear I have done  nothing wrong why won't you believe me"

Jake " when I think you are getting better you failed me once again why can't you be like your brother"

Lo'ak " neteyam"

Neteyam " I'm sorry baby bro but I can't save you anymore you have done enough harm and have yet to take responsibility"

Lo'ak " what do you mean"

Neteyam " you are the reason we had to leave the forest because you were outside, you are the reason our sisters and spider were held hostage by the RDA ... you are the reason why the whole clan had to leave the forest"

Lo'ak " I didn't mean to"

Neteyam " you never mean to and you could never listen you have never Lu our our family and everyone else here killed by your selfish action"

Neteyam " I'm done coming to your rescue you are always going to keep messing up"

Jake " Lo'ak once again you have brought me and your brother shame you have ruined the family name, and the onk6 way to save the family name tp get rid of weak point"

Lo'ak " what do you mean dad"

Jake " you can no longer call me dad I'm no longer you father and you are no longer my son, hear me everyone as form this day until the boy can redeem himself his not my son and not the brother of my children... he is nothing and will always be nothing"

Lo'ak " no dad please"

Tsu'tey " boy listen to the olo'eythan have you no shame"

Lo'ak " mom" Lo'ak had turned around looking for his mom and sisters but they didn't say anything they soon walked away.

Jake " until you become the warrior everyone needs and wants to make up for all your mistakes you will never be my son again, as I see it only neteyam is my son I have no son named Lo'ak"

Lo'ak " dad what do I have to do to prove myself that I'm innocent"

Jake " you have done enough boy"

Tonowari " I will take pity on your child you have until sun rise tomorrow to leave and never come back here"

Lo'ak " please someone listen to me Tsyeria, aonung, and Rotox please you have to understand" Lo'ak had looked at his three friends but they soon walked away with neteyam not saying anything to him. Lo'ak was left there alone for hours on end crying but no came to comfort him. He soon made his way home hoping there was some way his family still love him it was dinner time when he arrived home, he saw his family gather in circles eating and talking but they all stopped when they saw him.

Lo'ak " hello may I come in please I still love you guys you are still my family ... why is my stuff out here" Lo'ak had seen his stuff packed up and tossed outside. Jake had looked at neytiri as she soon got up and walked towards the boy Lo'ak thought she was going to comfort him and fight for him to stay. Neytiri didn't she soon grabbed Lo'ak necklace and ripped it off of him neck soon tossing the necklace behind her, everyone else was looking away.

Neytiri " you are no longer my son you have broken my heart and endanger is family for the last time" neytiri soon shut the curtain and tied them Lo'ak had stayed out there begging for them to listen but they didn't, soon enough he gather his things and started heading towards his ikran.

Lo'ak " well I'm happy to have you boy everyone else seems to have abandoned us" Lo'ak was gather his stuff up tears falling down his face, he was all alone now remembering the harsh words of everyone.

Lo'ak " no one else will take us in everyone hate me" Lo'ak ikran felt the pain and hurt of his rider soon nuzzling the poor boy making neteyam smile.

Lo'ak " I didn't get to say goodbye to grandmother but it would broke her heart .... Maybe it will be good if we leave now like everyone wants"

Lo'ak " I have heard in stories and some strangers last week there are unknown clans past the ocean and forest, maybe I cam find myself there and start new" Lo'ak had soon mounted his ikran and soon the pair had taken off from the sandy ground, Lo'ak had looked up at the village and his home one last time. Tears falling from the boys eyes but he soon wiped them away and turned faced where he was going. To no one knowledge to everyone else was that their actions will come to haunt them, but that was something to be discussed later on the in future.

Lo'ak " why don't we can't a rest boy for a while it will be good" Lo'ak had decided it will be good to rest for while he had landed his ikran on some land, but Lo'ak could feel the climate was way different then he was use to. Before Lo'ak do do anything he was soon taken off guard by yipping and warrior cries, soon Lo'ak and felt something wrap around him he soon fall to the ground even his ikrans was taken out. Soon someone walked over the boy before Lo'ak could plead his case he was knocked out by something as everything his last thoughts were of his family and friends. He was pray that they will be safe and no harm will come to them and if he really disappeared for good.

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