part thirty

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After aiding Bill though his self-esteem complications, Robyn slid through Tom's window and cautiously over the shingled roof, before slipping through her own window and into her room. She exhaled, marching straight to her closet to select an outfit. It now being 7, the group were all getting ready for the party in various locations of the Kaulitz house, the bickering and loud music radiating from the neighbouring house as she listened through the window. After slight contemplation, she decided on a white strappy t shirt dress, that had a black and white image of Bob Marley on the chest, sliding the thin fabric over her frame and analysing how it barley covered her thighs. Knowing Jay would not be there, she smiled at the more revealing outfit, pleased as she saw how it revealed the sides of her breasts and thinly draped itself over her curves.

After hurriedly applying some eyeliner in the bathroom mirror, her hand instinctively shot out to open the medicine cabinet as she did prior to most parties. Yet, this time, she paused on the handle, staring back at herself with a smile. Pulling her hand away, she sighed optimistically at herself before returning to her bedroom and slipping on her black boots. Maybe her happiness was now overruling the need for her dependency on drugs? Maybe she was getting better?

"Look at you" Tom's voice sounded from the window frame, with an exhale as he dropped from the ledge and into her bedroom. Turning, she faced the boy, seeing how he had now changed into a beige and brown hoodie that perfectly matched his cap. As usual, he wore light wash baggy jeans which he was now pushing some keys and a pack of cigarettes into. He smiled over at her as she slid her earrings in, his darkened eyes drawn to her body beneath the thin fabric. "You're gonna freeze"

"I'll live" she tutted with a smile, watching as he approached her. After clipping the earring back on, she dropped her hands to her sides, leaning slightly forward as he closed the space between them.

"You sure I'm not gonna get punched walking into a party with you, when you look that good?" he smirked, his jaw lifting slightly with his cocky expression.

"I'm sure" she teased, leaning with his force as he pulled her frame into his and softly kissed her.


"Is this the right place?" Lena questioned suspiciously, leaning past the group to see Robyn. After the short walk a few streets over, the band, Lena and Robyn assembled on the side walk in-front of what she assumed to be the party.

Lifting the piece of paper up to the street light, she quickly cast her vision between the scribbled writing and the house before them, seeing how the silhouettes of figures moved in sync with the bass of house music in the windows.

"I think so" she hummed, "Only one way to find out" she tossed the paper to the ground, smiling over at the group as she lead them up the small driveway. Slightly nervous, Bill dawdled between Tom and Robyn, gingerly chewing at his nails as his eyes grew frightened. Seeing this, Robyn offered a reassuring smile, once again seeing the face of her closest friend appearing in her mind. Elliot always looked like this before parties.

His expression shifted to a smile as he threw his hand down at his side and lifted his chin, now walking confidently beside her to the front door. She smiled proudly.

Pushing the door open, the group were engulfed by the loud music, feeling the thudding bass drum into their chests. Leading them further in, the rich smell of weed and teenage bodies washed over her, dulling her nervousness as she saw that the strangers barely reacted to their entrance. Inside the first room, several groups of teenagers shouted over the music, a few of them dancing or drunkenly shuffling from group to group. The air was heavy with smoke, the clouded mixture of weed and cigarettes lingering around the collection of bodies, making the interior of the house appear almost cave-like and dim. Despite this, Robyn could just about make out how each individual drank or smoked merrily alongside each other, relaxing into the party casually.

Parting the sea of faceless bodies, the group weaved through the darkened kitchen, following Robyn through the small hallway and out of the door to the backyard.

Now reassured that she didn't recognise any of Jay's typical crowd, she smiled back at Tom behind her, interlacing their hands as she pulled him alongside her. Staring down at her, they exchanged a brief smile as they stepped out onto the patio, the remaining group trailing to join them around an outdoor glass table, before they were interrupted by a boisterous voice.

"Sativa!" a male called out excitedly, Tom watching as a tanned figure with bouncing blonde curls emerged from a group and approached them. "You came!" he spoke to Robyn with a dazed smile.

Awkwardly, she smiled back before replying "I brought a lot of people. Hope you don't mind" she shrugged, signalling to her neighbours and their friends from home.

As she spoke, he turned to face the group, his absent eyes scanning over the band and Lena with a smile.

"I told you to bring whoever, open house right?" he spoke childishly before introducing himself "Olan" he spoke as he slapped his hand against Tom's and pulled him into a masculine greeting.

"Nice dreads man" he commented before turning to Bill "You look exactly like that guy from the Rocky Horror show, My sister loves that shit" he spoke unfiltered as he chuckled and folded his arms.

"Thanks, I guess" Bill offered a sheepish smile before glancing in confusion over at Robyn. She laughed, seeing how the strange dealer once again surprised her.

"Drinks are in the kitchen, Weed is with me. Be my guest" he explained, pointing to his chest as his eyes struggled to remain open. He was higher than the clouds.

"Thank you" Lena chimed in "I need a drink" she shot a worried look over to Robyn before pulling Georg along side her and heading back towards the kitchen.

Once inside, the group rejoined in the kitchen as Georg selected a miscellaneous bottle of liquor and began to pour the tequila into six solo cups.

"Who was that guy?" Gustav asked, his words barely audible over the pounding music as his eyes wearily scanned over the room.

"I barely know him. He's Jay's dealer- Randomly invited me here" she shrugged, explaining the strange interaction to the group as they selected their drinks and began to sip at them.

As they conversed, Robyn relaxed into the crowded kitchen, seeing how the streams of people entered and left unproblematically, some of the girls smiling over to them sweetly. Maybe tonight wouldn't be a disaster after all.

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