part fourty-three

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Robyn walked again for the first time two days after her surgery. Weak, she held onto the IV drip to her left and her father on her right, using both of them to relive the majority of her weight from her feet. After one session from the physical rehabilitation therapist, she was able to dawdle alone along the corridors, using the IV for slight support.

For the days she couldn't walk or move, she lay paralysed between the sheets, counting tiles on the ceiling, counting the seconds ticking by on the clock or simply contemplating how far away Tom was growing from her. As he had previously explained, she understood that the tour was long and constantly moving; similar to her father's lifestyle on the road. Her heart ached more than her recovery from the surgery.

Axel, Alicia and Jay took it in turns to rotate shifts at the hospital, each one of them brining her CDs, blankets or simple home comforts. In reality, she couldn't wait to get home.

Surprisingly, she actually missed being alone at home with her own thoughts, the constant fuss and commotion amongst the three giving her a headache. Despite always wanting people to care for her, now that she had it, she missed her independence.


On one particular Friday, Jay was staying at the hospital until Robyn fell asleep and was walking laps with her around the white corridors.

"I can do it myself Jay" Robyn snapped, slapping his hand away from the vending machine.

"Let me help you" he retaliated, rubbing his hands over her shoulders. She cringed feeling how the fabric of her hospital gown scratched together.

"I don't need your fucking help" she whipped her head around to face him "You've done enough"

Sighing, Jay lifted his arms in surrender, taking slow steps back to the room as he pressed his lips together.

"You're so ungrateful sometimes- we're all here trying to help you get better" he finalised their argument, before disappearing back into the room.

With a deep exhale, Robyn pressed her forehead against the glass of the vending machine, closing her eyes as she attempted to resolve the burning frustration within her. She was so stupid for thinking that Tom would choose her over the Tour- he was famous, and she was just the girl who lived next door.

"Jesus, he sounds like a dick" a feminine voice called out into the silent evening in the hospital.

Lifting her head, Robyn turned to the voice, now seeing how a teenage girl sat curled up in one of the waiting room chairs, a beaten copy of To Kill a Mockingbird open on her lap. Robyn scanned over her: wide brown eyes, thick brunette hair, slender nose, a pale pink robe, sweatpants and slippers.

Unsure of how to react to the stranger, Robyn hummed out a mixture of noises in agreement, nodding her head briefly with a weak smile before she turned back to the vending machine. As she continued to slide the coins into the silver slot, she heard as the book closed and footsteps approached from behind her. Great, more people.

"I'm Kaya" she introduced, forcing herself against the vending machine so Robyn would look at her. Smiling, her eyes were wide and darting rapidly between Robyn's, anticipating her own introduction.

"Robyn" she spoke bluntly, attempting to resume her selection.

"This is my sixth hospital, what about you?" she spoke casually, sliding the book beneath her crossed arms.

Robyn chewed her lip frustratedly. Why would no one leave her alone?

"My first. I'm not staying nor am I never coming back, so don't bother with the introduction" she spoke more frustratedly this time, struggling as she leant down to get her coke. Kaya was quick to intervene and grab it.

"Ouch" she laughed, the whites of her teeth apparent "You look like you could use a smoke" Kaya raised her brows.

After a brief glance to her room where Jay was presumably waiting, Robyn focused her attention back to the girl she had just met in front of her, seeing how she smiled excitedly.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you any bullshit questions about drugs. Been there, done that. Just a peaceful smoke in silence- there's no one on the rooftop at this time" she encouraged, her brows raising further at Robyn.

"Fine" she sighed, fastening her hand around her IV for support as they began to walk.

And with that, the two teenagers were descending the corridor.


"You've really been in six different hospitals?" Robyn questioned, pushing the thin smoke from her lips and out into the night air.

Kaya lead Robyn up to the rooftop, it being entirely vacant and bare of any furniture- just space. The pair sat down against the ledge, the blurred eclipse of lights from various streets below appearing like stars as they watched over them. Unlike the interior of the hospital, the air was fresh and cold, sweeping against Robyn's skin and streaming through her braids like ice. It was bliss.

The two began in silence as they lit their cigarettes, but after a few drags, the relief of fresh air and nicotine made Robyn curious and less guarded.

"Yeah, we'll technically seven- but I broke out of there in twenty minutes so I don't count it" Kaya spoke casually, tapping off the ash of her cigarette over the edge.

"And all of these times were for drugs?" Robyn chuckled slightly, now even more intrigued by this girl.

"Yep," she laughed, her eyes smiling brightly at her new found friend as she smoked.

"What happened?" Robyn asked, pulling her knees beneath her chin to get comfy.

"I thought we said no bullshit" Kaya squinted her eyes suspiciously.

"Well, now I'm interested" Robyn laughed slightly.

"Hmmm," Kaya hummed "Well, my parents are very rich lawyers but are always busy. So they sent me to tonnes of ballet classes for discipline and to mainly just get me out of their sight. One time, I broke my foot so the hospital gave me morphine and all sorts of stuff" she paused, her gaze shifting out over the edge "they didn't even come to visit me so I decided that was it. I stole a bunch of drugs and my dad's credit card and that's how I became infamous for breaking out of these places" she scanned back over the hospital exterior.

"How do you manage to do it every time?" Robyn questioned, a smile toying on her lips as she held the cigarette there.

Kaya paused, a mischievous grin expanding over her face as she locked eyes with Robyn.

"Want to find out?" she purred.

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