Seven ♥

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"Brelliott! Look here!"

"Elliott! When did this happen?"

"How did you lovebirds meet?"

Ever since we — Elliott and I — started going out together in public, Paparazzi has been following us all around town. Literally. And it was getting very annoying, obviously. It’s like we constantly have ass bugs following us from places to places. Yikes.

 When Cody and I were — no, wait. I’m not even going to talk about Cody. I shouldn’t be focusing on that. None. Nothing. No more. Gone. Dead. Finished. Ended. We’re done.

It’s been a week and a half of hanging out — or ‘dating’ — with Elliott and he’s actually a really sweet guy. Even when we aren’t in public, and just hanging out together, he’s always being a gentleman… or rather, being the perfect boyfriend he wants to be, to me.

He's a really hot, gorgeous-looking, sweet, loving and amazing guy. I don't get why he doesn't get as much as publicity as Cody… And the fact that all of my thoughts eventually gradually leads up to Cody and his face just—it annoys me, really. It’s like, why can’t I just get over him already?

Things aren’t difficult, unless I make it seem like it is, and at the moment? That seems to sickeningly be happening. Oh. 

 Elliott walked in front of me to pull the door open and allows me to go in first. At the moment, we were at the mall because he promised me he would follow me around to go shopping—it was a dare I made him, since he has never really gone shopping with me before.

It was pretty weird, actually, walking around the mall, shopping with him. He was being overly stiff and boring—like when I would see a cute dress, I’d step forward, hold it up close to my body and show it off to him, but the only thing I’d get back is a simple grin and two thumbs up.

If I’d went shopping with Cody, it’d be a different thing; he’d pull out many other dresses and force me to try it on, then he’d hold a few of them on his body and pose for me. And we would laugh, and laugh, and even at the end of the day still be laughing at what happened in the day. I guess no more of that, huh? Not now, maybe not ever.


“What’re you thinking about?” Elliott’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. “Aren’t you going to go look for other dresses? I mean, that’s what you pulled me out to do, right?”

Do you ever have this feeling where you practically worship someone to death with love, but then when you get to know them and their true colors, you push away the whole ‘I love my idol so damn much’ feeling away and start disliking that person?

Because at the moment, for some reason that I myself don’t even know of, am feeling that way and it sucks. Because I’m going to have to start bearing this feeling, oh.

“Nah, I’m actually feeling a little bit tired already, maybe we should start heading back,” I lied through my teeth, knowing he wouldn’t give two shits about it because he wouldn’t care at all.

See, Elliott may be stunning as a guy, but damn, sometimes he gets too full of himself. Annoying stupid ass crap.

“Sure!” He gleefully responded, sliding his fingers into the gaps of mine, pulling us quickly towards the entrance of the shopping mall.

Measures of Love ♥ A Cody Simpson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now