1. The New Campus Crush

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this is the only warning i'm going to give throughout the entirety of this story, there will be a lot of smut and sometimes not between the two main characters for the purpose of the story. if this makes you uncomfortable, for your own sake please don't continue to read.
thank you :)


"Ahhh Beomgyu.. You feel so good."

Beomgyu lays on the bed motionless while the man above him thrusts into him with animalistic movements. Usually he enjoys getting pounded into but this guy seemingly doesn't know how to do it right.

When is he going to finish already?

Beomgyu internally rolls his eyes at the man. This has to be one of the worst hook ups he has experienced.

He never brings his hook ups to his dorm. He'd rather make someone else have the responsibility to clean their own sheets than do it himself. Call him high maintenance, but that is exactly what he is.

The man grunts, "uugh, I'm close baby."

Beomgyu cringes at the pet name yet he doesn't respond.


Beomgyu wants this to be over with already.

After a few more hard thrusts the man finally releases into the condom. He collapses on top of Beomgyu, panting heavily.

"Pull out," Beomgyu deadpanned, demanding the man to move so he can leave. His patience ran out quickly.

Beomgyu instantly rolls over to get off the bed when the man pulls out and starts to put his clothes on hastily.

"Wait you're leaving already? Shouldn't I finish you off too?"

Beomgyu internally rolls his eyes for the nth time. The fact you even have to ask me that.

He bats his eyes cutely at the man.

"Next time," he lied before he heads back to his dorm.

This man is a year older than Beomgyu. He only agreed to hook up with him because the man practically begged. Of course he did. Beomgyu is the prettiest in the university. However, this man is very handsome so he easily agreed to sleep with him. Conclusively, Beomgyu is considered shallow because he only hooks up with people who are attractive to his eyes. So when this man approached him, he didn't think about rejection.

If you are fortunate enough to sleep with the Choi Beomgyu, consider yourself lucky. Consider yourself even luckier if Beomgyu hooks up with you more than once. Although, he rarely allows that to happen.

At this moment Beomgyu regrets sleeping with this man and will put this man on the list of names he will never hook up with ever again. He never bothered to ask for this man's name either. And if this man dares to brag about how he hooked up with him, Beomgyu will make sure everyone knows how awful it actually was.

━━・❪ ✿ ❫・━━

*the next day*

Kang Taehyun transferred from a 2 year community college, finishing his general subjects, to a university in order to continue to study for his major.

Taehyun is academically smart with a major he's pursuing that most would consider him as a nerd but he is also, a lack for a better term, a gym bro. He is studious and athletic. In addition, he's extremely good looking with his honey toned hair and muscle toned physique. Many would believe that he's the type to be a fuck boy because of his appearance. Except he's actually picky when it comes to hooking up or dating anyone. He actually doesn't hook up as often as many think he does. However, he could care less on what others think of him.

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