5: Breakfast In Bed

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Beomgyu awakens at dawn. The dorm room is dimly lit as the morning sun rays seeps through the curtains of the window.

On this particular morning, Beomgyu is currently snuggled against Taehyun's beating chest with his limbs over the naked body next to him and Taehyun's arm wrapped around him. There is only a bedsheet covering both the lower half of their bodies. Beomgyu slightly moves to stretch out his legs, releasing a deep breath of relief but then instantly glimpses at Taehyun's exposed abdomen. At that moment, he silently thanks the heavens they both fell asleep together without having the desire to put on any clothes.

Taehyun is peacefully sleeping on his back with his chest rising up and down steadily and as Beomgyu continues to silently watch the dormant male, he can feel the radiant heat from Taehyun's skin. Just being next to Taehyun this intimately has him feeling as if fireflies are swarming inside of him.

Beomgyu's eyes gaze from Taehyun's body to his face and notices his mouth is agape. Cute, he thought. Then he reaches his hand up and moves the strands of hair covering Taehyun's eyes. His touch is so gentle and he's mindful not to disturb Taehyun awake then mutters to himself, "so handsome."

If Beomgyu could have this view every morning, it would no doubt be the best way to start his day. He never has brought his hook ups to his dorm but he could get used to this. He could get used to Taehyun being there more often.

Then Beomgyu suddenly has the urge to lower his hand over to Taehyun's bare chest. His finger settles on a nipple, a wonderful place to start for what he has now planned. He closes his eyes as he slowly caresses the perky bud, circling then pinching it lightly. All his awareness is focused on his fingertips and the feel of Taehyun's soft skin.

After a minute of fondling both nipples, he strokes up and down Taehyun's chest and belly with just his fingertips then slowly works his way down until he slips his hand under the bedsheet. His fingertips starts trickling Taehyun's thigh. Beomgyu goes as far as he can reach then gradually up to the sensitive balls.

That's when Taehyun slightly stirs which makes Beomgyu instantly alert. He halts his movements and his eyes open quickly, searching for any indication that Taehyun woke up.

However, surprisingly Taehyun didn't seem to fully wake up so he closes his eyes again and continues to touch the man the way he wants.

Beomgyu traces the ridges of Taehyun's ballsack with one finger then goes up the hard length to the tip, feeling the hardness under his touch. He smiles softly at the sudden involuntary twitch he feels then continues to caress the member up and down with feathery touches.

It's like he's put in a trance. Touching Taehyun like this, so sensual to him.

Eventually, Beomgyu rests his whole hand on Taehyun's full hardened cock. After the briefest pause, he gets an idea.

Beomgyu wants to have his breakfast in bed.

So he swiftly removes the bedsheet off of their bodies completely and moves down until his face is level with Taehyun's cock.

Shortly afterwards, he takes it hungrily into his mouth. 

Upon the immense pleasure he's receiving, that's when Taehyun finally wakes up and the first thing he notices is the erotic scene happening in front of his eyes.

"Mmm, Beomgyu what are you doing?" Taehyun asked as his voice quavered in a low tone.

The sound of Taehyun's sleepy voice turns Beomgyu on even more.

Beomgyu releases himself from Taehyun's cock to respond and says, "I'm having my breakfast in bed. You don't want me to starve do you?"

Taehyun meekly shakes his head. No point in arguing with a pretty boy who is very eager to suck his cock.

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