6: Having Doubts

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Taehyun comes out of the bathroom in just a towel covering his lower half, exposing his defined torso and sculpted biceps. His lean physique is pleasing to the eye. It's evident this man goes to work out at the gym on a daily basis.

Yeonjun is laid back on his bed while scrolling through social media on his phone. When he notices the half naked man casually walking out of the bathroom, he glances up and whistles.

"Woo what a sight to behold," Yeonjun flirted shamelessly, visibly licking his lips as he ogles at Taehyun.

Taehyun froze, eyes widening in alarm. He didn't expect anyone else to be in Beomgyu's dorm room this early in the morning. Even though it should be predictable because this is Beomgyu's dorm mate.

Taehyun becomes instantly flustered at the sudden encounter and mumbles a 'sorry' as he shuffles his way to find his clothes before heading back to the bathroom. He walks briskly past Beomgyu, who just exited the bathroom, then slams the door shut.

Yeonjun chuckles at his reaction.

A moment brief after, Beomgyu appears in just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Damn Yeonjun, what did you do to my poor Taehyunie," Beomgyu asked, suppressing a laugh.

"He obviously didn't expect me to be here. But after getting a glimpse of his body, damn you are one lucky bitch."

Beomgyu smiles smugly, "I am aren't I?" Then bites his lip at the thought he is indeed one lucky bitch.

Yeonjun mentions nonchalantly, "I heard you guys by the way."

"Yeah? Well I won't apologize if I was being too loud and I couldn't care less if anyone heard," Beomgyu said in a supercilious tone.

Between what transpired last night and this morning, Beomgyu is thriving off of having an amazing hook up and finally he was not disappointed to say the least. Three times they hooked up in less than 24 hours which is more than what Beomgyu usually allows to do with anyone. Last night, Beomgyu dick rode him heavenly. This morning, he woke Taehyun up with a mind-blowing blow job and was in bliss when Taehyun fucked him against the shower wall so damn good, he saw stars. Needless to say, it seems Taehyun can be a submissive and dominate top which excites Beomgyu to a very great extent.

Despite having the best hook up of his life, Beomgyu also thought the date he had with Taehyun was unmatched. Perhaps he wouldn't even consider it a meaningless date after all, that's how much he enjoyed it. There is an unexplainable connection that is unknown to both of them. It's the phenomenon of magnetic attraction, one could say. However, if only they knew what their attraction toward each other meant.

"So, you plan on keeping him around?" Yeonjun questioned, arching an eyebrow.

Beomgyu starts to search for clean clothes to wear and says, "Very much so. I'd be an idiot not to."

"Sharing is caring you know," Yeonjun said matter-of-factly. "Let me have a taste of him too. Or my offer still stands on that threesome."

Beomgyu scoffs, "in your dreams."

After Beomgyu dresses himself into gray sweatpants and a plain white shirt, he gathers his bedding and puts it in a hamper with his dirty clothes. Thank god it's Sunday so he has time to do laundry today.

The sound of the bathroom door opening immediately captures both Beomgyu and Yeonjun's attention. They watch Taehyun like hawks as he wordlessly wanders toward the entrance door of their dorm which fills the room with awkward silence.

Once Taehyun finishes lacing up his sneakers, he stands up and begins to open the door.

Is he just going to leave without saying a word to me? Beomgyu asked himself in disapproval. He figures Taehyun must be embarrassed by Yeonjun's intimidating presence. Curse his best friend for scaring the man off.

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