3: Absolute Threshold

377 35 10

Warning: Slut Shaming

*the next day*

Taehyun is sitting in class, adamant on listening to the professor when he suddenly felt a vibration in his pocket and checks his phone.

Choi Beomgyu
what class r u in right now?

Kang Taehyun

Choi Beomgyu
what room?

Kang Taehyun

Choi Beomgyu
thanks :)

Taehyun frowned and scrunched his eyebrows as he stares at his phone in confusion for a moment. Then quickly puts his phone back into his pocket. He is studious so he refuses to become even the slightest bit distracted, resuming to focus on the lesson.

Beomgyu entered the science department building and eagerly waits outside of Taehyun's classroom until the class finishes. As students started to dismiss themselves and disperse, he struts into the classroom and searches for Taehyun. The moment Beomgyu spots the blonde at a table in the back of the room, he instantly becomes annoyed. There is a girl currently talking to Taehyun. He slowly walks towards them until their conversation could reach his ears. As he approaches closer, he becomes even more irritated after hearing the girl giggle at something Taehyun must have said. Meanwhile, the girl is batting her pretty eye lashes and twirling her hair. It was obvious she was attempting to seduce Taehyun. Beomgyu rolls his eyes at her flirtation while he observes the scene from a slight distance.

"So Taehyun, I was wondering if we could go out sometime?" The girl asked while gently running her fingers on his sleeve, coaxing him. However, Beomgyu did not like how close she was leaning and touching the obvious flustered man.

In fact, he thought Taehyun rather looked more seemingly uncomfortable.

Dummy push her grubby hands away.

Taehyun is the new eye candy in the university so of course she was asking him out, who wouldn't? Regardless, Beomgyu won't allow that, not on his watch. So with determination to interrupt their conversation, he strides forward and then happily places himself right onto Taehyun's lap. The action had forced the girl to take a step back.

Beomgyu moved his arms around Taehyun's shoulders without delay.

"Hi," Beomgyu greeted him with a pleased smile, feigning obliviousness. Then he began to adjust his body until he was nestled comfortably on the lap he is currently sitting on.

Taehyun was too stunned to speak because of Beomgyu's sudden appearance, not like he would complain anyway. He had mindlessly placed his hands on Beomgyu's slim waist as if they belong there.

The girl scoffs in annoyance, "excuse me but we were actually having a conversation."

Barely, Beomgyu thought to himself.

He ignores her and begins to fondle with Taehyun's luscious hair on his nape. He takes a brief moment to admire the blonde he perched his ass upon. Taehyun is dressed fashionably in a gray long sleeve sweater with a pink, black and white collared flannel underneath.

Beomgyu thought this man looks so damn good even in smart-looking attire.

Then he regains his composure and asks, assuring the girl can hear, "so where are you taking me on our date?"

The girl retorts in astonishment, "date?! He's taking you out on a date? You out of all the people in this university."

Beomgyu side eyes the girl and smirks devilishly, "yeah he is." Then returns his lustful gaze back toward the man he's seated on. "Right Taehyun?"

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