4: A Start Of Something New

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this is a very long chapter. 5.9K words.

i hope you enjoy!


Beomgyu hates math.

Most of all, he doesn't understand why taking a math course is a requirement for him when he is an art major student. So he specifically hired a nerd to do his homework for him. However, Beomgyu would never actually bribe someone with his own money so instead he thought of a different approach. The cheeky bastard offered to give a boy a blow job as an inducement. The boy attempted to decline this form of payment at first but Beomgyu is a persistent individual and also very persuasive.

Meanwhile as of right now, Beomgyu is currently on his knees giving the best damn head, this boy he's sucking off, ever had.

Beomgyu merely suggested it because not only did he thought that the boy was cute but it's been an uneventful few days for him since he has gotten any action.

Furthermore, he also hasn't seen Taehyun since Monday and it's Friday now. He deduced that the reason for this is because they presumably have different schedules. Despite the fact he's been somewhat sulky over this all week, his date with Taehyun is tomorrow and Beomgyu is surprisingly anticipating for it. He usually isn't as thrilled whenever he goes on casual dates with men who want him, either sexually or genuinely. He mostly accepts to go on them because he relishes on being pampered and doesn't have to pay a single penny. He enjoys the attention and treatment they give him.

Beomgyu is more of a receiver than a giver.

For the past thirty minutes, Beomgyu and the cute nerd has been in an empty study room that's located in the university's library. The room is quite small and is normally used by students to study at their own convenience. However, in this case, instead of doing school work Beomgyu is using the room for his own entertainment.

They are alone and all that can be heard is wet sounds and loud whimpers filling the room.

"Haah... Uugh... Aaah..."

The boy uncontrollably moans a little too loudly that it's possible students outside of the room could be able to hear.

Beomgyu makes a loud sloppy noise, slurping up his saliva as he suddenly pulls away. He says firmly, "Doyum keep it down. You don't want anyone to hear do you?"

"N-No... Sorry it just feels too good. You're so good," Doyum rasped, totally dazed.

Beomgyu feels a sense of superiority at the compliment. He thought briefly about how this is the source of his own excellence. Whenever he receives praise, his already distinct pride boosts even more. He knows he's talented, given by the amount of numerous hook ups he's had. He has been told he's good many times before but it still feels nice constantly hearing it.

He's definitely of high standard.

Beomgyu smiles smugly at the compliment.

"Thank you," he snickered.

Then he gets back to work while Doyum tries so hard to muffle his own moans.

After another minute of Beomgyu being relentless, Doyum whimpers noisily and begins to quake as he releases an orgasm into Beomgyu's eager mouth. His body goes limp on the chair at the same time Beomgyu pulls away. Beomgyu swallows and wipes his mouth on his sleeve then abruptly stands up onto his feet.

"My turn."

It takes a moment for Doyum to process what Beomgyu said until he realizes the pretty boy, that just gave him the most mind blowing head of his life, was unbuttoning his jeans.

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