2: I Knew You Were Trouble

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Beomgyu opens his eyes to the dimly lit dorm room, the curtains on the window were unopened. He feels utter disgust after waking up. He groans at the discomfort of sleeping in his clothes from last night and the massive throbbing in his head he's currently suffering from.

He is obviously hungover.

Yeonjun has been sitting on his bed with his back resting on the headboard, scrolling through social media silently on his phone so he doesn't disturb Beomgyu from his deep slumber. After last night, Yeonjun knew Beomgyu needed all the rest he could get.

Then Yeonjun hears slight shuffling in the bed next to his, a sign Beomgyu must have woken up. He looks over to see Beomgyu fluttering his eyes open followed by a sound of discomfort.

Yeonjun chuckles, "good morning sleepy head."

Beomgyu groans again then lifts his duvet over his head. He mutters underneath, "don't talk to me."

Yeonjun rolls his eyes as he gets up next to Beomgyu's bed. He pulls the duvet down so he can see him properly. The sight he sees is Beomgyu glaring cutely at him.

Yeonjun tsks, "you ain't hiding from me. You have a lot of explaining to do from last night."

Beomgyu's gaze changes from annoyance to confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"Um hello? Do you not remember you left with an absolute hottie last night?!"

"I don't remember shit!" Beomgyu snapped.

Yeonjun heavily sighs.

"Well that does explain a little how I got back," Beomgyu affirmed calmly then asks, "but who brought me here?"

"You seriously don't remember the hottie you were ogling at last night?" Yeonjun deadpanned.

Beomgyu pondered for a moment before his eyes widened in realization.

"THAT hottie brought me back here?" Beomgyu cried out in shock. "And we had sex?!"

Then Beomgyu pouts with utter disappointment. If it were true, he would have wanted to remember hooking up with that extremely attractive man. He ultimately regrets drinking so much.

"How am I supposed to know? Although by how you're still in your outfit from last night, I assume nothing happened between you two and he was actually a gentleman who brought you to your dorm safely," Yeonjun assured.

Beomgyu's heart fluttered. There is a high possibility that assumption could be true. If there was something Beomgyu enjoys more other than sex, it's being taken care of. Knowing this man he briefly remembers could in fact be a gentleman that took care of him last night makes his heart swell.

Beomgyu suddenly has an idea to search for his handsome knight that took care of him. He wants to express his appreciation by giving him an aggressive, senseless make out session.

He wants this man in his bed now more than ever.

"So what happened to you last night? You disappeared," Soobin asked Taehyun before he takes a sip from his coffee.

Taehyun, Soobin and Huening Kai are currently at a coffee shop having a small brunch together. It's midday and they all decided to sleep in on this Sunday, which was much needed anyways considering they stayed up so late at the party they attended last night.

"I took someone back to their dorm. He was super drunk so I thought it was necessary," Taehyun answered honestly. After all, he didn't want anything to happen to the pretty boy he met so his chivalrous instincts kicked in.

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