7: Back For More

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After a night of sleeping his worries away, Taehyun thought he actually didn't care what Beomgyu's intentions are with him. He'll willingly indulge in whatever the pretty boy wants.

So when Beomgyu texts him to come over the following day, no doubt Taehyun skips a gym session after his Monday classes to go see him.

Choi Beomgyu
come over to my dorm
i'm alone
want to see you

Kang Taehyun
On my way

As Beomgyu opens the door, he immediately grabs Taehyun by his shirt to pull him inside before slamming the door shut, pushing him against it as he promptly attaches himself to his soft lips.

Taehyun chuckles between kisses, "couldn't wait?"

"Hell no."

After a minute or two, Beomgyu suddenly drops to his knees and starts to unfasten Taehyun's jeans without warning. Taehyun's breath hitches at the sight of the pretty male below.

"God I wanted this cock in my mouth all damn day," he said but then pauses to look up at Taehyun with pleading eyes, "you'll let me right?"

"Yeah, whatever you want."

Beomgyu grins with delight. This man surely knows all the right things to say to him. He shamelessly adds, "you can cum in my mouth."

In a blink of an eye, Beomgyu pulls down Taehyun's jeans and underwear until the garments were around his ankles. As he places his left hand on the back of Taehyun's thigh, he takes the flaccid cock into his dominant hand and starts stroking it diligently. Taehyun gasps at the cold touch then leans his head back against the door and closes his eyes from the pleasure. It doesn't take long until Taehyun becomes fully hard and Beomgyu hums in satisfaction.

Beomgyu kisses the head which makes Taehyun's dick twitch at the sudden endearment. He presses the cock firmly against his stomach then slides the tip of his tongue up the underside so light Taehyun can barely feel it. The sensation makes him inhale sharply and Beomgyu can feel his cock twitching at the effect. Then Beomgyu places his tongue at the base again but flattens it this time and begins to lick up slowly, eyes staring at the man above him. Taehyun softly moans with his mouth agape. Beomgyu internally coos at the reactions he's causing. He loves how Taehyun is so sensitive. Once he reaches the head, he grabs the length with his hand and wraps his lips over it, sucking just the head and swirls his tongue around making Taehyun pathetically whimper. He can hear Taehyun's breath hitch when he sucks a little harder.

An even louder moan escapes Taehyun's mouth when Beomgyu engulfs him completely. For a moment, it amazes him how Beomgyu seems to not have a gag reflex as Beomgyu bobs his head with ease. The rhythm is moderate and Taehyun tries so hard not to moan uncontrollably but his damn voice fails him.

Beomgyu moans in approval when Taehyun grabs his hair, tugging slightly from the immense pleasure he's receiving.

After a few minutes, Beomgyu suddenly sinks down all the way until he can feel Taehyun in the back of his throat. Taehyun's eyes fly open wide as he chokes out a gasp, tightening the grip he has on Beomgyu's lush hair.

Taehyun breathes out, stammering, "O-oh my g-god.."

Beomgyu stays there for a few moments before popping off. A smirk appears on his lips as he's twisting the shaft with both of his hands.

"Eyes on me baby."

Taehyun obeys and locks eyes with him before Beomgyu gets to work again. He never really thought he would continuously be in a subservient position before he met Beomgyu but he realizes he enjoys it whenever Beomgyu holds all the puppet strings.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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