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An hour later Lisa was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing. She slowly opened her eyes trying to figure out where she was before it all hit her.

She had sex with Park Chaeyoung.


She had lost her virginity.

And she couldn't remember any of it.

Panic washed over her as she looked beside her but every trace of the blonde was gone. Lisa could still hear the music blasting from downstairs. She slowly grabbed her phone and saw it was Jisoo calling.

"Hey Jisoo, I'm sorry my phone was on silent." Lisa lied. "Lisa! I was so worried oh god. Where are you? We are gonna head home now are you ready?" Lisa quickly got up and put her pants back on as the older girl was speaking. "Yeah I'll be outside in a minute." "Okay, you got some explaining to do." And with that Jisoo ended the call. Lisa didn't know if she was supposed to just lie or confess the truth.

Lisa got into Jisoo's car. "Where's Jaehyun?" Lisa questioned trying to distract both of them from Jisoo's weird glances. "Jungkook will drive him home." Jisoo started. "Care to tell me why you vanished for an hour and a half?" She added.

"Not really." Lisa mumbled. "Oh my god!" Jisoo grinned. "You got laid!" Lisa's eyes widened as she gasped. "N-No I didn't!" Jisoo smirked at her. "Who was the lucky boy? Or girl?" Lisa sighed, there was no point in lying. "I don't really remember, I feel weird." She uttered still being affected by the ecstasy.

"You drank a lot? I thought you only drink beer?" Lisa leaned her head against the car window as Jisoo started the car.

"I didn't drink." Jisoo seemed confused before she figured. "Wait don't tell me you took something?" Lisa grinned slightly giving Jisoo an answer "Lisa don't.." "Chaeyoung gave it to me." "Chaeyoung?!" Jisoo seemed even more confused now. "I didn't know she did drugs? And why would she even give them to YOU."

"I don't know Jisoo. It was a one time thing I swear."
"I'm gonna believe you I guess..." Jisoo seemed worried which was understandable, Lisa was like a little sister to her and she'd kill for her. She doesn't want her to ruin herself.

Lisa entered her house stumbling inside. Oh how she was praying her mother would be asleep by now. What would she even say now that she actually used the condom? But that didn't matter right now. What mattered is Lisa even getting upstairs without falling over.

After some time she managed to drop down onto her bed as everything began to hit her.

She had just lost her virginity to Park Chaeyoung. To her bully. And even worse, Chaeyoung was dating someone. Lisa hated Jungkook but she felt terrible for what she had done.

Will Chaeyoung ask her out now? Her heart skipped a few beats as she thought about being near the blonde again. What if Chaeyoung didn't even remember? Lisa's heart sunk in her chest as she figured she was probably just one of many people Chaeyoung had done this to.

Wait. Chaeyoung didn't even know Lisa's secret in the beginning yet she wanted to sleep with her. Does that mean Chaeyoung liked girls? Or was she just super high? A lot of straight girls kiss and make out with their friends when they're drunk. Just that they weren't friends. They were enemies.

A million thoughts were rushing thru Lisa's mind. And suddenly it all went,


Everything was peaceful. It seemed like she was still pretty much high. The silence filled her head and she quickly drifted off to sleep.


The next morning she felt an immense headache. Probably because of the ecstasy or maybe because her mother came inside and started asking all kinds of questions.

"Lisa are you hungover? I told you not to drink!" Her mother scolded the brunette who was barely understanding.

"Why did you come home so late? Did you find a pretty girl?" "Mom! No!" Her mom looked at her with a non believing expression. "Okay, then give me back the condoms they might be useful some other time you'll lose them." Her mother replied with a curious look on her face, seemingly already knowing.

"Uh... mom me and jisoo.. we m-made water balloons out of them you know." Her mother did not believe that and Lisa knew.

"Lisa, I know it's weird to talk about sexual activities to your parents but please just tell me when you participate in Intercourse I want you to be safe. So tell me if you did anything." Lisa sighed, her mom was right.

"A girl in my grade.. We did some stuff mom.." She finally confessed.

"Oh my god sweetie! Do I know her? I want to meet her!" Her mother exclaimed excitedly obviously wanting to know who her daughter has been 'hanging' around with. Not knowing it was her daughters biggest nightmare.

"Ugh no mom." Lisa groaned as she was still sleepy.

"At least show me a picture I might know her." Her mom added.

*lisa took out her phone and showed her mom the blonde* "oh my god! Lisa? No wonder you like her she is a very pretty girl!" Her mom said shockingly.


Later that day school was a suffocating blend of tension and unease for Lisa. The whispers in the hallways were louder, the stares more cutting, as the aftermath of the party continued to reverberate through the student body. Lisa's secret connection with Chaeyoung felt like a heavy burden, and the weight of it was almost suffocating.

Lisa kept her head down as she approached her locker, hoping to avoid any unnecessary confrontations. But as the metallic door clanged shut, her heart sank as a cruel laughter echoed behind her. Slowly turning, she found Chaeyoung leaning against the lockers, a sinister smirk playing on her lips.

"Well, well, well, look who's back for another round of humiliation," Chaeyoung sneered, her tone dripping with venom.

Lisa's grip tightened on her bag straps as she gritted her teeth. She had hoped that maybe, just maybe, Chaeyoung would relent in her torment after what they had shared, but it seemed that hope was in vain.

"You know, Lisa," Chaeyoung continued, her voice oozing malice, "I've been thinking. Maybe it's time for the whole school to know your little secret."

Lisa's heart raced, panic surging through her veins. She met Chaeyoung's gaze, her eyes pleading, anger mixing with fear. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, wouldn't I?" Chaeyoung taunted, her expression darkening. "Imagine the looks on everyone's faces when they find out you're not as 'normal' as you seem."

Lisa's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing as she tried to grasp the gravity of the threat. She knew that Chaeyoung was capable of cruelty, but the idea of her deepest secret being exposed to the entire school was a nightmare she couldn't fathom.

As Lisa struggled to hold back tears, a voice broke through the tension like a lifeline. "What's going on here?"

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