Secrets out

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A Month Later

It had been a month since the night Chaeyoung and Jungkook had such an intense fight.

Not a day later though, Jungkook acted like everything was fine, as always. This wasn't the first time he'd done this. And it certainly wasn't the worst time. Chaeyoung was just thankful he didn't touch her in inappropriate ways like he did a lot of times before.

This event changed Chaeyoung tho. Everyone noticed. Especially Lisa.

Chaeyoung avoided Lisa as much as possible, reverting to her rude and distant demeanor whenever Lisa tried to approach her. At school, Chaeyoung hadn't bullied Lisa in weeks, which raised more questions than it answered.

Lisa couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. Every time she tried to confront Chaeyoung, the response was always the same—a cold, dismissive rebuff. Even Jisoo noticed the change and expressed her concern, but without any concrete evidence, they were stuck.

As Lisa got ready for the day she couldn't stop thinking about the Blonde girl. Everytime she's getting ready she thinks about her. Not just getting ready, all the time. She thought about the Blonde haired, brown eyed, pretty girl all the time. She slowly started realising what she felt. She felt a lot of more for Chaeyoung than sympathy.

She wanted to do much more with her than sex. She wanted to do so much more than just help her with her situation. But the Blonde girls situation was obviously more important at the moment.


The cafeteria buzzed with the usual lunchtime chatter. Lisa sat with Jisoo, her eyes frequently darting toward the table where Chaeyoung sat by herself. Despite the uneasy truce, the tension between them was palpable.

"She's changed," Jisoo remarked, following Lisa's gaze. "I mean, she hasn't been mean to us for almost a month. But something's off. You can feel it."

"Yeah," Lisa replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "I need to talk to her. I need to know what's really going on."

Jisoo nodded, offering a supportive smile. "We'll figure it out, Lisa. We just have to be patient."

"I know, it's just hard." Lisa said chewing on her food.

"What do you mean, hard?" Jisoo looked at the younger girl curiously, not knowing what she meant. "There's a lot that has happened in the past months Jisoo.. I just haven't told you. And I won't tell you yet. It's dangerous. Give me time"
All Jisoo did was look at her curiously, but nodding her head.

The peace shattered abruptly. Jungkook stormed into the cafeteria, his eyes locked on Chaeyoung. The room fell silent as he approached her table.

"What the hell have you been doing behind my back?" Jungkook's voice boomed, echoing through the silent room.

Chaeyoung flinched, "what do you mean?" She said, scared of what he may have found out.

"Lisa." All eyes turned to Lisa, who was turning red.

Chaeyoung tried to stand, her face a mask of fear and defiance. "Jungkook, not here. Let's talk about this later."

"No, I saw the chats." Jungkook snarled, grabbing her arm roughly. "We're talking about it now. I know about you and Lisa. I know everything."

Lisa's heart pounded as she watched the scene unfold. She couldn't sit by any longer. Standing up, she moved toward them, her steps quick and determined.

"Let her go, Jungkook," Lisa said, her voice steady despite the fear coursing through her veins.

Jungkook turned his glare on her, his grip on Chaeyoung tightening. "This is your fault, isn't it? You couldn't keep your distance. Now you've got her wrapped around your DICK!"

Lisa's heart dropped. He must've seen the chats. The chats where Chaeyoung and her were talking about if they even needed to use protection, since Lisa only has a low fertility rate. Everyone knew.

Everyone. Even Jisoo.

"Funny isn't it? You were born a freak, a girl with a dick. Are you even a girl, Lisa? It's like we could smell you're weird. Like we could smell you're an outsider"

"Stop it, Jungkook," Chaeyoung pleaded, wincing as his grip grew more painful. "This has nothing to do with Lisa."

"Shut up!" Jungkook yelled, he raised his hands and hit her.

Not even a second later, Jisoo and a couple of other students intervened, stepping between him and Chaeyoung. "Back off, Jungkook," Jisoo demanded, her voice firm.

A teacher, alerted by the commotion, rushed into the cafeteria. "What's going on here?"

"He hit her!" Jaehyun shouted.

Jungkook released Chaeyoung, his face contorting with rage and frustration. "This isn't over," he hissed before storming out of the cafeteria.


As the tension slowly dissipated, Chaeyoung slumped into a chair, her facade of strength crumbling. Lisa knelt beside her, concern etched on her face. "Are you okay?"

Chaeyoung nodded weakly, tears welling in her eyes. "I... I didn't know he would find out. I'm so sorry, Lisa."

"It's not your fault," Lisa said softly, reaching out to hold her hand. "We're going to figure this out. Together."

"I swear I'll stop being mean to you, if anyone even looks at you in a weird way-" Lisa cut her off

"It's okay."

Jisoo joined them, her expressions unreadable.
"Lisa? Can we talk?"

Lisa looks back at Chae for approval and she nods her head. "Go I'll wait."

Jisoo took a step away from Chae and turned to Lisa. "What did he mean, you have a...?" Jisoo looked down pointing to Lisa's pants. Embarrassed, Lisa cleared her throat. "I do, but I'm a girl... I was born like this Jisoo. I didn't tell you cuz I didn't tell anyone. Only my parents and Chaeyoung knew."

"It's okay, I get it. But.. you and Chaeyoung? I thought she was straight..." Jisoo wondered.
Lisa shrugs in response. "Honestly, I never asked her about her sexuality. Things happened randomly at the party we were on a few weeks ago."

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