Chapter 3 part 1

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Next morning Nimona woke up groggy, having the best sleep ever, considering she never slept in a comfortable bed in a long time -maybe even enver- sniffing slightly she smiled brightly running downstairs, the pajama pants where rolled up so she didn't trip, "What's that amazing smell!" She smiled brightly, jumping on the chair and twirling lightly on it.

"Eggs, bacon, with waffles and hash-brown. Do you want to add fruits and wipcream on your waffles?" Ambrosious smiled brightly, not facing her yet, "Yes yes!" he had faint dark circles under his eyes, but it was normal. Yawning as he walked to sit down, Ballister smiled sleepily at Nimona and ruffled her hair. "Morning kid."

Letting the plate in front of Nimona, she breathes in the smell and devowers it, savoring each bite at the same time. "Slow down, kid." Ballister chuckles looking at Ambrosious with a small smile, "Thank you." Ballister came around the table and hugged Ambrosious he was about to kiss his cheek before Ambrosious chuckled and stopped him with a wooden spoon. "Yuck! Get a room!" Laughed Nimona and Ambrosious chuckled, kissing Ballister temple quickly.

"Sit down. I'm almost done with your food." Ambrosious stated before adding extra berries over his waffle. "There we go. Sunny side up egg, with two slices of bacon extra berries over the waffles. Just how you like it. Nimona, do you like yours?" Looking up at Nimona, she just nods, showing her empty plate.

"I'm still waiting for seconds!" Ambrosious laughed before nodding and adding another waffle with butter and extra wipcream. "Oh! Oh! Add more bananna!" Nimona shapeshift into a monkey before acting like one." "Alright." Ballister smiled eating his food peacefully, Ambrosious quickly joined with two plates, Nimonas and his. Eating his waffles with a bit of butter and syrup and fruits. All three of them ate in peace, Ambrosious drank his juice and sighed softly. Before taking his empty plate, he walked into the sink and started to clean.

"Let me do it." Ballister smiled, bumping the side of his hip with Ambrosious. "No, it's fine." Ambrosious chuckled. "Come on. It's the least we could do since you cooked." Ballister smiled softly, tilting his head slightly. "We? Sorry, boss, you're on your own." Nimona shape shifts back to her human self while using a toothpick to clean her teeth. "Come on, Nimona. Help me out." Ambrosious watched the interaction. Ballister had his arms crossed, and Nimona had her usual grin.

Goldenloin smile grew bigger. "We look like a family." Ambrosious breathed out, feeling his heart warming at the thought. "What?-" Nimona and Ballister said at the same time. The poor man froze with wide eyes chuckling nervously. "I-I said that out loud?" Ballister and Nimona nod in union. "Oh dear." Ambrosious sighed, chuckling embarrassed. "I'm sorry." Nimona smiled with a small blush on her cheeks, Ballister was the same, but with a bigger smile, his mustache quirquing up.

"I-Ill take a shower. I better see the dishes cleaned when I get out!" Rushing the bathroom, Nimona shouted. "Okay, Mom!" Ambrosious turned deep red, hiding his face with his hands, his lips in a small smile before showering.

"Really, kid?" Ballister smiled, crossing his hands. "What. He said we look like a family. Might as well be a hell of a one." Leaning away from the counter as she looked 'chill' with the thought. "Heh. Admit it, you're freaking out inside." Nimona gasped sitting up right. In reality, she was happy - "Don't make this weird boss." Taking her tongue at him, she smirked, feeling like the winner. "Okay! What do you want to do today, boss? Kidnap someone? Trash someplace? Burn a few houses."

Nimonas smile had a glint of evil, Ballister eyes widen in worry. "No! No, no. Why don't we stay here today?" Ballister tried to argue, but she groans. "Come on, boss! Let's create some chaos!!!" Nimona stood up fully and stretched. "Or maybe we can go around the city. And explore?" Ballister tried to calm the girl down, but it was useless. "Urgh! You're so boring!"

Ambrosious finished his shower and was fully dressed. His hair was still damp but was well styled. "Let her have her fun." Ambrosious chuckled before seeing the dishes still not finished. "What did I say about the dishes." He crossed his arms playfully, glaring at both of them. "On second thought, that sounds great, boss. Let's go!" Nimona rushed to the room and dressed quickly, Ballister already had his armor, and both ran away from there. "Come back! You haven't finished the dishes!" Ambrosious grumbled before chuckling and smiling, seeing the two of them run off.

Taking those chances, he quickly started to prepare his house. Cleaning all the dirty clothes, adding a few balloons, and baking a few cookies with the actual cake. "Oh, Gloreth." Ambrosious sighed heavily, flicking his hair back before fluffing back to its normal style. "This cake is a disaster." Ambrosious felt horrible before putting on his cape and rushing to buy cake with ice cream.

Ballister and Nimona had fun walking all over the city, this time without being hunted, mostly praised by many and kids bombarding Nimona for her to shapeshift into anything. Each time Nimona obliged, but loved it no less. Showing each kid how she can transform and how their smiles grow made Nimona smile back.

Ambrosious on the other side was freaking out. He bought Ballister a few gifts, but he wanted to get pajamas that actually fit Nimona. While getting two pairs of pajamas, he went and bought her actual clothes and even a phone in case. He had money to spare a lot- but still, he was weary about everything. Both hands filled with bags of presents and decorations while holding a cake and grocery he grew more and more nervous about dropping the food. He had to run back to his place, leave them unattended on the table, and run back out to get what was left.

"Whoa, boss! Look at us. I look good." Nimona flipped her hair -mostly bangs - while resting her hands on her hips. "Yeah." He sighs, staring at the wall smiling softly. "How did you...." Nimona raised a brow looking at him, "Yes?" She asked while crossing her arms. "How are you still... alive." He asked, looking at her with a worried gaze. She looked at herself and shrugged. "I'm not sure. But hey, let's go and scared the squire." Nimona smirked with her usual sharp teeth and transforming onto a small boy. -demon baby - "Oh, you're on. Whoever scares him the most wins."

Ambrosious was sweating. It was lunch already, and he only had half the decorations up, the ice cream on the freezer and the cake. There were still gifts to wrap and many the clothes he was drying outside ha dto be put inside. "Urgh! At this rate, I'll wish for Nimonas shift shaping abilities." He yelped when he saw the sky cloudy, rushing outside he quickly gathered the clothes. Mostly, we're soon to be Nimonas. Once inside, he rushed to get the decorations finished and started wrapping the gifts and hiding them.

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