chapter 5

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Next morning came, Ambrosious woke up with the sun, his back ached by the uncomfortable position he slept in. "Morning." Ballister smiled softly seeing his lover wake up. "Morning Bal." Ballister smiled and served himself and Ambrosious cereal. Ambrosious chuckled rasing a brow, "Hey you know I'm not a big fan of cooking." Ambrosious laughed a bit before eating his food, both of them walked to the bathroom and quickly washed their teeth. "Isn't Nimona usually awake at this hour?" Ambrosious mumbled while brushing his teeth.

Ballister nods with a frown, finishing with his teeth he walked to Nimonas room. "Nimona are you awake?" He knocked a few times waiting aswell. Ambrosious walked upstairs and frowns confused, Ballister grew worried and stated loudly, "I'm coming in!" Opening the door he saw Nimona on the bed trembling and sobving softly. "Nimona!" Ballister quickly rushed to her side, she was changing formes. Ambrosious eyes widen as he rushed next to her aswell. "I-i don't feel good pops." Nimona breathed heavy her body shaking, tossing and turning over the bed Ballister looked at Ambrosious with worry eyes.

"Ill call a doctor." Rushing downstairs he quickly dial someone Ballister stayed next to Nimona, her skin had red dots, it seemed she had a fever, but she transformed into anything every minute. "I-it hurts." Nimona cried while clenching the sheets, each time she transformed she sober a bit louder, "it burns." Ambrosious quickly took the doctor upstairs the woman was confused before running a few simple tests.

Ballister and Ambrosious waited outside the room Ballister was bitting his nails and Ambrosious was watching Ballister with worry. The door opened thedoctor sighs and shakes her head. "What happen. Is she okay? Will she be fine?" Ballister almost asked each second. "Bal let her talk." Both of them gave each other a look and nod. The doctor sighs and stated, "I'm sorry but I don't know what's wrong with her. Her heart beat was too fast her pressure was high, her sugar levels were low. And each time she transform something else came up. I'm not sure how to treat her."

Ambrosious was talking to the doctor for more information while Ballister held Nimonas hand each time she transformed he held her hand no matter what. "I'm going to the old library inside the Directors office. Maybe I can find something. In the mean time stay with Nimona." Ambrosious kissed Ballister cheek and kisses Nimonas head. "Stay safe." Ambrosious stated before rushing out of there and into the directors office.

Ballister worry grew by the days, Ambrosious didn't find anything in the time inside those old walls. The two lovers maintained contact mostly fave times and never hanging up. Even when Ambrosious fell asleep or vice versa. "I got something!" Ballister yelped startled while looking at the video call. "What do you have?" Ballister voice was low adverb, quite horsed aswell groaning he rubbed his eyes, Ambrosious had dark circles by many nighst un able to sleep and just searching for an answer.

Ballister was similar, he didn't have it bad but he always woke up to try and console Nimona. "Okay, says here. Back a 1,000 years ago, there were flowing lights in the sky. The colors were magnificent and unpredictable. One day the colors disappear and died down slowly. They transform into everything and anything before finally flying back to their land and reuniting themselfs with the sky." Balluster sighs rubbing his temple. "What does that even mean?" Ambrosious and Ballister were both edgy and annoyed, mostly by the many sleepless night. "I don't know but the drawing ut just shows a river then a big waterfall. They jumped down the waterfall."

Ambrosious showed the drawing and sighed rubbing his temple. "Come back home Ambrosious." Ballister breathed out with a tired gaze, Nimona stopped tossing and turning, but her skin had red dots. "Ill be there soon." Nodding at each other Ballister laughed a bit and saw the numbers over the call. "Seventy two hours, fifteen minutes and 33 seconds. That's the longest we have been in a call." Ambrosious chuckled with Ballister they gave each other a small mile and a look. "I love you Bal. I'll be home soon."

Ballister nods falling asleep when Ambrosious hanged up. Ambrosious had his hands filled with scrolls, he even serched the whole palace, to find another secret library it worked but they were just hallways to shorten walks or to save the queen or king that ruled. Rushing out that place quickly he got on his car dumping all the scrolls and rushed to his house.

"Bal! I'm back- why are there so many dishes!" Ambrosious sighed removing his armor quickly throwing them at the sofa before rushing to Nimonas room. "Bal, Nimona!" Ambrosious breathed heavy as he opened the door, Nimona and Ballister where sleeping, the poor guy sighed heavily and walked silently next to Ballister. He quickly let the scores over the small tabble and carry his lover bridal style before taking him to his bedroom and laying him down.

"Wait, no. Nimona." Ballister breathed out sitting up. "Shush. It's late Bal, go to sleep ilk stay with Nimona." Ballister shakes his head while trying to stand up but Ambrosious just pushes him back down. "No.... no you haven't slept since you left..... Ambrosious." Ballister breathed out again and yawns to tired to even open his eyes. Ambrosious smiled softly and tucked in Ballister, he fell asleep like a rock, walking upstairs Ambrosious took the scrolls and study them while keeping an eye out for Nimona.

His eyes grew heavy and he put the papers away before holding Nimonas hand softly yet tightly. She was still trembling, in pain he sighed and stayed close to her. Next morning Ambrosious was fighting sleep, with a small groan he walked downstairs and drank coffee took a glass of water aswell and walked upstairs. "Nimona. I need you to drink this." Ambrosious tried to speak softly and sit up the girl. She just ended up whimpering and sobbing silently. "I-It hurts." She breathed out but he let the glass touch her lips and make her drink it.

After a few long sips she moved her head he quickly put the glass away and make her lay down. "Ambrosious?" Ballister yawned and stretched walking inside the room and seeing Ambrosious reading the scores livid. "Ambrosious." Ballister hugged his lover and kissed his head to calm him down. Ambrosious quickly hugged back with a tired sigh. "I think I know how to help her but it's a long shot." Ballister looked at Ambrosious quite confused. "What else can we do? We've brought five doctors and all of them say the same thing." Ambrosious nods at his words but let's Ballister rest his head over his chest and shoulder.

"It's a long shot but if we follow the river to a waterfall we might get answers. In the scrolls by the end of the waterfall it all shows a huge building and that's it. It's our last choice..." Ambrosious sighed wrapping his hands around Ballister lower back. Keeping him in a tight embrace Ballister accepts it and holds him tightly. "You should sleep Ambrosious. We will continue this latter."

Ambrosious nods a bit sad and tired before he nods. Taking a quick shower before laying on his bed he was knocked out by the lack of sleep. Taking a well deserved 13 hours of sleep. Ambrosious woke up in his bed with. Ballister snuggling close to his chest, smiling a bit he pulled him to snuggle closer and kissing his head drifting to sleep again. Ambrosious woke up by the sun, sitting up he walked to the bathroom washed his teeth and walked to Nimonas room. Reading the scrolls with a more clear mind he hums softly taking every bit of information. "We will leave in two days." Ballister froze as soon as he entered the room. "What?"

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