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Stan's pov

"Oh uhh who's your crush" wendy asked me. I froze. I don't really know who's my crush i mean I've always admired kyle a little bit.

I really like his red curls that peak out of his hat and his freckles sprinkled all over his face. I think that i maybe have a little crush on kyle to be honest.

When we had the fight i was really drunk and didn't think properly what is was doing and i just did whatever came to mind. When i woke up i was spammed with kyle saying that he hates me and me being homophobic. I don't think that i was homophobic cause i never had any problems with people being gay.

And I'm so stupid of refusing to take the bus to school cause i was too scared that kyle will explode at me and say really bad things. So i begged my parents to take me to school. That worked for 3 years but now they said that i should just take the bus.

I'm not allowed to drive anymore cause my parents are too scared that I'll get drunk and get in a accident. It's stupid to be honest.

I don't know why kyle is taking the bus too cause he must have a car. When we were 14 he always said that when he was 16 he'll drive a car and he will drive me to things. It was so fun when we were friends.

Wait why am i thinking about kyle so much do i really have a big crush on him. Oh god.

"Hello earth to stan" wendy said. "Oh uh what" i said. She rolled her eyes. "I asked you who is your crush" she asked. "Oh uhm promise that you'll not be angry with me" i asked her. She signed. "Yes stan i won't be angry" she said. "Well i think that i... i uhh have a crush on... k-kyle" i said.

Her eyes widedend. "Wait you're gay. all this time we've been together and you were just admiring kyle your best friend" she said. "Uhh yeah kinda" i said. She signed again. "It's fine stan it's fine" she said. She gave me a little smile. "And i don't know if I'm like gay gay you know" i said. "Maybe you're Bisexual" she said. I nodded. "Yes maybe i am" i said.

Kyle's pov

I signed deeply when i walked through the hallway filled with people.

I needed squeeze myself through the people in the hallway. My first period was math. I really like the subject math but not the class itself cause i have math and many other classes with stan.

I walked in the class and sat next to kenny. "Hi ken" i said with a bright smile. "Hi kyle have you made your homework" he asked. I sighed. He always asks for the homework. "Yes i did here the answers" i said and i gave him my homework. "Thanks kyle" he said.

*time skip lunch*

I sat at my normal table with cartman and kenny and butters.

I didn't saw stan at Wendy's table tho i don't know why. He always sits with wendy since they were together and when they broke up he sat here. When we had the fight he just eats in the toilet if they broke up so i guess they broke up and stans in the toilet.

I saw stan walking in and walking towards our table. Why is he doing that?

"Hi do y'all mind if i sit here?" he asked. He smiled. "I don't mind" kenny butters and cartman said. I shrugged. He sat next to me. "Why aren't you sitting with wendy did she break up with you again?" i asked him. "Yes we did and for what it's worth it i actually broke up with her" he said.

"What you did that's great dude why tho i thought you were head over heels about her" kenny said. "Yes i was but not anymore and i have a crush on someone" he said.

"It's probably kyle. I can see it how you look at him" cartman said
Stan's face flushed red. "N-no it's not" he stuttered.

Wait why is stan blushing like crazy when cartman said that. "Who's the lucky girl?" I asked him. "N-no one and who said it's a girl" he smiled at me. I started blushing like crazy. "I uhm i i need to go yeah I'll see ya'll bye" i said fast while running away to the restroom.

I was flustered as fuck. I need to hate that boy he did so much wrong things i can't have a crush on him i just can't. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was everywhere. I hate my hair it's always so poofy and fluffy. I turned the sink on and made my hair a little bit wet so it isn't so fluffy anymore. How do i hate this boy if he gets me so flustered?

Author's note

843 words. I love this chapter to be honest but hate it at the same time idk I'll see where the story goes

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