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Stan's pov

I woke up with a curly red haired boy in my arms. That's when i realised it was kyle.

I widened my eyes and pulled him away from me.

I don't really remember much from last night, but i do kinda remember that kyle said we could be friends again and that he forgives me. He couldn't sleep, so i took him in my arms, and we fell asleep.

God, i'm so stupid. What if he now doesn't want to be friends with me.

I heard someone groan, and i'm not lying that that was the most beautiful groan I've ever heard.

"Are you awake?" he asked me with his beautiful morning voice. I smiled when i heard his raspy voice.

"Yes.. Yes, I am" i said with a smile. He smiled back i at me. I checked the time and it was 10:30 am.

"Should we see if the others are awake?" Kyle asked me. I nodded and stepped out of the tent.

When we were both out of the tent, we saw our parents and ike and firkle sitting together.

"You boys had a good night rest?" Sheila asked us.

"Yes, mom, we had" kyle said with a smile. I blushed intensely, but i don't know why.

"Stan, you okay hun you seem sick" my mom asked me. "I'm fine mom really" i said.

"Okay hun" my mom said and smiled at me.

Kyle walked to a chair, and i did the same. I sat next to him, and he gave a confused look but smiled at me.

He gave me a cheesy smile. I blushed intensely AGAIN.

I think i always liked kyle. His emerald green eyes and his red curly hair that he's so insecure bout, but it's actually the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

When we were 13, we promised each other that we'll get married if we'll never found anyone. I was so happy that i actually broke up with wendy. And i said to myself that I'll never fall in love with anyone so i could marry kyle. Now that i think back about it that was really fucking gay.

"Earth to stan" kyle said in a loud tone. I snapped back to reality.

"Y-yeah what's wrong?" I asked him.

"What were you thinking about" kyle asked. I blushed.

"Uhh n-nothing. J-just someone i really like" i stuttered. Shit why did i say that now he's going to ask who i like.

"Mhm who do you like then Stanley" kyle said. He grinned widely.

"Uhh uhm" i said.

"Why are you blushing so much are you flustered stanley" kyle said in a soft tone.

I blushed more.

Goddammit kyle stop playing with me now we're in public everyone can see us and you get me flustered as fuck.

Kyle's pov

I know stan has a crush on me i can see it I'm not blind.

I mean i wouldn't care cause i like him too so much.

It's fun seeing him flustered so i just keep playing with him to make him flustered and I'm gonna flirt with him when I'm alone.

I know this sounds crazy but i just am. Deal with it.

Today, we're going to a zoo. Ike firkle are going to be only with eachother and i know me and stan's parents are going to be with eachother too. So it'll just be me and stan. I love that idea.

* Time skip they're now at the zoo*

Stan's pov

I just see that Kyle's playing with me. In the tent, he kept flirting with me. It got me so flustered. I know he doesn't have a crush on me but i just can't help falling for him more and more.

We arrived at the zoo and my parents said that me kyle and firkle could just scan our tickets already and go.

Me and kyle walked to the place were our tickets could be scanned and we walked in.

"Where should we go first?" I asked him. He just smiled at me. Goddammit stanley you're blushing again.

"You're blushing again it looks so cute" kyle said and he had a grin plastered on his face.

"Kyle goddammit stop making me flustered" i said. Shit why the FUCK did i say that now he doesn't wanna be friends with me anymore and thinks that I'm a loser for liking my best friend.

"Oh so~. I make you flustered" he said with confidence. I saw him blushing like crazy.

"I mean, you're not the only one i get flustered from you to, but" kyle said as he blushed more and more. His face almost matched with his hair.

He chuckled.

"So what you wanna do (make out?? Yes or no??)" He asked. I heard him mutter something after that to.

"Mhm what did you say i heard something coming out like a yes or no but i couldn't quite make something out of it" i said.

Kyle's face was now the same color as his hair.

Kyle came closer and whispered something in my ear. "Wanna make out yes or no" he said. (Wow that was quick kye😧) He walked away from me.

I was red as fuck.

And i froze.

I mean ofcource i wanna make out with kyle. I mean, it's kyle. Kyle fucking broflovski.

Kyle's pov

I froze for a second after i said that. And then i just walked away from him.

What if i was just being delusional again and he doesn't like me.

Goddammit we were just friends again.

I started running when i heard some running after me.

I froze when i heard someone calling my name.

I looked behind me, and i felt arms wrap around me. "S-stan" i said.

Stan's pov

I wrapped the red haired boy around me.

I pulled him away from me and looked at him. "Yes" i said with a smile.

Kyle looked at me confused "huh" he said.

I chuckled. "You asked if i wanted to make out with you and i said yes" i said with a grin.

His eyes widedend.

"D-do you like me. Like.. like like me.. like romantically" kyle asked me.

I nodded.

"Oh thank god i thought that when i said that you'll think i'm pathetic and all" he said.

I laughed. "I'll never find you pathetic" i said.

"Soo d'you wanna go somewhere private" i asked him.

He smiled and nodded at me. "I know somewhere follow me" kyle said. And he put his hand in mine.

I felt my stomach filling with butterflies.


I'm sorry for not writing this whole week but i was so tired and i had such a busy week and i had my school trip yesterday and i actually planned on writing then but i was so tired that when i came home i immediately fell asleep so I'm sorry and here i an extra long chapter with 1103 words😨😨.

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