Chapter 6

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1 week later again:

Sky's pov:

I stared at him silently as he typed away on his phone with a smile on his face.

He's been different this past 2 weeks.

He's been smiling much more, and more at ease too.

He's usually more laid back and quiet but now he's almost always beaming with cheerfulness.

While I'm happy about the change, I'm really curious as to how it came about.

"Rain?" I spoke, successfully catching his attention.

He looked at me, smile still plastered on his face.

I couldn't help but smile as well, seeing the smile reaching his eyes.

"What's gotten you smiling so much these past 2 weeks? You've been like a walking ball of sunshine and flowers."

He blinked a few times before his cheeks flushed a bright a red.



I grinned as i realised what was happening.

That explains why he's on his phone so much more now.

"Ok, who is it? Tell me everything. Don't leave a single detail out." I leaned over the table slightly.

He looked away, covering his face with his palm.

"Oh, come on. Don't be so embarrassed. Tell me." I pulled his hand away.

He cleared his throat. "You can't tell anyone yet."

I nodded. "I won't."

He leaned forward slightly, talking in a quiet voice so only i could hear him.


My jaw dropped low at that.


"P'Phayu? The god of our faculty? The one who everyone admires so much?" I whisper yelled.

He smiled sheepishly and nodded.

Well shit.

I was wondering why his mood would sour anytime p'Som or Ple would swoon over p'Phayu around us.

Who would've thought.

"Now, you really need to tell me all the details. How did you meet? What's the progress?" I moved closer to him, even more intrigued now.
I stared at him as he finished telling me everything.

His eyes were twinkling in a way that I've seen only when he talks about Sun. And he was positively beaming.

"You really like him, don't you?" I asked slowly.

He nodded. "I don't need to put on a mask or change how i act when we're together. And he would always take the lead and do everything instead of me having to do everything by myself. It makes me feel so free."

I could feel my heart melt at the way he looked absolutely whipped.

I'm glad he had someone like that now.

He's always doing everything for himself and Sun. Always shouldering all the responsibilities.

I'm glad he's ablw to let go when with p'Phayu. He can let someone else take charge for a change.

"And he treats Sun so well too. Sun told me he feels as if he got a second older brother even. He feels safe with him like he does with me as well." He sighed happily.

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