Chapter 18

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Phayu's pov:

I sighed softly as i gazed at the person laying on the bed.

The room was silent except for the beeping of the vital monitors attached to him and the soft sound of his breathing through the incubator in his mouth.

The last few hours felt like complete and utter hell.

On the way here, his heart stopped once and p'Beam said it stopped twice during surgery even.

But somehow they were able to resuscitate him every time. Which was a miracle in itself.

The bullet had damaged nerves and caused internal bleeding. And the bleeding from his other wounds had sent his body into shock as well. Not only that, the head wound had caused some haemorrhaging in his brain which was another point of concern. The surgery took 5 whole hours.

He's still not out of the woods yet. They still need to keep a close eye on him. P'Beam said he can't guarantee anything right now since the bullet had hit such a vital point. 

I thought my whole world would fall apart when i heard him say those words. I had fallen to the floor, only anchored by Pai's arm around me.

So now here he is. Covered in all kinds of wires and a tube down his throat to help him breathe.

Sky was sitting on another chair on the other side of the bed, also staring at him with worry all over his face.

I gently took his hand into mine, being careful of the numerous wires attached to him.

"Baby, you can't leave, ok? I need you. Sun needs you. We need you here with us. You can't leave us." I pressed my lips on his fingers gently.

Of course, there was no response from him.

Sky took his other hand into his and squeezed gently without saying anything.
I perked up when I heard a commotion outside the room.

I turned toward the door just in time for it to slide open.

One of the nurses was standing there looking anxious.

"Khun Phayu, it's Khun Sun." She spoke quickly.

I immediately put Rain's hand down and shot up from the chair before rushing out.


Waking up after what he experienced without Rain by his side definitely would have freaked him out.

I rushed to the room right next door where p'Beam was standing a few feet away from the bed.

Sun was sitting up on the bed looking terrified, his body shaking like a leaf, and with tears in his eyes.

I went inside, making sure to enter his line of sight before gesturing p'Beam to leave the room.

He nodded and went out.

"P'Phayu!" Sun sobbed and reached out when our eyes met.

I quickly went to the bed and sat down just in time for him latch onto me.

I hugged him carefully, being mindful of the bruises on his abdomen.

"You're safe. There's no danger here. It's ok." I whispered as I rubbed his back and patted his head gently.

"Wh-where is this? Where's p'Rain? He was with me before I passed out." He hiccuped softly.

"We're at p'Beam's medical wing. And Rain is in the room right next door." I answered honestly.

He pushed back and I could see the alarm and fear in his eyes.

"Wait, room next door? He's hurt?"

I pursed my lips.

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