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"Hey! come one Nicols, don't be afraid," a boy with tall height and brown curly hairs shouts and pulled the other boy with black straight hairs who was only a few inches shorter than the other into the dark room. The candle flickered at the center of the room making the face of a boy and three girls sitting around it glimmer in the dark. The other two boys came and join them.

A girl with short black hairs whispers, "So, Let's begin with our ritual." Beside her, a girl with brown long hairs tied in a pony nodded and take out a doll from her bag. She put it  near the candle and smiles.

The other boy with black curls and the fairest skin among them all begins, "Well then let me explain the ritual. First of all, we need a doll and a drop of blood from everyone's finger. Second, we need salt to make a circle around the doll as protection. Then we will put one drop of blood of each player on the doll's forehead. Then we all together will say, 'The Harmony Ghost please come and play with us. We invite you to stay with us for a night'. Well, we need to take care of some points.

1. The circle should not break or the spirit inside the doll will escape. And the game should start exactly at 3 am.

2. We should end the game after we ask all our questions with the Harmony ghost by saying, 'We thank you to come and answer all our question. Now I request you to please go' and then burn the doll's forehead where there is blood or she will trace you everywhere leading to your death.

3. If in between the doll showed even the slightest movement, be careful and end the game that instant because the spirit is angry and she is trying to get out of the circle to kill you."

Nicols was still shaking with fear. He screams, "We should leave it and go home. I'm already telling you it would be better. Leave my hand Michael."   

   "Shut up! You're a scaredy cat," Michael said - boy with brown hair. he forcefully made Nicols sit there and laughs. 

"I guess, we should go," Scarlett - the girl with bangs and black hair said. 

   "What did you said sweety, I didn't hear you," the girl with pony said while lifting one of her eyebrow. 

Scarlett's lips were shivering. She slowly shakes her head and reply with a frightened voice, "No-no-nothing." She swallow hard and looks at Nicols with soft and sympathetic eyes. Nicols shares the same expression with her.  

They all started the ritual and started playing the game. They get to know the answers through small indications like moving of curtains, flickering of candles and seeing something else. 

"It's time to end the game," the boy with black curls said. "You all know how to do that. Speak together or she will not go."

They all did as they were told. But Michael stops in between and smirks. 'Let's see what happens next', he thought. 

   After the ritual was over he excitedly said, "Why not play some horror games before going home. I'm bored right now." 

   "I think, it's late so we should go back," Scarlett said. 

"I agree with her," Nicols said with trembling and freaked out sound.

   The girl with a pony frowns and said, "Did I heard someone say something?" They all started to laugh except Scarlett and Nicols. 

"I have a plan. Let's play Charlie Charlie. It's in trend right now," Michael said and take out a paper and two pencils. They set the two pencil on top of each other and set them on the paper.

  "I will ask the first question," Michael said "Are you still there Harmony ghost." The pencil moves a bit and point towards Yes. The candle starts to flicker and everyone looks at each other. 

"That's impossible. We ended the game while keeping the rules in mind," the girl with short hairs said. 

   "Something's there. I saw it," girl with pony said and starts shaking. Everyone looks at her scared. Scarlett swallow hard and stare at the girl with pony. The girl stands and shakes, she pointed to the wall in front of her and winks at Michael. Michael smirks and takes the chances and throws a red liquid on Nicols. He stands up screaming and his face turned paled. He was shivering. Everyone burst into laughter. Scarlett stands and offer him her handkerchief. 

   "Look at the love birds. How sweet," the girl with pony said with a smirk and everyone again starts to laugh. Nicols looks at Scarlett but she lowers her head down. 

   "It's pretty late. Let's go home," the boy with black curls said and everyone packs things up. 

They all move out of the garden and was passing when bright light hits them. They turn their heads up to see a large truck appearing from nowhere. Their eyes widen, they were paralysed. And trucks runs towards them. Scarlett could not see anyone inside the truck and everything turns black for her.

word count: 459

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