Chapter 6

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Jimin's POV:

I had to have a little chat with Tessa. She recruited Chloe, so she might know a little more. I walked up to her and Chloe.

"Hey, Tess, can I talk to you privately?" I asked, looking over at others and then at her. Tessa hummed and followed me to one of the rooms, closing the door behind her when I signaled her to do so.

"Remember Amy?" I asked, looking over her shoulder though the doors were closed.

"Oh yeah, your party hookup?" Tessa and I had this chemistry that just worked well together. we'd always had each other's back and just understood each other in ways others couldn't. We'd been friends since high school and saw each other through phases we wished we never even went through.

"Yeah, now remember when I told you Chloe had a familiar face?" I asked, resting my hands on my hips.

"No way....." Her eyes widened.

"Yes. Should've seen the look on her face when I called her Amy," I scoffed, shaking my head as I looked down at my socks for a moment.

"Wow, what a surprise, man," Tessa mumbled, still in disbelief.

"Now you know how things are with the woman in the past. They always come back for something, so what will we do about this one?" I looked over her shoulder again to make sure no one was snooping around.

"Honestly, Jim, she hasn't asked for anything. Usually, They'd claim to be in love or carrying your child, but she hasn't done either of those," Tessa mumbled, walking over to the desk and leaning against it.

"She told me this job was too good to pass up because of her past," I explained, turning to face her. She'd have to know about Chloe as she was the one who interviewed her.

"It is a good job and a very well-paid one at that." She shrugged, making her thinking face.

"Are you sure she's legit? What happened at her previous job?"

"The restaurant she worked at was a front for a mob boss. She and the whole staff lost their jobs, so it's really no lie there," Tessa responded, the sound of her long nails tapping on her phone catching my attention. I looked over the article she showed me on her phone that backed up Chloe's story.

"I see...I should probably have this conversation with her later." I sighed, holding my hand out to help her up so we could get going.

"You should," Tessa hummed. "Has she done anything you don't like?"

"Nope, she's truly a professional. Every time I compliment something other than her her cooking, she just gives me a nod," I replied honestly, stopping our moment as we continued to talk.

"She did the same thing with Eun-woo," Tessa mentioned, making me roll my eyes.

"Eun-woo's already flirting with her?" I didn't know why I felt so invested in this or why it bothered me so much.

"You know Eun-woo stringing people along just to disappoint them," Tessa replied in a tone I was familiar with. Seemed like she was talking from personal experience.

"What's that supposed to mean, hmm?" I questioned, raising a brow at her.

"Nothing," she mumbled, flashing me a quick smile followed by a nervous giggle. Funny how she still tried to lie to me even when I knew her so well.

"No, it's something. Tell me." I blocked the door so that she couldn't move. She opened her mouth but then closed it.

"Dinner's ready, sir," the butler said as he entered the room. Tessa took that as her moment to go.

Thank u guys for reading this I know it's short but don't worry I got some more coming up

Chapter 7 coming up soon- Author

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