Chapter 11

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Chloe's POV:

After I kicked out Jimin last night, I ended up calling Camila and Nicole. Nicole was staying at her boyfriend's place, and she even offered to come back home, but I didn't need or want that. I just wanted someone to talk to, and they were both there for me when I needed them. At some point, I managed to get some sleep, but Camila did mention she wanted to talk to me in the morning.

When I woke up, I checked up on Kai, and when I saw he was still sleeping, I decided to get myself ready for the day. while I was putting on my clothes, I saw my phone ringing. It was my sister.

"Hey, Camil," I answered the phone.

"Good morning! How are you and Kai?" she asked, some pots clinking in the background.

"Little guy is still asleep, and I, uh, I'm good," I said, mouth gaping a little as I applied mascara. I was not so sure what the plan was for today, but I did plan on being ready for anything.

"Can we talk?" she asked, using a tone I feared a little.

"Will you allow Jimin to be in his son's life?"

"I'm not sure yet..." I sighed, picked up the phone, and walked out to the kitchen to start my breakfast.

"What do you mean?" Camila asked.

"He came into my house and disrespected me like that," I replied.

"As much as I agree with you on that, I still think he deserves to know his son,"

"He never even knew about him, so what harm will it do?" I tried to avoid this conversation and hoped she would too.

"Chloe-" she sighed but was still determined.

"Whose side are you on, Camila?" I asked angrily, clenching my fists as I stared at my phone.

"Kai's," she answered confidently "Right now he's a happy little boy, but at some point, the boy will grow curious about his father," Camila spoke calmly, trying to argue her point. I knew deep down she was right. Kai deserved to know his father, and Jimin had the right to get to know his son.

"I have to go. There's someone at the door," I mumbled, ending the call as fast as I could.

I hung up and went to see who it was. Was it Nicole again? Perhaps she forgot her keys again. Or maybe it was the old man above us. His cat always escaped, and would sit out on our fire escape, but Ginger wasn't here, so it couldn't be him.

"Yes? What are you doing here?" I glared at him, holding the door open a crack.

"I'm here to apologize....donuts and coffee?"
Jimin said sweetly, holding a box in one hand and a cup in his other.

"What coffee is it?" I asked, looking down at the drink he had brought me.

"Ice coffee," he answered, squinting his eyes a little he probably guessed it because his coffee was almost done.

"Fine, come in," I mumbled, opening the door for him.

"Thank you," Jimin grinned, coming in immediately.

"I know I crossed the line yesterday as you're still my boss, but-" I started to say, knowing I still wanted this job, so in a way, I'd have to apologize for my behavior.

"I know. And you don't have to explain yourself. I was out of line and shouldn't have accused you of those things," he said, sitting down on the couch.

"Mmhmm. I understand how it may look to you, but I'm not here for your money," I replied, surprised at how calmly we were both handling this.

"I think I was just too surprised and acted in the wrong manner. I'm just shocked you never searched for me," Jimin said, leaning forward from where he was sitting and inching closer to me.

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