Chapter 29

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Tessa's POV:

The next day.....

I watched as Eun-woo spoke with a model, I couldn't help but feel jealous of the way he was flirting with her. He didn't owe me anything, yet it sure felt like it. After all these years, it still affected me somehow. Maybe he was the reason I had commitment issues. I had to try to keep things cool and pretend like everything was okay like I had been doing around him for years now.

"Eun-woo, I need you to sign these." I cleared my throat, holding the piece of paper out in front of him. He read the header then frowned, took the paper, and told the model to give him a moment.

"What's this about?" Eun-woo asked, making me roll my eyes. Couldn't he read?

"The agreement with the new photographer?" I informed him, resting the palm of my hand on the surface of his desk

"Shouldn't Jimin be sighing these?" Eun-woo asked, reading through the first page and then looking back at me.

"Yes, but he's not here right now. He went with Kai to get some sort of shots," I explained, sliding the pen over to him so he could sign it.

"Shots? Isn't he too young for alcohol?" Eun-woo frowned, looking up at me. I looked at him for a moment, wondering whether he was serious or not, and he seemed to be deadly serious.

"Vaccine shots, you dumbass." I sighed and shook my head.

"Oh! Oh, okay, okay." He laughed awkwardly.

I watched as he read through the agreement for a minute, signed the papers, and handed them over to me. while I checked if he signed correctly, I heard him call the model over and began chatting with her again.

"Hey, there's also a meeting you'll have to attend on his behalf," I reminded him while I realized Jimin would never make it back on time. I did have to say- since his date, he had been acting somewhat differently.

"Why can't you do it?" Eun-woo groaned.

"Because this has to do with the clothing line, which I am only a secretary for, but for the shoe line, I am the right woman." I shrugged, turning on my feet to walk away after checking everything.

"So, I have to attend?" He asked, raising a brow at me.

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight?" I heard him say to the lady, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Luckily, I wasn't facing them. I started walking towards the room where the meeting would be held and heard Eun-woo coming up behind me.

"Will you be attending the meeting too?"

"Yes, for the shoe line, as Jim will not be present," I explained.

We both went to the meeting; this was the first time I was in a meeting with Eun-woo here. I couldn't help but stare at him at certain moments, at the way his lips parted whenever he got serious, and how he would let that strand of hair dangle in front of his gorgeous eyes. I took a deep breath, looked down at my notepad, and listened to the proposals being made, trying to focus slowly on them.

Luckily, after the meeting, we all went our separate ways, and I finished up the work I had at the office before taking care of my things with Nicole. She seemed to be a good architect, and we were both excited to be working together. Just when I thought I was done with work, Jimin called me back in for one last request.
That night.....

Once I got home, I kicked off my heels, threw my bag to the side, and walked straight to the kitchen to get a cold glass of apple juice. I pulled my phone out and saw my phone had a notification. I opened it up and saw my photo gallery showing me a prom photo from years ago. Wow...

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