Chapter 16

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Jimin's POV:

After leaving Chloe's apartment, I headed to my car and made my way back home. The first thing I did when I arrived was head to my office. I always had very trust in people who weren't family, and I always tried being careful with situations that included pregnancies and children. Therefore, I was questioning Chloe's integrity.

Pulling a brown envelope out from under a pile of unopened mail, I looked at it. This envelope held the truth. I had submitted a DNA test when I first confronted Chloe but never read it since I had previously taken Chloe's words as the truth. I ripped it open and pulled out the paper.

It was a match...I was indeed the father of Kai, and I felt relieved. I had grown to love the child a lot. However, I now realized how much I had screwed things up with Chloe, but I assumed she'd understand. I'd go over tomorrow with donuts, coffee, and cake pops to make it up to her. (Boy........)

I took the day off from work because I needed to meet with Chloe. we had to smooth things over. It was all just a misunderstanding, and I assumed she'd get it. But, of course, she had every right to be angry with me right now. When I got to her apartment, I knocked on the door and waited patiently for her to open up, but instead, I saw a very irritated Nicole at the door.

"Oh, good morning. I'm here for Chloe," I said, looking over her shoulder and instead finding that the apartment was too quiet for one where a toddler lived.

"Chloe's not here right now," she informed me in an annoyed tone. I assumed this meant Chloe told her about what happened last night.

"Nicole, I'm serious. Let me in I need to apologize to her," I demanded kindly.

"Oh, so now you believe her?!" she raised a brow at me, leaning against the doorframe.

"The test confirmed so," I answered quietly.

"You're a funny man, Jimin I just never thought you'd be such an asshole." Nicole shook her head, and man it did not feel good being judged in person. With things like tabloids, it was different because they didn't know me.

"Nicole, I just want to speak with her and see my son," I requested kindly once again.

She stared at me and then sighed. "They left."

"Where to?" I raised a brow at her, slightly panicking. What if she left for good?

"I won't tell you that," Nicole replied.

"Did she say when she'd be back?"

"She said when she felt like it. Also, I assume that means she quit her job?" Nicole mumbled. I could tell she wasn't lying. If Chloe and Kai were home, the little boy would've been running around already by now.

"Just tell me where she went, please," I begged, but it was no use. Nicole made up her mind, and I couldn't blame her for looking out for a friend.

"No, now good day, Jimin." She shut the door in my face, making me blink, my mouth hanging open before I collected myself.

I stood there staring at the door and took a deep breath. Where did Chloe go? Did she run away with my son? She better not have. I had no idea where she might be, not to mention, she didn't have her car either. I got into my car and hesitated about whether to call Tessa or not. I knew she'd scold me, but I could really use her advice, so I rang her up, and to my luck, she was available. As predicted, I got scolded, but she did mention Chloe might be at her sister's place. it was worth a try, so I started the ignition and drove there. I saw another man standing there. his eyes were locked on mine as I walked to the house.

"This is private property," said the man, who I assumed was Chloe's sister's husband.

"I just want to know if Chloe's here," I replied, looking around and trying to see if she was here. It was a lot harder now that she didn't travel in her car.

"You're Jimin?" He asked black brow in an arch.

"Yes, I am," I answered and watched as his expression changed to a disappointed one.

"She doesn't want to see you right now. Leave," he said, walking past me to the front door.

"Just let me apologize to her, man" I begged, letting out a sigh.

"After you humiliated her so many times and questioned her integrity?!" he asked, getting angrier with each word that left his lips.

"I made a mistake let me fix this. She can't keep me from our son," I said, my eyes going to Chloe, who just opened the door.

"Chloe, I'm handling it," The man said, looking over his shoulder.

"It's ok Shawn. Let me finish this up quickly," She replied and stepped out, waiting for Shawn to leave first before turning to me. She didn't say a word. She just stood there, eyes glaring into mine with her arms crossed.

"Chloe, I'm so sorry-" I began to apologize but was interrupted.

"What made you come back? I don't want to see. Don't you get it?!" she said rudely, shaking her head in disappointment.

"I came to apologize," I said calmly.

"So you can accuse me of being a liar and a gold digger again? No, thank you," Chloe replied, coming down the steps to be closer to me and making me back away slowly. I hoped my chest wouldn't get poked this time.


"Are those donuts, coffee, and cake pops?"

"Yes, I-"

"You can take them with you, we don't want them. Now leave." She pointed away from where she stood.

"Are you really going to be like this?" I sighed, shoulders slumping. I didn't come here to fight I Just wanted to make things right.

"Like what, huh?" Chloe raised a brow at me, never giving me a chance to answer. "Did you expect I'd just accept your apology like that?"

"What can I do to make it up to you?" I truly wanted to fix things. I had to fix things. She didn't deserve to be treated this way.

"Nothing. What do you want?"

"To be in Kai's life. I took the day off. Can I take him to the park?" I replied, letting out a sigh again at how difficult she was being.

"Oh, so now he's your son?" She asked, laughing to herself.

"The DNA test says so." I shrugged. (THIS MAAANNN TF YOU IS SHRUGGING FOR!? Don't you take shit srsly?)

"Of course...." She muttered to herself.

"Let me take you out, I swear I'll make it up to you," I promised. All I wanted was one more chance, and this time, I wouldn't mess it up.

"No. What you'll do is take our son to the park, and I'll accompany him because I don't trust you to be with him by yourself," She answered. She seemed to have made up her mind and was unwilling to change it.


"You're my son's father and my boss. Nothing more," She snapped, making sure I knew where we stood. This was my fault. I hadn't trusted her, and I ruined things between us. (You be saying that like there was anything going on in the first place-)

"Fine. When can we head to the park?" I asked. Taking baby steps might work.

"After he's done with breakfast." She answered.

Wellllll looks like Jimin has a longgg way to go to make it up to her and at least he gets to see his son that was nice of her but anyways guys that was Chapter 16 hope u guys enjoy it make sure u read vote comment and to enjoy urself thanks and bye bye.

Chapter 17 coming up :) -Author

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