Chapter 19

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Chloe's POV:

I didn't want Jimin's family to meet Kai yet. I was scared of their judgments, but now, I couldn't avoid it anymore. they already knew about him. I gave Jimin a nod and then got up. there was still a bit of my ice cream left, but I didn't want it anymore. I felt full and sick at the same time. I went to get Kai. Of course, he wasn't happy, but I explained how he had some other family members to meet.

Jimin helped me bring Kai to his car seat. when we got into the car ourselves, I noticed he put his phone on silent, probably because it kept getting notifications. Once we started to drive, I finally looked over at him to talk.

"Do you happen to know how this happened?" I asked, though I already had a clue.

"No clue. It's only Tess who knew from my side. You?" He looked over at me for a moment then focused back on the road.

"Xavier. He must've done this." I sighed and leaned back into my seat.

"That fucking asshole," I heard him mutter under his breath. "Well, it goes without saying, you'll have to move to a secure location," he stated, making me frown.

"Xavier knows your address, and I fear you'll have paparazzi there," he explained, and I nodded and calmed down. he had an excellent point, though I felt guilty about leaving Nicole like that with rent and all.

"I can't just leave Nicole there. I'm responsible for half the rent." I sighed.

"You can keep paying that." He shrugged, almost as if it were no big deal for me to pay rent for two places. He saw things differently than I did.

"I know you pay me a lot, but I don't want to spend my paycheck on rent alone," I reminded him.

"You'll stay at my penthouse with Kai," he replied in an obvious tone, almost as if I should've known that already.

"I don't feel comfortable moving in with you, Jimin." I glared at him. Was this yet another move of his to get us together?

"No worries. Just take the penthouse. You'll only be responsible for your groceries. I'll move into my house." he stopped at the red light and looked over at me.

"You have a house?" I asked, surprised.

"Mmhmm. It's a little further from work and big and empty, which is why I favored the penthouse more, but it's fine," he explained, and I just nodded. I always assumed his house was just the penthouse, and other real estate he owned were just assets.

"Are you sure?" I asked to make sure I wasn't overstepping or anything.

"Of course. the safety of you and Kai matters to me," he said in a serious tone, brown eyes focused on me. I nodded and turned back to look out the window. We kept passing many luscious deep green trees as we went up the hill, slowly arriving at his parent's mansion. This now made me curious about what happened with his father.

"Feel free to answer, but I'm wondering if your father is still around," I then asked, making me think back to my dad. He was such a sweet man. Kai would've loved him a lot.

"No. He passed away a few years ago," he replied coldly.

"Sorry for your loss," I mumbled.

"What about you? Where are your parents?" Jimin asked, looking over at me.

"You already know my dad passed away during one of his tours, and my mom well, she kicked me out when she found out I was pregnant. So I cut all ties with her, and Camila did so as well years before me, so I truly have no idea if she's even alive."

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