Part 1

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Sleeping. If there's one thing I could do forever, then its sleeping. Why? just the way you can escape reality. it's only in dreams where everything is a fairy tale. You can have hopes, dreams, happiness. 

It may not be permanent but still, it is something. Unfortunately, you would have to wake up. Open your eyes and face reality, face the harshness of the world. It's funny to be honest, how cruel people can be with no regret or remorse. 

If there was anything I regret, it was coming in New York. Maybe it was just my college that was like this, who knows. I had no idea what goes on in other places but still, it doesn't change the fact I hated it here. 

Right now, I'm standing at the door of my college. Not because I couldn't go in but because I had to . The thought of being alone already bothered me to the brim. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a complete loner. Actually, I have one friend from here.

Reina Rose. If there is anyone could count on, it's her. I met her one months after I started attending college. Reina had spent a good amount of time around New York, so it was only certain that she knew her way around here. Without her, I have no idea where I would stand right now. Unfortunately, she's quite known at school.

She's known by everyone and friends with all. If she isn't friends with you, it's either she doesn't like you or just knows you but prefers not to speak to you at all. I dont hate it, I mean it's good to be social, but it gets so awkward for me. 

Not because I dont know how to be social, no. It's just sad that I can't because the people around here are the same people who made me the way I am now. 

Let's just say my first 9 months in New York were the worst years of my life. A little life lesson, don't fall for the wrong guy. 

It may seem like the best feeling ever, but it could also crush you in seconds. Don't be fooled by what you see, that's something I never took to mind. I was blinded by the feelings I had which only caused destruction. Rejection. 

You will never know how much it hurt till it happens to you. When you realize you have no other option but to suck it up. If not for God, I have no idea how I would have survived. I won't say I've recovered. 

Every day, I see him. I see him walk pass me like nothing ever happened and all I can do is watch. 

If you are wondering, then yes, I am in my final year. The last three years were spent in Africa because my parents could not afford the trip to New York yet, which is sad but I'm grateful I'm here now.

I sighed. There was no point thinking about all this, it's only wasting my time. Finally gathering up the courage, I open the doors to the school. 

I held my belongings tiredly as I made my way to my first class. Normally, people would just hang around the hallway till class starts but I had no one to even speak to so what's the use anyway. Reina wasn't even going to make it till few minutes before class starts. 

I lazily walk into the class, greeting the Literature teacher and finding a chair at the back of the class. My favorite spot. Easiest way to distract yourself but I could care less, the window view was worth it. 

Time soon started to run by as more students made their way to class, obviously not without giving me the weird stares, mostly from the boys. I received this a lot to be fair. After that whole situation, this was the result. Me being judged every day I set foot through that door. It was their way of taunting me.

It wasn't long before Reina was rushing through the door, earning a snarl from the teacher. ''you're late Mrs. Rose, again''. Reina sent her an apologetic look with an innocent smile. 

''I'm sorry Mrs. Tila, it won't happen again''. she said in a hurry while making her way to my side. Mr.'s Tina rolled her eyes. ''that's what you said yesterday, and the day before that. Next time it happens, you won't be so lucky''.

Reina's face changed. She knew what that meant. The punishments around here weren't so pleasing so it was always best to avoid it. She then started her teaching about a novel that she would assign for us to read as an assignment later on. Reina then nudged my side. ''how was the weekend?''. she whispered.

 ''the usual. Sleep, eat, dance, work all over again''. Reina rolled her eyes at me, as usual. I saw it coming already. My life had to be the most boring life a college student could live. You might expect me to go to parties every night, get wasted. Have occasional sex every now and then. I just couldn't bring myself to such lifestyle.

It was way too stressful for me anyway. Personally, I had better things to keep me busy than to waste my time having constant orgasms.

 Although Reina always tried to persuade me into partying with her, I did that once and never attempted it again. 

''when will you finally let loose and have fun for once, Willa?'' She spoke beside me. She always tried to push me out of my comfort zone and I'm actually so grateful for that.

 Most people would have given up on me by now so I appreciate her efforts but it's of no use. The only time I agree to go out with her is if we're going shopping or buying food. Anything beyond that has passed my capacity. 

''you know what? I'm going out with a friend today and you are coming'' she said sternly. My face changed expression, ready to refuse but she stopped me there. 

''hold it. whether u like it or not, you will be there. It's just lunch anyways so you have no excuse, end of story''. Still, I wasn't really in the mood for outings right now. I had things to sort out at home. ''but Reina, I still-'' ''end. of. story''.  She cut me off.

I sighed and sank into my chair. It was of no use trying to argue. She seemed pretty serious too. Guess my new book had to wait then. 

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