Part 3

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Reina had been trying to convince me all week to attend Luciana's little gathering. As soon as she mentioned it, I was quick to refuse the offer. I had no reason to not go for it if I was being honest but I just wanted to avoid seeing new faces.

Let's just say making new friends was just naturally a no for me. It was always awkward for me. What the hell was I supposed to say anyway? It's not like I can't make friends, I just do it when it's necessary.

Reina didn't let me breathe the whole week. It was currently Friday in the afternoon. Luciana too, would sometimes remind me about it. She had started to hang around me a lot more than I expected, considering the fact that we just met but I guess she's just really social. We were slowly becoming a trio, it did feel nice to have a fresh company other than Reina but I wasn't going to accept it out loud.

There was something strange I noticed though. I had been getting stares from everyone as I walk pass and this started after they spotted me with Luciana, mostly the girls. Initially, I thought it was maybe because they were shocked that a girl like her is hanging out with a girl like me but now, it kind of seemed like it was something deeper.

I hadn't told Reina about this yet. She would probably say I'm being paranoid. I for sure knew I wasn't. Just not too long ago, I heard someone say

''how is she hanging out with her, does that mean she's friends with him?''

Like who the hell is 'he'?

I made a mental note to personally ask Luciana myself.


''Willa c'mon, don't be a pussy''. Reina whined like a child. So I'm a pussy now? well that's new. ''y'know, that just gives me more reason to refuse''.

I replied back boredly, sipping my drink as we continue walking.

''But Willa, you said that these are your kind of stuff, why are you refusing?''. Luciana pitched in her curiousity.

I myself didn't know why I was refusing. I dont know? probably because it's been ages I attended any function and besides, nobody invites me for anything anyways. I guess I was scared?

''Look Willa, as much as Reina may seem really unbearable right now, she's right you know. You can't continue locking yourself up at home like that, it's not good for you''. Luciana stopped walking and turned to face me fully. I sighed while looking down.

''You know what, how about this. If you get there and you feel anything but comfortable, I will personally drive you back home''. She said with utmost sincerity.

Her words warmed my heart, that was such a thoughtful thing to do which only made it difficult for me to refuse. I thought about it for a while. should I do it? I mean, she's willing to bring me back.

''you promise to bring be back home?''. I repeated, pointing my finger in her face, still doubtful. Luciana nodded with a smile on her face. ''Wait a second, does that mean you are actually coming along?''. Reina asked with pure shock on her face.

I didn't blame her. I, too was about to shock myself with my reply. ''I guess''.

I ended up covering my ears most of the time we walked because Reina couldn't keep her mouth shut for even a second. Guess she's been waiting for this oppurtunity for a really long time now.

Both girls dragged me to a cafe near by to celebrate their little victory in finally persuading me to join them. I sighed tiredly as I allowed myself to be used by them. I really hope I don't regret this idea.


Okay bad idea, I'm starting to regret agreeing to this. Why did I even agree to this? oh right I remember, because Luci volunteered to bring me back if I wasn't comfortable. Way to go Willa.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I might be feeling like shit but at least I didnt look like it. I wore a white sleeveless dress that stopped by my knee. It was pretty decent for an outside event. To prevent any misfortune, I wore shorts under. The dress was pretty light so any wind that blew would cause trouble. I then picked out a white sneaker to go with the dress.

I always wore sleeveless due to how much I sweat. Another damn insecurity. I couldn't just wear a normal shirt without creating a big patch on it. I had tried everything to stop it, but it just never did which was sad.

I now had to wear specific kind of clothes to prevent embarrassment for myself.

I adjusted my wig properly and added the wig glue to keep it intact. I would have carried my hair but I had no energy to start combing it for about an hour and a half. Let's just say, having curly hair isn't all rainbows.

I carefully brushed the bold curls to prevent it from loosening. I always loved curls, it was just sexy.

I picked up my favouritue perfume and sprayed myself everywhere.

I locked my room door as I finished and made my way to the living room. Luciana said she would be here any minute. Luckily for us, she has a car which saved both Reina and I money from calling an Uber.

My phone rang, receiving a message that's she's here. I sighed and picked up my bag, I guess I'm really going for this, huh?

I locked my front door before turning around to see two girls in front of me. ''you look amazing, Willa''. Luciana complemented. I mumbled a small 'thank you'. It felt nice getting complimented by a pretty girl. ''I still can't beleive you're actually leaving your house''. Reina said happily. I simply rolled my eyes.

''trust me, I can't believe it as well''. I replied. Reina's expression changed a bit, sensing my weird mood. Was my distress that obvious? she stepped Infront of me and held my hand. ''I know that this is such a big step out of your comfort zone, so I have to say that I'm so proud of you, Willa''. Reina said genuinely and I couldn't resist the urge to wrap my hands around her.

''thank you, Reina. That's so sweet''. I couldn't be more grateful for having her in my life, honestly. She slowly pulled back with a smile on her face. ''enough of this emotional shit, we have an outing to attend!''. Reina screamed like a mad woman.


Luciana slowly pulled up at a huge looking house which gave me goosebumps. I thought we were going to a garden or something. Why are we at a house? We all made our way out of the car. I stood and wondered my eyes around. This was sure one beautiful house. Whoever who owned this surely was a blessed human being.

The compound was big enough to host a freaking party. It sure did have a lot of flowers around. The floor was well tiled, all the way to the front step. It was more like an estate because other houses around here looked like this which only made me wonder who was lucky enough to own this. The building was white just like other ones.

''welcome to my humble home''. Luciana spoke with a small bow which only made my eyes to pop out.

''This is your house!''. I practically yelled at her. She can't be serious about this. She nodded with a giggle. ''dont worry, I get that alot''. I only turned to Reina with my wide eyes. She seemed pretty relaxed about it, probably because she had seen this place before. She looked familiar with it.

''come in''. Luciana motioned us as she held the door open. I couls smell the richness of the house. It was just so fancy. I could practically see my reflection on the ground. I was met with a very huge living room. When I mean huge, I mean HUGE. The couches were black in colour, same with the mat on the ground. There was a small glass table on top of the mat, in the middle of the couches. I then layed my eyes on the big TV screen which was probably the biggest i've ever seen.

I could here faint noises but I couldnt tell where it came from. ''as much as I would love to show you around Willa, we have to head to the garden. That's where everyone is''.

everyone?. Oh good Lord.

This one was a bit longer than the last one, sorry if it's too long 😂

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