Part 22

383 13 0

Dante Brambilla

We spent another four hours in my office, discussing what was needed to be sorted out. By the time we finished, my head was hurting from the number of papers I had gone through. 

''So, what's up with the chick? have you told her yet?''. I frowned at the phrase Giovanni used in describing Willa, but I let it slide, watching him pouring a good amount of alcohol in the glass in front of me. 

''How can I tell her that?''. I question, glaring at him. When my father had dropped the news about me needing to get married, I had told them that same night, but we never got into deep discussion about it. This was the second time the topic was being raised since I was too tired to think that night. 

''How the fuck do you expect him to say it? hey Willa, sorry to burst your bubble but we need to fucking get married''.  Alessandro mimicked and snickered. These two are so unbearable sometimes. 

I sighed, taking another taste of the bitter sweet drink and cringed when it hit my throat. There was so much at stake. First off, me needing to get married against my will in a few months, the Spanish mafia coming back for some sort of revenge, and how to break the news to Willa about this marriage. 

I couldn't even imagine myself at the altar with another woman. God forbid would I even let that happen. Since the day I met Willa, not only had she invaded my mind no matter what I attempt to do, but also made every other woman heavily unattractive. Fuck, I've not even had sex since the day I saw her. 

She made touching another woman feel disgusting. If she doesn't agree to marry me, that means my parents would have to find a suitable woman for me which I dread so much. 

''Do you even know how to go about this? you seem so confused which is unlike you''. Asked Giovanni, and hell was he right.

''I actually have no idea. Willa isn't one to jump into things, we literally just started getting along smoothly. If I tell her, I dont want her to assume it's for my own benefit''. I said, relaxing on my chair. 

This came at such short notice. I needed more time if I was going to make her my wife because I sure knew I wasn't going to marry any other. 

''And you're a Don''. Alessandro added and I furrowed my brows at him. ''What?''. Even though I knew exactly what he was implying.

''You do realize you're the Don to the most powerful-'' 

''and dangerous, if I may add''. I rolled my eyes at Vani's comment. Like I didnt know that already. 

''Like I was saying before this fucker interrupted me''. Vani ignored, sipping his alcohol and typing away on his phone. '' You are the Don the most influential mafia to probably exist today and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Have you thought about how she's going to react when she finds out''. 

My hands tightened on my chair. The thought of Willa finding out about me had me terrified. What would she think of me? will she see me as a monster? like how everyone else views me. Will she still want to be around me? Will she still like me? 

Who I'm I am kidding; she would never want to be around me when she finds out. What would a perfect woman like her be doing with a monster like me. Even just hearing my name brought enough terror to people. I couldn't lie to myself; I was scared shitless. 

''I dont know''. I murmured, still deep in thought. I couldn't lose her, not when I was finally finding happiness. Not like I wasn't exactly happy, but I wasn't fully content with my life. I knew that I couldn't be the Don forever. 

I had always secretly craved intimacy with a woman I will love with my whole heart, just like my parents. To wake up to seeing your whole world right in front of you, as my father described. 

To be eager to come back home after a long and stressful day, knowing that your stress would be removed from your shoulders the minute you step in. 

I had shut the idea of this a long time ago when I realized the situation of my life. It wasn't all roses. I was indeed a dangerous man, being around me was very risky knowing that an amount of people wanted me dead. Heck, no woman even caught my attention. They were all the same and wanted the same thing. 

All these had shut down when I met Willa. I knew for a fact that I was falling for her. Fuck, I've probably even fallen completely in love with her. Everything about her was perfect. Her presence brought me nothing but peace, it had me wanting to be around her all the time. I couldn't afford to lose her, not when my life was finally falling into place. 

My phone vibrated on the table and the notification immediately made me smile.

1 new message from 

La mia regina

 Picking up the phone, I unlocked to see what it said. 

'Sorry for disturbing. Just checking to see if you're feeling better. You looked pretty stressed when leaving.'

My heart swelled at her concern. She was just giving me more reasons on why I can't let her go. I do realize how I could put her life in danger if she gets involved with me but fuck it. I'm a selfish man and I did not plan on ever letting her go. I'll protect her with everything I have, even if it cost my life. 

'Don't ever feel like you're disturbing me, Bella and If it makes you feel better then yes, I feel do much better.'

''Now why the fuck is he smiling like that?''. Giovanni said, clearly wanting to tease me. He already knew who I was texting. They both knew. 

'Okay that's good, I feel much better now.'

My smile only widened at her comment. This woman was going to be the death of me.

'You were worried about me, Principessa?' 

I anticipated her answer, taking the last sip of my alcohol. I was acting like a lovestruck teenager for fuck's sake. I needed to get a grip of myself. 


A laugh erupted from me. She was always so stubborn to admit her feelings, from what I had noticed. 

''My days, Dante. You are so fucking pussy whipped''. Alessandro said and I glared at him which he and Giovanni ignored. 

Sometimes, these fuckers were so unbearable for me. On a regular day, I would have punched his face like I normally do but I couldn't because he was so right. I was so fucking whipped and that was because of a certain woman with brown eyes and sun kissed skin.


Happy new year everyone??!?!?!?!?!!?!?

First chapter of the year, 2024!!

Anyways, I wanted to announce that some changes will be made in the previous chapters. I'm not really satisfied with them but dont worry, you will barely notice.

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