Chapter 16: Frigid Vengeance

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Talon and Y/n stood in a secluded corner of their hideout, their voices hushed yet filled with purpose. Talon relayed the latest intelligence she had acquired, revealing the presence of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli on the icy planet of Alzoc III, accompanied by Master Aayla Secura.

"We have an opportunity to strike a blow against the Jedi without crippling the Republic," Talon explained, her voice tinged with calculated strategy. "You will eliminate Luminara, but leave or only injure Aayla. We must maintain the balance of power."

Y/n nodded, absorbing Talon's instructions. The mission was clear, and he knew the weight it carried. He boarded the invisible ship and embarked on his journey to Alzoc III.

As the ship descended onto the snowy planet, doubt gnawed at Y/n's mind. He telepathically reached out to Talon, questioning if they had arrived at the correct location amidst the vast expanse of ice. Talon reassured him that they were indeed on the right mission, and he nodded uncertainly before landing.

Observing from a distance, Y/n noticed that Luminara and Aayla had split up, each taking a different path. He chose to follow Luminara and her battalion of clones, knowing that he must eliminate the clones before reaching his target. Silently, he began taking down the clones one by one, concealing his Force signature to prevent Luminara from sensing his presence.

With the clones dispatched, Y/n approached Luminara from behind, only to have her finally detect his presence. She turned, her eyes widening as she faced the Sith assassin. Unbeknownst to her, it was Y/n beneath the mask.

A dialogue ensued between them, as Luminara questioned Y/n's motives and the path he had chosen. Y/n revealed a shocking truth - that Luminara had known him during his time as a Jedi. He removed his mask, exposing his face, leaving Luminara in utter disbelief.

Gasping, Luminara continued the conversation with a mix of shock and confusion. Y/n inquired about Barris Offee, Luminara's former Padawan, and learned of her struggles since his departure. He sensed the weight of Luminara's strict training and how it hindered Barris' true potential.

The tension between them escalated, and they engaged in a swift and intense battle. Y/n's advanced training and newfound powers proved too much for Luminara's conventional Jedi skills. Within minutes, Luminara lay lifeless on the snow-covered ground.

Claiming her lightsaber as a trophy, Y/n remarked that it would make a valuable addition to his growing collection. With Grievous' four lightsabers and Adi Gallia's weapon already in his possession, the collection now expanded.

Before Y/n could depart, he sensed the approach of Master Aayla, drawn to the moment Luminara became one with the Force. Swiftly, he donned his mask and made his escape, heading back to his ship. Aayla called out, questioning his actions and demanding answers, but he cryptically replied that she would soon understand. He bid her farewell, sending greetings to Barris and expressing hope that she would find a better master than Luminara.

Once aboard his ship, Y/n soared through the skies, leaving Alzoc III behind. Returning to their hidden base, he was welcomed by Talon, her voice filled with pride and admiration. They engaged in a dialogue, with Talon commending him on yet another successful mission.

Y/n presented Luminara's lightsaber as proof of her demise, though Talon assured him that she trusted him implicitly and he did not need to collect the Jedi weapon. Still, she expressed gratitude and added it to their growing collection of Jedi lightsabers, a grim testament to their victories.

Their dialogue concluded with a shared understanding of the path they had chosen, the darkness that enveloped them, and the powerful alliance they forged. Together, they would continue to dismantle the Jedi Order and solidify their position in the ever-shifting tides of the galaxy.

(Lets be real guys, I don't think any of you like Luminara or will miss her so thats why I just made it that the battle was few minutes :D)

(also I'm sorry that I didn't post for a few days, but tomorrow I'm going on a week vacation to Greece so I had to pre-write some chapters (got like 6-7 done so I'll hopefully post it from there from mobile), anyways hope you enjoyed the new chapter and the next one will be posted on Monday.)

Edit: Changed my mind, I'll post 4 chapters now, and 3 when I come back since when I tried posting it from mobile if completely fucked up the whole thing and I had to sort it like 10 times so yeah, sorry guys.

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