Chapter 19: Dathomir and Serenno

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As Talon and Y/n stood together, Ventress departed for the Nightsisters, seeking their aid in their mission to bring down Count Dooku. Left alone, Talon turned to Y/n, sensing his curiosity bubbling beneath the surface.

Talon: What is it you wish to know, my apprentice?

Y/n: (hesitant) Well, I was wondering... when do we get rid of Ventress? She can be quite bothersome, constantly trying to flirt with me.

Talon's eyes narrowed, her expression turning dark with a tinge of possessiveness.

Talon: (furious) How dare that wench attempt to steal my man? Fear not, my love. Once our business with Dooku is concluded, we shall deal with her accordingly. But first, I intend to forge an alliance with the Nightsisters. We can use their planet as our base of operations. As for Ventress, her death will be orchestrated to appear as if she was eliminated by the Separatists.

A mischievous smile tugged at Talon's lips as she pulled Y/n onto her lap, her touch possessive and seductive.

Talon: Remember, Y/n, you belong to me and me alone. No one else. (she kisses him passionately)

At first, Y/n was taken aback by her forwardness, but soon he found himself returning her kisses, his hands gently caressing her lekku making her softly moan. Their intimate moment ignited a passion that seemed to consume them, their lips locked in a fervent embrace.

Minutes that felt like hours passed before they finally broke apart, their breaths heavy with desire. Y/n marveled at Talon's skill as a kisser, his astonishment evident in his eyes. Talon seductively smiled, satisfied with his reaction.

Talon: (whispering) You belong to me, Y/n. And I to you. Now, will you be my boyfriend? (pauses) And eventually, Emperor by my side?

Y/n's heart swelled with joy as he eagerly accepted both offers, his answer a resounding "Yes." Their lips met once again, sealing their newfound bond.

Unbeknownst to them, Barris had been watching their interaction from the doorway, overcome with happiness for her big brother. She quietly slipped away, content in the knowledge that Y/n had found love.

(They aren't siblings by blood but they have sister-brother bond :))

After a few hours, Ventress returned, her expression filled with a mix of frustration and grief. She informed Talon and Y/n of the loss of her Nightsister allies, slain by Dooku himself. Talon made mental notes for their plan, vowing to seek retribution for the fallen sisters.

Ventress: (grimly) They're gone, killed by Dooku. I'm ready to strike back, to take revenge.

Talon: (calmly) Patience, Ventress. We will deal with Dooku, but first, we need a powerful ally. We shall visit Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters. She may hold the key to our victory.

Ventress agreed, and together they started the journey to Dathomir, leaving Ventress outside as Talon and Y/n met with Mother Talzin. The alliance was forged, with Dathomir serving as their base of operations. Mother Talzin agreed to support their cause in exchange for Dooku's demise.

Talon: (to Y/n) Now, my apprentice, I shall send you with Ventress. Your strength in the Dark Side is formidable. Together, you will eliminate Dooku.

Y/n and Ventress arrived on Serenno, standing before Dooku's opulent palace. Y/n revealed his true force signature, catching Dooku's attention. The Sith Lord recognized the power emanating from Y/n, similar to that of Darth Sidious.

Dooku: Who are you? What is your purpose here?

Y/n: (calmly) I am the Sith assassin who took the lives of General Grievous and General Trench. And now, I shall take yours.

Before the fight could commence, Talon reached out to Y/n through their telepathic connection.

Talon: Let Dooku kill Ventress first. Only then shall you strike.

Y/n smiled in agreement, a sinister plan forming in his mind. Dooku and Ventress engaged in a deadly duel, but Ventress found herself overpowered and decapitated before she could ask for Y/n's assistance.

Dooku turned his attention to Y/n, a mixture of curiosity and fear in his eyes. Y/n unleashed a barrage of Force lightning upon the Sith Lord, who retaliated with his own power. The lightning clash raged between them until Y/n's strength prevailed, electrocuting Dooku.

Y/n: Stand up, Dooku. That would be too easy of a kill.

The two engaged in a lightsaber duel, Y/n seamlessly switching between various forms, disorienting Dooku. With each move, Y/n pressed closer to victory, ultimately severing one of Dooku's hands. The realization of his own vulnerability filled Dooku's eyes with terror, yet he fought on with one hand, determined to survive.

In a final strike, Y/n severed Dooku's remaining hand, leaving him defenseless. Y/n raised his lightsaber, admiring the weapon that would become a treasured addition to his collection, before swiftly beheading Dooku.

Y/n retrieved Dooku's lightsaber along with Ventress's lightsabers, making his way back to Dathomir. Talon and Mother Talzin greeted him upon his return, the former pleased to see him without Ventress, while the latter inquired about her whereabouts.

Y/n explained how Ventress had rushed ahead recklessly, resulting in her own demise before he had a chance to intervene. Mother Talzin thanked him for exacting revenge on Dooku, leaving to attend to her own matters.

Talon: (smiling seductively) My apprentice, you have done well. Dooku's demise brings us closer to our goals. Our new base on Dathomir will be a formidable stronghold.

Y/n: (grateful) Thank you, Master Talon. I'm honored to serve you and be a part of this plan.

Barris: (entering the room) I couldn't help but overhear. So, Y/n, you finally have a girlfriend, huh?

Talon: (chuckling) Yes, Barris. It seems our young Sith assassin has found love. Isn't that right, my dear?

Y/n: (blushing) Yes, it's true. Talon is... everything to me. I never thought I'd find someone who understands me like she does.

Barris: (grinning) Well, congratulations to both of you. Love can be a powerful motivator. And with your newfound partnership, we are even stronger.

Talon: (smirking) Indeed, Barris. Together, we will bring about the downfall of the Jedi, the Republic and the Separatists. Our combined power will reshape the galaxy according to our desires.

As their words filled the room, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Talon, Y/n, and Barris stood united, their bond forged in darkness, ready to unleash their collective wrath upon their enemies. The stage was set, and the shadows of betrayal grew ever darker, casting a veil of uncertainty over the galaxy's future.

(Also just for your info, there won't be any smut, not from me at least, mostly because I have no idea how to write one, but anyways if y'all want a smut for this book someone write it, send it and if its good I'll post it there but thats the best you'll get :D)

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