Chapter 29: A Unified Force

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As the days passed, Talon, Y/n, and Barris gathered in their war room to plan their next move.

Talon leaned over the holographic map, pointing to Kamino. "Y/n, I think Kamino should be our next target. If we take out their cloning facility, it will severely cripple the Republic's ability to replenish their forces."

Y/n nodded in agreement. "Agreed. It's time to show them that we mean business."

Barris chimed in, "I'll make sure our clones are ready for the assault."

With the plan set, Y/n embarked on the mission to Kamino. Accompanied by a squad of loyal clones, they descended upon the cloning platforms.

After eliminating the Kaminoans and setting the bombs, Y/n's squad reported that they were ready to depart. Y/n contacted Talon and Barris through his comlink. "The mission is complete. I'm coming back."

Back on Dathomir, Talon and Barris welcomed Y/n with smiles and congratulatory nods.

"Great work, Y/n. Taking out Kamino's cloning facility was a brilliant move," Talon praised.

Barris added, "Now the Republic won't be able to produce new clones. We're making real progress."

In the shadows, Abeloth observed their interactions, intrigued by the strength of their bond.

Later, Y/n found himself meditating alone when a mysterious presence appeared before him. He ignited his lightsabers, ready to defend himself.

Abeloth stepped forward, her voice a melodic whisper. "Fear not, young one. I come in peace."

Y/n's guard lowered slightly, but he remained cautious. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

"I am Abeloth, the Beloved Queen of the Stars," she introduced herself. "I have been watching you and your companions. Your bond is unlike anything I've seen before."

Talon and Barris joined Y/n, sensing his unease. "What do you want from us?" Talon demanded.

Abeloth smiled serenely. "I wish to join you. I see great potential in your cause. Together, we could lead the galaxy to a new era."

Y/n raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Why should we trust you?"

"Because I offer you power beyond your imagination," Abeloth replied. "With my help, you can defeat your enemies and achieve your goals."

Talon and Barris exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of the offer. But Y/n sensed an opportunity. "Very well. But there's something you must do for us first."

Abeloth tilted her head curiously. "And what is that?"

"We need you to help us destroy the droid facility on Geonosis," Y/n explained.

Abeloth chuckled softly. "Is that all? Consider it done."

With an almost effortless display of power, Abeloth demonstrated her abilities by tearing the droid facility apart.

Y/n, Talon, and Barris were impressed, realizing they had underestimated her strength.

Y/n nodded, acknowledging her abilities. "Very well, you may join us. But remember, we are in charge here."

Abeloth nodded gracefully. "Of course. I shall aid you as you see fit."

With their newfound alliance, the quartet prepared for the next phase of their plan. As the Republic and Separatists prepared to retaliate, they knew the battle ahead would be fierce and unforgiving. But with their bond and newfound ally, they stood united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The galaxy would soon witness an unprecedented clash of power, and its fate hung in the balance.

(Well thats that, now, the next chapter is most likely gonna be the last one, the great last battle type of thing, full army vs. full army and in the end all 3 siths against the remaining Jedi + Abeloth vs. Sidious or something like that, we'll see)

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