Chapter 23: Revelations of Darkness

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From their base on Dathomir, Y/n, Talon, and Barris stood together, their eyes filled with a twisted sense of satisfaction. Y/n had successfully eliminated several Jedi Council members, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Saesee Tiin, Eeth Koth, Agen Kolar, Oppo Rancisis, Coleman Kcaj, Depa Billaba, and Stass Allie had all fallen to his relentless power. As they celebrated their achievements, Talon leaned in and passionately kissed Y/n, expressing her admiration and desire for him.

Talon: (whispering) "My love, you have proven yourself to be a true master of the Dark Side. The Jedi Council is crumbling before you."

Y/n: (smirking) "Indeed, Talon. They underestimated the power within me. Their arrogance has led to their downfall."

Barris: (grinning) "I must say, Y/n, your skills are truly remarkable. Taking out those Jedi one by one... It's a sight to behold."

Y/n: (nodding) "Thank you, Barris. It's just the beginning. There are still Jedi left on the Council, and they will soon meet their fate."

Talon: (caressing Y/n's face) "We will bring darkness to the heart of the Jedi Order. They will tremble before us."

Barris: (looking at Satine's image) "Speaking of which, Y/n, the time has come to strike at Obi-Wan's heart. Let us capture his forbidden love, Satine, and show him the consequences of his actions."

Y/n: (smirking) "Ah, yes. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the hypocritical Jedi who cast me aside. He will witness the pain I inflict upon his precious Satine."

Talon: (smirking) "The agony of lost love will consume him. It will be a beautiful display of our power."

Barris: (grinning) "I can't wait to see the look on Kenobi's face when he realizes his mistakes. He deserves every ounce of torment."

Y/n: (nodding) "We will send a message that the Dark Side is unstoppable. No one can stand against us."

With their plan set, Y/n boarded his invisible ship and set course for Mandalore. The journey was filled with anticipation, and soon, they arrived on the planet's surface. Confronted by Mandalorian guards, Y/n swiftly eliminated them with a wave of his hand, utilizing the Force to choke the life out of them.

Y/n: (calmly) "Stand aside, fools. Your resistance is futile."

Proceeding to Satine's palace, he encountered Minister Almec, who trembled at the sight of his power. With a surge of Force lightning, Y/n rendered the Minister defenseless, instilling fear in Satine.

Satine: (horror-stricken) "W-who a-are you? What do you want?"

Y/n: (silently advancing) "Your questions are inconsequential. Your fate is sealed."

Using the Force, Y/n made Satine go unconscious and swiftly carried her back to his ship. Along the way, he encountered more guards, disposing of them with lethal precision, utilizing the Force to choke the life out of them.

Returning to their base on Dathomir, Y/n was greeted with a warm hug from Barris and a passionate kiss from Talon. Together, they took Satine to their torture room, where they commenced their cruel methods. The room crackled with the power of their combined cyan and crimson Force lightning, inflicting agonizing pain upon Satine. (Cyan for Y/n since I like that color and crimson red for Talon)

Y/n: (smirking) "Feel the power of the Dark Side, Satine. Your suffering is just the beginning."

Talon: (whispering) "You thought you could escape our grasp, but now you will pay for Obi-Wan's sins."

Barris: (watching with satisfaction) "Kenobi will learn the consequences of betraying those who trusted him."

After subjecting Satine to the edge of death, they ceased their torment, satisfied with their work. The recording was sent to the Jedi Council, ensuring they would witness the cruelty inflicted upon one of their own.

Y/n: (grinning) "The Jedi will know the price of their arrogance. Obi-Wan will soon face the consequences."

Talon: (admiringly) "Your power knows no bounds, my love. We are unstoppable."

Barris: (nodding) "The Jedi Order will crumble before us. They will know true darkness."

As the Jedi Council gathered to watch the recording, their faces filled with horror and concern, Obi-Wan Kenobi inquired if any accompanying message had been sent.

Obi-Wan: (with a heavy sigh) "Is there anything else in this transmission?"

Master Yoda: (solemnly) "A message for you it holds, Obi-Wan. To save Satine, you must journey to the planet Basteel. Alone, you must come. Should you bring anyone else, she will be executed before your very eyes."

The Council informed Obi-Wan that Kit Fisto would remain hidden as a backup, ready to intervene if necessary.

Obi-Wan: (weary) "Very well. I shall leave at once."

Meanwhile, Y/n, Talon, and Barris discussed their next steps. Talon instructed Y/n to take Satine to the planet of Basteel, where they would meet Kenobi. The plan was to execute Satine in front of him and ultimately end Kenobi's life. Y/n agreed, deciding to bring Barris along to showcase their power and instill fear.

Y/n: (determined) "Today, we reveal our might and strike fear into their hearts. Our power will be unmatched."

Talon: (smirking) "They will witness their downfall, and the galaxy will tremble before us."

Barris: (grinning) "We are the harbingers of darkness. Let us unleash our wrath upon them."

Y/n and Barris boarded the ship, Satine in their custody, and embarked on their journey to Basteel, where a fateful encounter awaited them.

The stage was set for a confrontation that would test their resolve and plunge the galaxy deeper into darkness. Kenobi, accompanied by Fisto, and Y/n, accompanied by Barris, headed towards their destined meeting, their paths intertwining in a battle of light and shadow.

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