Chapter 4 Best Friend

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(As I gave you'll a hint in the previous chapter someone must have already guessed it right so here's the answer a "bestfriend" who we call in need of a help , sometimes all we need is a bestfriend.)

Meera couldn't believe that she was kicked out of the house that once was her home.
And thought to call her only friend who was with her through thick and thin times of her life.
But she knew her mobile was still in the house so started thinking how to get it.
As she was thinking she saw jiya pass by through the window she stopped her and asked her to bring her phone and jiya complied it.
When jiya came out and while giving her phone jiya said "I'm sorry maami (maternal aunty) because of me Nani and mummy scolded you."
Meera and jiya didn't have a great bond or so but were good and so Meera replied "don't worry beta it wasn't your fault , I made a mistake."
Whatever the matter Meera couldn't blame or get upset on the little girl even if she tried , hearing sorry from jiya she got surprised at her.
"Jiya where are you?" They heard Shweta's voice coming near them so Meera said to jiya "go beta be good for your mummy - papa and take care of your Nana - nani ok."
"Ok bye mami" saying jiya went inside.

And Meera took her suitcase and went to the nearby park and sat there calling the only person she knew who'll be there to help her. Her bestfriend from school Neha Tripathi.
She hadn't been in touch with her after the college so she had no idea if she'll be there for her so without any hope she gave it a try and dialled her number which she still remember by heart.

Meera - M , Neha - N

M - ???(didn't say anything praying to God that she still uses this number)
N - Hello? Who's this ?
M - (couldn't believe she was hearing her voice)
N - Why did you call if you didn't want to talk?....... For God sake I'm hanging up now.
This made Meera come out of the trance she was in and replied..
M - Hello.. Neha it's me... Meera
N - Meera... Meera Sharma?
M - Yes
N - OMG!!! Meera my girl it's been so long how are you ?
Meera was relieved hearing the happiness in her voice that assured their friendship is still the same the time gap didn't put a stop on it and thanked God.
M - I'm fine but I need a favour from you.
N - leave favour I'll give you my life my meeru.
M - are you still in the city ?
N - yes where would I go? Why?
M - pls can you come and take me from here I'm sending you the location.ok?
N - ok meet you there.
Both ended the call.

After sometime Neha reached the park.And spotted Meera thought to play with her and went behind her and "Bhoo!!!.."   "Ahhhh!!!..."
And bursted out laughing looking at the scared Meera who got scared and shouted Ahhh!!! And Meera stood up shocked and hearing the laugh turned around to face the person.
"Nehaa!!" Exclaimed Meera and hugged her tightly.
Neha too hugged her back after meeting about almost 2 years.
"Thank God you're here I missed you" said Meera wiping the tears that spilled out of her eyes due to sudden happy emotion which she felt after the storm in her life.
"Now tell me what happened why are you here with a suitcase ? And at this time?" Asked Neha.
As it was around 8 pm or so there wasn't anyone else because all the kids had went home to have their dinner who played in the park.

Sitting on the bench Meera thought to ask her instead of burdening her with her problems.
"What are you doing now? Any job?" Asked Meera
"Yes I work in the administrative department at a company which is near my house and I just got engaged a month ago to the man my parents selected for me and stop dodging my question" replied Neha.
"Good do you like the guy ?" Asked Meera.
"Yes he is good , I know him. Not what I expected but good and what about you?" replied Neha.
Meera knew there was no escaping Neha she knew her all too well and started telling about her life how she met Ashish and fell in love and got married and was going to have their own little one but the life played a cruel game and now getting kicked out of the house she used to call home.

Neha was in tears listening everything , she never imagined life to be so cruel to her and that too to the most pure hearted person she ever knew her Meeru.
And got angry towards her in-laws who treated her like shit it wasn't even a week after losing her baby instead of taking care of her they threw her out like some object. Wiping her tears she stared the most innocent person she knew and got enraged on her in-laws who gave her so much pain.
"Give me the address of your in-laws house" said Neha.
"What ? Why? No.. I'm not giving it to you and tuje meri kasam ( my promise) if you do or say anything to them" replied Meera.
"Why Meera? they hurt you , blame you and kick you out of the house and you're not even allowing me to give them even a piece of mind" asked Neha.
"Because it's me they did everything and I'm not blaming them they lost a son and grandson too" replied Meera.
"But..." Meera stopped Neha and said "if you want to do anything take me to a hostel or something to stay."
"Why hostel you're coming with me to my house" said Neha.
"No I know your parents won't like it and I don't want to give you another stress...pls" asked Meera to Neha she knew how orthodox Neha's parents were and wouldn't like a widow staying in their house when there daughter just got engaged.
"But what about your home?" Asked Neha unaware of the fact that they kicked her out when she married Ashish thinking she brought shame to the family and asked never to show her face ever again.
"No I can't go there pls do you want me to beg you or what pls do you know any hostel ?" Asked Meera in desperation.
"Yes I know I'll take you there but tell me if you have any problem there ok?" Asked Neha who knew Meera won't ever say anything.
"Ok we'll see" said Meera.
And both went from there to the hostel Neha took her to.

Word count: 1027
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