Chapter 47 Jewellery Shopping

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Next Day,

Meera was doing her usual morning routine and then she thought to check her phone as she still didn't know what time she had to go jewellery shopping for Neha.

She checked her phone and came to know it was in the morning around eleven.
Meera was a bit panicked because she couldn't take Yash there and today even Sejal was not coming so who would look after Yash and started to worry about the same pacing in the living room.

Karan had an off today as it was national holiday so the school had a holiday too so he woke up a bit late and after all freshening up he went to the living room and found a worried Meera pacing there.

"What happened Meera why are you so worried?" He asked.
Meera forgot he was still in the house and was shocked to find him in his casuals and looking at the clock on the wall said to him
"Sir you'll get late pls be quick."
"First of all tell me why were you pacing the floor all worried huh?" He asked her.
"Actually yesterday I told you about going to Neha's jewellery shopping right and" she explained everything to him about her dilemma.
"Well you can go without worrying" he said to her.
Meera was confused and asked "but how can I ?"
"Because today I have a holiday sorry I forgot to tell you about it yesterday" he replied.
"Ohh" said Meera realising and thanked him.
"Thank you so much sir come let's have breakfast" and took him to have their breakfast made by him.

And after filling the bottles of milk for Yash and getting ready she left the house and fetched an auto to go to the address Neha had messaged her.

Reaching the shop, Meera paid the fair and went inside the shop she checked her watch and saw she was just on time and saw Neha and thought to surprise her and went behind her back and hid her eyes by her palms and controlled her giggles that were escaping to come out.

"Who is this ?" asked Neha knowingly.
But Meera didn't respond and so Neha said to her "I know it's you my Meeru."
And Meera dropped her palms and came in front of her getting upset and said "Come on yaar at least you could have played along Nehaa...."
"You know there is no time to play Meeru you are late where were you?" asked Neha.
"What I'm right on time Neha see" saying Meera showed her watch to Neha.
"Fine it's just today Papa also came with us so I was just frustrated because Maa had been continuously telling me to check the price and select everything" said Neha telling Meera about her mood.
"Ohh where is uncle and aunty and is it just you all or your in-laws are here too?" Asked Meera.
"No they couldn't come they had something to deal with and see over there maa and papa are still discussing the budget" replied Neha.
"Oh ok" said Meera.
"But they should know yaar I'm grown up I know it and understand it so they don't need to pester me like they did before about our finances" said Neha getting hyped up.
"Calm down Neha they just want the best for you and see aunty is calling us let's go" saying Meera dragged her to them.

"Namaste uncle , namaste aunty" said Meera and touched their feets.
Both of them blessed her and Mr.Tripathi said to her
"Arey Meera beta kaisi ho boht time baad mil rhi ho."
Before Meera could say anything Neha distracted them saying "Papa puch tach baad mai kar le na pehle chalo na wo dekh te hai" and dragged them to the jewellery set she just saw.
Meera was relieved because she had no idea what to reply and followed them for the same.

Neha couldn't decide what to take as sometimes when she chose one design it was expensive and another was in budget but not the good design so getting tired she asked Meera saying "Meeru you help me I'm unable to choose as when I choose one it's either expensive and if it's in the budget it's not to my liking."
"Ohk" said Meera and observed all the options and she chose one and picking it she passed it to her and asked "What about this one?"
Neha examined and loved the design and asked about the price and it was in their budget and said "Wow Meeru this design is so beautiful thanks."
"No need for thanks" replied Meera.
Just as Neha was showing the necklace and the set to her mother and her father was busy counting the money Meera was looking around the shop as it had some really good designs.
She hinted to Neha and went to another counter admiring the showcased pendants and rings.

Meera's POV

Just when I was admiring the amazing designs
"Akshit this one will look great on you"  I heard a voice and got alerted.
No it can't be them it must be someone else I convinced myself and continued watching the designs.

"Meera, it's time to go" I heard Neha calling me and so I went to her.
"Yeah are you done ?" I asked her.
"Yeah and you know what everything was in budget so papa is happy too" she said.
"Great so let's go" I asked her.
"Yes but let's have something I'm hungry yaar Meeru" she said pouting.
I chuckled at her because I knew one thing for sure that Neha Tripathi and food couldn't be separated for too long and said "fine let's go."
And we followed Aunty and Uncle out and when we were going suddenly Neha stopped and said "Oh God I forgot my mobile inside."
"What ? You're getting married and can't even handle a mobile god knows what you'll do after marriage!"exclaimed Aunty.
"Seriously Maa here I even remembered that I forgot it in the first place so if I actually forget something I'll remember it afterwards and you are going too far when my marriage has not even started yet don't you think" replied Neha.
"Oh God you and your reasoning" said Aunty.
"Stop it you both Meera beta you please bring her mobile and I'll make sure that both mother and daughter don't start again."
I nodded and went inside to get her phone back.
I saw it just where Neha was seated and taking it I was going to go but stopped looking at the people in front of the counter as they faced me.

Word count:1100
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