Chapter 52 Reliving It

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Meera's POV

Because if I hadn't said that maa and every other aunty out there would keep pestering you about it said Neha.
Ohh ok I replied realising as it was true and if I told them the truth they would find a reason to taunt me anyway so I thought this was for the best.
After sometime Neha's mother came back and asked her to come outside for haldi as it was time and we went.

In the Garden I could see all the guests and many of them recognised me as we both were always together and our families ran in the same circles.

Soon Neha's mother started the haldi ceremony by applying haldi on her and followed by many other women.
I too wanted to apply it on her but how can I with Yash in my arms.
Suddenly Neha's mother came to me and said Why are you here you too go and apply haldi on your friend. Give him to me saying she extended her arms to take sleeping Yash so I gave him to her carefully and said Thank you so much aunty. She smiled at me and I went to apply haldi on Neha.
Dipping the leaves in a haldi bowl and showing it to her grinning I applied lots of it on her hands, shoulders and feet and at last a lot of it on her face.
Meeruuuu!! She exclaimed by the sudden attack.
What? it is your haldi so I'm just following the traditions I said with an innocent smile because I knew very well how much she hated the haldi a little bit was fine with her but I applied a lot of it on her.
She just glared at me and I stepped back and went to take Yash from aunty smiling at her.
Taking Yash from aunty I thought to check the food counter as it was almost lunch time and I was hungry.

First I just picked a juice to hydrate myself and sat on the chair and kept Yash in my lap.
Hmm it was good and while I was still sipping it I was met with some aunties who knew me and asked me about my parents and life.
I just dodged it saying that my parents were busy and they left as they were called by Neha's mother.

After the drink I had lunch there and saw the time as most of the function was almost finished and thought to tell Neha about my departure.
When I reached the place where she was seated I saw she was already gone to take a shower so I messaged her asking if I could go and she said it's fine as the ceremony was over and then I met Neha's mother again she said It was very nice that you came and you are family so I don't need to remind you to come tomorrow for mehendi and Sangeet ok and bring your husband too.
Before I could say anything she left saying she had to do some work.
So I too made my way out of the garden.
And at the gate I was met with the familiar people who are known as my parents.
I was shocked because I thought Neha's parents didn't call them and wasn't in touch with them but seeing them here meant otherwise and Neha didn't tell me too but she didn't know about what was going on with my parents and me.
Meera..said Maa and came near me and caressed Yash's head.
God bless him she said still looking at Yash with tears in her eyes. She thought Yash was mine but I couldn't make myself deny it to her hoping that they'll accept me back seeing him.
I wasn't able to utter a word as last time I talked to them came back flashing in my mind and all their doings.
At least look at your grandson...said Maa to Papa hinting at Yash.
I don't care and he is not my anything neither is his mother so you better not start again Neelam he said and went inside without Maa.
And there goes all my hopes crushed by his words.
I.. I'm sorry Meera said Maa and patting Yash's cheek she went behind him.
Not waiting any other second I hailed an auto and went to our home with Yash who was unaware of the chaos in my mind and heart.

Reaching the home and changing my saree I was going in the kitchen for some water but Yash's cry stopped me and I took him with me to feed him in my room.

After he was asleep again I lay on my bed and thought was any of it my fault.
After all that happened in the jewelry shop how pathetic I was to actually hope that he'll accept me no matter what I do now one thing was clear he won't ever accept me.
But there was one thought in my mind would they accept me if I told them about Ashish.
Even if they do it'll be out of pity and not love that I think I deserve maybe.

Unknowingly tears slipped through my eyes at the thoughts and feelings of not being able to get my parents back.
Yes papa was always strict but he always wanted the best for me and maa she just followed papa no matter what the thing it was about.
Ughhh I hated myself for always crying but wasn't it a way of expressing emotions when the tongue couldn't.
Maybe or maybe it was just an excuse to justify crying who knows.

I heard the front door open and quickly wiped my tears as I knew it was him and made myself presentable and took Yash and went into the living room.
But didn't find him there he must've gone to freshen up.

After sometime,
Hi you guys are back ? He asked after freshening up.
Yeah we are I replied.
So how was it ? He asked me.
It was good I met a lot of people I said in response and my thoughts went back to Maa and Papa.
I noticed he was silent and looked at him who was already looking at me.
Getting nervous I asked Why are you looking at me?
Nothing just thinking what made you cry and if I asked would you answer he said shocking me.
Umm...cry why would I... before I could complete my sentence he interrupted me saying It's fine if you don't want to tell me but don't ever lie to me.
I looked down thinking and taking a deep breath said
Fine I'll tell you.

Word count:1100
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