Chapter 11 Job Offer

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What is happening here ?
Came a voice and Meera looked who was none other none her saviour her eyes met his and a shiver ran in her spine due to the intensity.

Looking at them almost caging Meera who held his baby he got really angry knowing that there wasn't anything good happening.

"S...sir nothing is happening here we were just catching up with Meera right Meera?" Said Tushar scared getting caught.
Meera knew if she was going to tell the truth they both will cause her trouble again so she said "umm Yes he is right sir we were just catching up."
"Then why do you look so frightened?" Asked Karan thinking why is she covering for them.
"Oh nothing I'm not frightened" she replied.
Tushar and Omkar quickly started to get out of there but got stopped by Karan who strangled them making it look like the opposite and threatened them.
"Fine you both can go now but if  I see you both near her anywhere you won't like what I'll do understand?" Asked Karan squeezing them.
And both of them nodded in yes and ran from there.

"Sir " he heard her soothing voice and turned to look at her who looked relieved now and couldn't help but ask "Why did you lie for them?"
"Lie..why would I lie for them I just told you the truth" said Meera looking anywhere but in his eyes.
"Fine but don't be afraid of them if they ever trouble you or anyone else tell me" said Karan knowingly she won't accept help.
"Thank you and he's asleep and Geeta gave him to me as I met her and asked me to take him to you as she had an emergency" said Meera trying to change the topic.
"Oh ok thanks again for taking care of him I would've but due to the programme I was busy" he explained.
"No worries sir here" saying she started to give the baby to him but as her pallu of the saree wasn't pinned while sleeping the baby clutched her saree and when giving him her pallu also started to slip making both of them shocked and red one in shame and the other in embarrassment.
"Sorry for this" said Karan on his baby's behalf and looked elsewhere.
Meera quickly seperated her saree from the baby's hand and put her pallu back appropriately and looked down in embarrassment.
He cleared his throat and asked her "I heard from Adi you are looking for a job now?"
"Yes Sir" she said looking at him.
"May I know what kind of job you are looking for?" Asked Karan.
"Umm I have a degree in design but for now any job I get will do" said Meera thinking about her life.
"Ohh umm actually if you don't mind I have a proposition for you" said Karan thinking about his baby.
"What proposition?" Asked Meera.
"I'm actually looking for a nanny or just someone who can take care of my son when I'm at work as he is very young just a month old."
"Ohh ok" said Meera unsure.
"So ?" Asked Karan.
"So what?" Asked Meera not understanding.
"So I'm offering a job to you where you'll have to take care of him only if you don't have a problem Meera" said Karan slowly trying to explain her.
"A job" said Meera thinking about his offer and the baby she felt a connection with and then her life.
"You can call me tomorrow and tell me after you made up your mind and no problem if you decide not to ok" said Karan.
"Ok thank you sir" said Meera grateful for the time she got.
"Here's my number" saying Karan gave her his number.
"Umm one minute sir" said Meera seeing him going.
"What ?" asked Karan thinking why she stopped him.
"I wanted to tell you something" said Meera.
"Go on" said Karan thinking what she wanted to tell him.
"I'm sorry if you mind but when I first took care of your baby he was continuously crying and so I fed him" said Meera.
"Thanks but why would I mind that's why I gave Geeta the bottle" said Karan.
"No I fed him" said Meera thinking he might get angry on her.
"Ok so" said Karan not understanding why is she repeating herself.
"Umm you're not understanding I mean I actually breastfed him" said Meera and looked down afraid of his reaction.
A minute passed she heard nothing and when she looked up to his face she saw his eyes a bit glossy and he left from there leaving her with her thoughts the second time.
Meera got a call from Neha who asked her to come at the gate as it was time to go.
Meera replied in positive and at the gate she met all of her friends and said goodbye to each other and some exchanged numbers and told to keep in touch.
"Neha you also go home" said Meera and Neha complied as it was really late and left for her hostel.

Laying on her bed Meera's mind filled with all that happened at the reunion and how relieved she was when he came to help her and all kind of thoughts that if she made a huge mistake feeding his baby and about his offer and didn't know when sleep took her over.

Word count:900
So here's another chapter hope you'll like it.
Meera finally got a job but with this job came a lot of past.
Read more to find out.
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