Chapter 39 Going On

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After meeting Neha I came home around 7 pm or something and freshened up.
Home I didn't think I'll ever have one after Ashish but now I do I can call it a home but the thought of leaving when Yash grows up scares me how will I be able to go unknowingly Yash has become a precious part of my life I can only hope that I'll be able to visit him afterwards.
I shouldn't dwell on it now I'll see when the time comes and go to the kitchen.
There I saw Karan sir cooking something and the aroma was fantastic.
"What are you cooking sir?" I asked him.
"Nothing much just a simple dinner" he replied.
Simple home cooked meal made by him tasted very delicious to me how amazing his parents were I thought to make him learn chores because I know Ashish wasn't able to even cut veggies but he would have had I asked him to his parents always made a difference between a man and woman's duties mine were the same.
One could only hope to have parents like Karan sir.

"So what's up where are you lost?" He asked me to making me come out of my thinking.
"Yes everything is fine Neha has asked you something" I'll tell at the dinner table.
He nodded and arranged the table for dinner while I checked upon Yash who was innocently sleeping in his cot.

At Dinner,

We both were having it silently but then he broke the silence saying "Meera you were going to tell me something regarding Neha?"
"Yes sir actually Neha's marriage date has been finalized."
"Please congratulate her from my side" he replied.
"Sure sir it is a month from now and she has asked if you and Yash could come too?" I asked him.
"I'll see if I can but if not it's fine you can go Meera what will we both father and son do?" He answered.
"Ok if you say so" I nodded in response as it was his choice.

After dinner I washed the dishes as he cooked and went to sleep.
I too kept the milk bottles in the kitchen and went to my room and slept.

Karan's POV

Next Day,
Since Meera had opened up to me about her life I could say we were at least friends because now she didn't get nervous when talking to me and I liked it that I have another friend except the idiot Adi.

"Hey man what's up nowadays I see you're glowing huh?"
Think of the idiot and the idiot is here.
"Shut Up what do you mean by glowing I have always looked like this" I answered him.
"Hmm but I think it's because of a certain woman" he said confusing me.
"What woman I don't know what you are talking about?" I asked him.
"Stop acting man tell me it's because of Meera right?" He asked me and hearing her name and her smiley face appeared in my mind.
And today's incident had made me smile thinking how she widened her eyes and started coughing when she was having breakfast I came into the living room bare chested a towel on it with dripping hairs because I had forgotten my important papers in the living room.
She couldn't even look me in the eyes when I was going.
"So looking at your face I think I got my answer" I heard him and came out of my trance.
"No you're thinking too much just focus on your life Adi" I said to him.
"Deny all you want but in the end my imagination of you and her will come true" he said.
I just shook my head at him and ignored him focusing on my work.

The day had been busy as the school was going to host an inter school debate competition so as an English teacher I had too much pressure.

I reached home a bit late due to work and saw Meera reading a book she didn't look up to as she was too engrossed in it.

"Hey sorry I didn't inform you about getting late" I said to her.
Hearing me she turned towards me and suddenly looked another way I thought why did I have something on my face but then she stood up closing her book and said "it's fine sir no problem please freshen up I have already cooked the dinner" and she went to the kitchen.

I went to my room and saw that I had nothing on my face there must be nothing I thought and freshened up.

After dinner I had one thought in my mind so after washing dishes I called Meera out in the living room and said to her "Meera I have something to ask you ?"
She nodded in response to continue.
"You have a degree in design right so when did you design last?"
My question threw her off as she was surprised by my question and thought for a while and said
"Umm.. the last time I had designed or drawn something was before pregnancy as my mother in law didn't really like it much and she said she didn't want the baby to design she thought it was just a silly hobby."
I was so pissed at her mother in law how could she do such and stopping someone from doing what they liked was another level.
"And you listened to her and stopped it?" I asked her.
"I didn't want her to stop talking to me she had just started to accept me after the baby's news" replied Meera shrugging.

I didn't know what to say she had sacrificed too much for them and they didn't care a bit before throwing her out of the house.
So I just said what I thought
"Have you thought about doing it again I mean if you really want to, nobody has any right to stop you from doing what you really like."
She wasn't expecting it and smiled and said "I think I surely will really, I get bored during the day reading a book is nice but it's not my passion."
I just nodded happily and we greeted goodnight and went to our respective rooms.

Word count:1050
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