Chapter 21 Take Care

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In the car....

Both of them were silent and not wanting her to think about the horrible incident Karan said "Here you have a missed call from Neha and gave her the phone which made him go back there and save her."
Meera just nodded and took the phone and kept it in her lap.
"So I guess Neha and you are still together like before huh?" Asked Karan trying to distract her mind.
Hearing Neha's name a smile came on Meera's face thinking how she was there for by just one call.
She nodded in response and said "Neha is the most amazing friend I've ever had and I'm glad she's my friend" thinking how Neha always stood up for her in need when they were in school.
"Good same like Adi he and I have been friends for almost a decade now he is a crackhead at times but a good friend of mine" this made Meera smile and looking at Meera Karan too smiled.

Soon they reached Karan's home and got out of the car took her purse and inside the guest room.

In the guest room....

"Meera you can stay here and all the essentials are kept in the cupboard but if you need anything let me know" said Karan.
Meera nodded in response.
"Ok then I'll go bring Yash" saying he went.
Meera stood in the guest room suddenly all that happened today flashed in her mind and she tried to stop but couldn't so thought to wash her face.
In the washroom she washed her face with water but all the things came back to her mind their looks, their touch which made her feel way too dirty she saw the mark on her neck where one of them bit her and started to clean it rubbing it trying to remove it but it only made it worse.
After sometime she went outside and saw Karan with sleepy Yash in his arms and asked "do you want me to take care of him?" as he too looked a bit tired.
"No Meera I'll take care of him and by the way he's asleep already so no worries and you take rest ok" replied Karan.
Meera nodded and was going to go but was stopped by Karan who asked her to wait in the living room while he keeps Yash in his bed and come.
Meera was confused thinking why did he stop her.
Then Karan came with an ointment in his hand and gave it to Meera and said "Apply it on your wound and pointed at her neck."
Meera took it from his hand and said "Thank you not just for this but also for coming there if you hadn't I don't know what would've happened" and looked down.
"No worries Meera and stop with the formalities now go and take rest and if you have any problem please let me know ok."
"Ok" said Meera and went to the guest room.

In the middle of the night......

Karan was awake and tried to calm down crying Yash who woke up, once he did calm down he was going to sleep but heard some noises coming from the guest room where Meera was , so he went there looking for the source of voice.

There he saw Meera was having a nightmare and was crying for help he couldn't see it anymore and tried to wake her up.
"Meera get up it's just a nightmare no one is here."
"Meera.... Meera..."
Meera thrashed at him but he held her hand and she woke up hearing her name.
"What happened to me?" She asked.
"You were having a nightmare I heard some noises so came to see."
"I..I... I'm sorry for waking you up" she said in guilt.
"No it's totally fine you didn't wake me up Yash did it's normal with Yash so I'm usually up at this hour trying to calm him and it's totally fine after that dreadful incident but I just want you to know they're not here and never will be ok You're safe here" he said trying to assure her.
"Ok" she said.
"Do you want to have some coffee if you can't sleep" he asked.
"Sure if you don't mind."
"Come to the kitchen then."
He went first and then after sometime she followed him.
Karan was making the coffee and Meera was sitting on the chair nearby thinking how he was always there when she was in trouble and today he was going to almost kill him if she hadn't stopped him.
"Meera... Hello"
"Meera.. where are you lost" he broke her trance and offered her the coffee.
When she was taking the coffee mug from him she saw his knuckles had been bruised badly and said "oh God your hand is bruised let me bring the ointment" saying she almost ran to the guest room to get it not allowing Karan to say a word.
"Here" she said giving it to him.
"Thanks but it's fine" said Karan trying to assure her.
"No it's not fine Sir you apply it yourself or I will you got hurt because of me and I don't like it I'm sorry."
"Hey Meera it wasn't your fault that I got hurt I will do it again in a heartbeat if it meant you to be safe. In fact I'm sorry because I should have come there sooner I can't even think about what you went through."
"You said it wasn't my fault" she asked.
"Yes it wasn't."
"And it wasn't yours either" she said wanting him to stop taking the blame on himself.
"You were there to save me that's what matters."
He nodded in response.
"You're right so let's stop the blame game and drink our coffee which is Michelin star approved" he said boasting about his skills.
"Michelin star really..." saying she laughed at his self praise which only made him smile at her.

Word count: 1000
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