Chapter 8 Old Friends

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Recap : What are you doing here and why do you have my son? She heard him speak.
I...I.... stuttered Meera unable to form a word still in a trance of seeing him after five years.
What I? Give him to me saying he started coming closer to her.
Wait!! She exclaimed and turned around making his cheeks and ears turn red.

Seeing him coming closer to her she looked at her condition and turned around and separating the baby from her started to close the hook of the blouse which she opened to feed the baby.

As she turned her back made the view with him teasing him and making his ears and cheeks go red.
He turned around in shame and cursed himself in his mind for even having inappropriate thoughts.

After closing the hook and checking herself one more time she turned to face his back and said "You can turn around Sir."
Hearing her voice he turned to see her already looking at him and asked "Why do you have my son?"
"I didn't know he was your son a woman came and asked me to take care of him for some time as she was busy" she replied explaining the situation.
Looking at his baby he saw him calmly sleeping snuggled against her and said "Thanks for taking care of him but I have to go."
"Here" saying she gave the baby back to his father and felt a weird feeling with the emptiness.
"Ok then" saying he went with the baby from there leaving her with her thoughts.

Her mind started to repeat all that just happened and most importantly about his son and if he was his son where was the mother.
The sound of a ringtone broke her chain of thoughts and she picked the call and answered "Hello?"
"Hello Meeru I'm here where are you?" Asked her bestfriend.
"You wait I'm coming" saying she hanged up and went out of the classroom.
Looking at her best friend she said "You are looking very beautiful Neha this saree really suits you."
"Thanks Meeru but where were you ?" Asked Neha.
"Oh nowhere" replied Meera thinking to tell her afterwards about what happened.
"So did you meet anyone?" Asked Neha.
"Oh I met Asha aunty she went somewhere she had some work" said Meera.
"Let's have some snacks yaar I'm feeling hungry" said Neha.
"Ok let's go" said Meera and both went to a corner where the food had been arranged.

After sometime many of their batchmates had arrived and so they went to them.

"Hey !! no way I just lost the bet because of you both" said Dhruv their classmate as he saw both of them coming towards their circle.
"What bet ?" asked Neha
"Oh you know he and Gourav made a bet on your and Meera's friendship that you won't be together anymore but Gourav said otherwise and looking at you two he realised he just lost it" said Divya laughing on Dhruv's face.
"You know it was a stupid bet come on" said Neha laughing on Dhruv's loss.

(Meera and Neha were friends like no other always attached to the hip so thinking they wouldn't be together anymore was little stupid.Even after a gap their friendship could just start from where it stopped.)

"Yeah I said so but he and his stupidity are still the same which made me win" said Gourav and high fived Divya.
"Hey!! So have you met Tanya yet?" Asked Dhruv trying to change the topic.
"Oh thank God no we didn't" replied Neha thinking about the self obsessed girl who studied with them.
"She came ?" Asked Meera thinking about the young girl who annoyed her a lot but had a good heart.
"Yess oh my god think of the devil and the devil is here... I mean she is coming here" said Divya alarming them.

"Hi guys how are you all?" Asked Tanya.
"We were good until you arrived" said Neha faking smile.
Meera nudged her elbow to Neha and said "We're good what about you?"
"Oh hi Meera didn't see you there almost I'm great but I see Neha still needs to learn to speak appropriately" replied Tanya flipping her hair.
"Anyways who's this" Asked Divya pointing towards the man she came with.
"Oh sorry , honey I forgot to introduce you , guys he's my husband Tarun and Tarun they're Divya,Neha,Gourav,Meera and Dhruv" saying she introduced them.
"Hi guys I hope you're all doing well ?" Asked Tarun.
"Yeah bro we're good hope you're too" replied Dhruv sarcastically which Tarun was oblivious to.
"So Neha I heard you got engaged congratulations to you" said Tanya trying to confirm the same.
"Yes and thank you" said Neha rolling her eyes thinking when she would leave and eat someone else's head.
"You know guys we're very happy to announce we're pregnant and going to have a little one" said Tanya holding her husband's hand.
"Oh congratulations to both of you" said Divya followed by all except Meera.
"Meera you won't congratulate us?" asked Tanya unknowingly.
"Umm I just want to use the washroom" saying she excused herself not able to answer her.
Meera didn't know it'll hurt this bad watching someone else celebrate and have a baby it pained her heart about the same thinking about her life, her husband and her baby.
Unknowingly she went to a corner and cried a little until she heard someone's footsteps thinking it might be Neha she quickly wiped her tears and saw it was a man.
"Meera ? Meera Sharma?" Asked the man.
"Yes but who are you?" Asked Meera unable to recognise the voice.
"Oh didn't know you would forget me so easily" he replied and came to face her.
"Rishi?" Asked Meera unsure.
"Oh I'm not so unforgettable I see" he replied.

Word count:980
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And who is Meera's Sir and who's Rishi ?
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