Sickie: Jungwon
Caregivers: Enhypen
No one's POV.:
Jungwon was known to be the sneeziest member of the group. That was also why no one got worried when he started to sneeze a little more frequently during the last week of their tour. The slight rasp to his voice could also be explained by the almost nightly performances, as could be the fatigue. Jungwon knew better though. His nose was never that runny and his head rarely hurt, except for when he was sick. They were about to board the plane, finally getting back home from an exciting but equally as draining tour, and the young leader realized the downside to their fame....
The airport was crowded and Jungwon pulled his hood lower over his face, giving an itchy sniffle behind his mask. He had taken his temperature back at the hotel, shortly before they had to leave, so he knew he was already running a low-grade fever. Not wanting to worry the members, he had kept that to himself. Jungwon couldn't help but feel guilty. He knew he should be there for the members and could see Niki looking so uncomfortable but he couldn't find the energy. Feeling an arm around his shoulders, Jungwon looked up. "Everything's okay, Jungwonnie", Heeseung whispered, "We made it through the crowd and will get on the plane in a few minutes. Once we're in our seats, we'll have a couple hours to nap and relax." The leader nodded, biting down on his lip. Had he really looked that anxious? He glanced over at Niki, checking whether their maknae was alright. Jungwon didn't have to worry though, Niki sat between Jay and Sunoo, joking around with them.
Jungwon weakly plopped down in his seat, heaving a sigh. They had finally made it on the plane and would not have to move for the next few hours. There was still some shuffling around him as the members traded seats but Jungwon drowned it out, closing his eyes. Giving a thick sniffle, he massaged his forehead and startled when Jay tapped his shoulder. "You look exhausted", the older commented, "Hope you'll be able to sleep once we're in the air." The leader hummed hoarsely. Exhausted was an understatement.
Jay knew Jungwon wasn't feeling his best. Heeseung had pulled him aside and initiated the new seating order, so Jay could sit next to their leader. The oldest didn't know what exactly was going on with his dongsaeng but he had looked out of it, tense. Jungwon winced earning a concerned look from Jay. "Just a headache", the leader mumbled, having to clear his throat as his voice cracked. Comfortingly squeezing the younger's knee, Jay hummed: "Did you already take something for it?" – "'s not that bad", Jungwon denied, sniffling into his sleeve, "Might take something later though."
Jungwon regretted his statement. With the thick congestion in his sinuses, the takeoff was pure torture for him. He felt like his head would explode from the pressure change and he dug his fingernails into his thighs. "What's wrong, Jungwonnie?", Jay frowned, a panicked edge to his voice. A sob tore from Jungwon's throat, the boy in too much pain to speak. All he could do was grip his hyung's hand tightly.
They had finally reached their travelling altitude and Jungwon sat with his face in his hands, silent tears streaming down his face. Jay was thoroughly scared for his dongsaeng, watching worriedly when the younger suddenly pulled his sleeves over his hands. "Hit'choo!! Hih-tschh!! Hihh...hih-tschiew!!" Sitting back in his seat, Jungwon groaned: "Ugh, findally adjusted to the altitude." – "Woah, do you sound stuffed up", Jay winced, "No wonder that hurt your sinuses." Sunghoon turned in his seat, reaching a hand back. He had pulled a travel pack of tissues from his bag and handed it to Jay, who handed one to Jungwon, so he could clean himself up.
"You're not coming down with something, are you?", Jay asked worriedly when the leader gave a scratchy cough. Rubbing his face, Jungwon sniffled: "I-I, I thigk I mbight be catch'g a cold." That was lie, Jungwon knew he was already in the thick of it, having come down with it over the course of the past week. "You should really try to get some sleep then", Jay advised, shrugging out of his sweat jacket when he saw the boy shudder. Draping it around Jungwon's shoulders, he repeated that the leader should get some rest and watched how the other put in his earphones, so he wouldn't be woken up again. When Jay was confident that his dongsaeng was asleep, he carefully felt the boy's forehead and frowned.

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