I'm not okay 🌡️

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Sickies: Enhypen
Caregivers: Enhypen
Tw: blood

No one’s POV.:

The group was just heading to the airport to fly back home after their most recent tour. Though they were exhausted, from travelling and performing multiple times a week, the members were in high spirits. Their tour had been a success and they were overwhelmed by just how many people came to cheer for them. The frequent flights and changes in weather between the different locations had left most of the members a little sniffly. Sunoo seemed to have been hit the worst, losing his voice during the last performance of their tour. He had immediately been put on vocal rest and now tiredly trudged through the airport hall flanked by Jay and one of their managers. Jake and Niki, though a little stuffed up themselves, had made it their mission to cheer their friend up. It might have done Sunoo more harm than good because it mostly ended with him muffling a strained cough into the large, fluffy scarf he had been made to wear.

Sunghoon too had been incredibly quiet the past few days, despite the proud smile lingering on his lips. They had made it. Thinking back to how they had fought their way through i-Land and seeing the crowds that had come for them and them alone never failed to make Sunghoon’s heart swell. He couldn’t deny that he would’ve loved for less people to come to see them off at the airport though. Pulling down his hood and fixing his mask, he managed to conceal how pale his skin had become lately. He always needed to watch his diet and sleep closely to make sure he got the nutrients and rest his body needed, so his anemia wouldn’t get out of hand. On tour, he doubted he had gotten enough of either, so it was hard to tell whether the headache and occasional dizzy spells were due to that or if he too was slowly coming down with the cold being passed around between the members and staff.

Heeseung had linked his arm with Sunghoon, having already kept a close eye on the younger when they had left for the airport despite nursing a headache of his own. The eldest really didn’t want a repetition of the boy collapsing within a crowd of people though he apparently didn’t need to worry. With his voice sounding tired and a little scratchy, Sunghoon still pulled the occasional joke, barely loud enough for Heeseung to hear but the older knew that Sunghoon would be fine and he could start worrying once the other lost his humor.

Jungwon mostly flew under the members radar, walking next to a manager. As the leader, there were things he’d have to see to only a couple of days after returning home, while the others would get a few more days off. He wasn’t bitter about it though, already grateful for the few days of rest he’d get. Meeting Engene had left him ecstatic, enough so that he had barely felt how he was slowly running himself into the ground. That didn’t mean that he had any regrets about the effort and hard work all of them had put in, oh hell no, but the lack of sleep, hours of travelling and jetlag were slowly catching up to him. Jungwon’s muscles were sore, his tired body aching all over, and he really wasn’t looking forward to such a long flight back to Korea but the promise of sleeping in his own bed again after so long made the discomfort worth it.

Since he had always been the sneeziest member of the group, him catching a cold wasn’t as obvious as it was in Sunoo. Jay too was very obviously down with it, barely able to go a few minutes without coughing, though he seemed to be fine aside from that and the members didn’t worry about him much because they knew he could take care of himself. He also seemed in control of the situation, still taking care of his dongsaengs as if he wasn’t sick as well. Jungwon wished he could be like him some day. As the leader, he felt like he should be the one taking care of the members the most. At the same time, his hyungs seemed to have it handled perfectly fine, so he wasn’t even sure what else he could do. Maybe he’d be able to think of something helpful if only his minds wasn’t so clouded by exhaustion.

“Do you want some coffee or are you going to try and sleep through the flight?”, Jake asked, startling Jungwon. How long had the Aussie been standing next to him?! Chuckling at the leader’s shocked expression, Jake smiled: “We’re going to grab something to drink while we wait to board the plane. Jay-hyung will get tea for himself and Sunoo, Heeseung-hyung is planning to buy more cough drops for them, so I’ll get coffee for him and I. You look like you have a headache, should I buy you some coke? Maybe the sugar and caffeine will make you feel better.”

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