Sickie: Heeseung
Caregivers: Enhypen
No one’s POV.:
The members of Enhypen were absolutely hyped. Not only did they get a prolonged break from their schedules, they even got to go on a trip together, so they could get away from their hectic idol lives and do some bonding as a group. Everyone was excited to get going, though one of the members couldn’t shake a faint feeling that something was wrong. Heeseung was a little uneasy when they got into the van, his stomach feeling bubbly with what he figured was nerves. The whole situation felt wrong to the eldest but he guessed it was just because they had never gotten such a long break, so his sub consciousness couldn’t help but distrust it. “Cheer up, hyung”, Niki giggled as he plopped into the seat next to Heeseung, “There are two weeks of freedom ahead of us.” The eldest sighed, trying to relax into his seat. Niki was right. There was no reason to hold on zo all this tension in his stomach.
To all their surprise, Heeseung fell asleep only thirty minutes into their five-hour-drive, seemingly more rundown from their recent schedules than he had been aware of. That made the prospect of a two week vacation, so much more alluring. He’d catch up on all that lost sleep soon, so good thing he had already started. The members toned it down immediately when they noticed their hyung sleeping and with the atmosphere in the van quieting down, Jake and Sunoo were out cold soon too.
Sadly, Heeseung didn’t stay asleep for long, despite the others’ best efforts to let him rest. The low rumble of the engine that had been so soothing earlier was now slowly getting on his nerves, while the stuffy interior of the van almost made him feel claustrophobic. It was like there was no oxygen left and no mater how fast he breathed, it could never be enough. Jay turned to Heeseung when he noticed his hyung’s ragged breathing, softly asking the eldest of he was alright. Grimacing, Heeseung requested: “Could we crack a window or something? It’s so stuffy in here.”
Struggling out of his hoodie, Heeseung fanned himself with his hands, face flushed and small beads of sweat forming on his forehead. “Aren’t you sweating?”, he frowned, glancing at Jungwon who had covered himself with his coat, “It’ so freaking hot.” – “Are you sure you’re feeling okay, hyung? It’s not hot and you look really flushed”, the leader hummed, reaching for their cooler to hand Heeseung a cold drink. Rubbing his face, the older muttered: “I don’t know. Might be getting carsick. My stomach feels funny.” – “You didn’t eat anything today”, Jay pointed out, “Maybe it’s hunger. Do you want a protein bar?” Though he really didn’t have an appetite, Heeseung let himself be talked into nibbling a protein bar and also accepted a small bag of crackers from Niki.Eating turned out to be a bad mistake, making the boy feel sicker by the minute. “How’re you feeling?”, Jay asked after a little while, hoping the snack might have settled Heeseung’s stomach. The eldest shook his head and groaned: “’s getting worse. Feel like ‘m gonna puke.” – “Shit”, the younger cursed, glad that Sunghoon was already talking to the driver to ask him to pull over as soon as possible while Jake rummaged through his backpack in search of a plastic bag, “Hang in there, hyung.” Niki comfortingly rubbed Heeseung’s back, which helped the older stay calm enough to take slow, controlled breaths to at least and ward off the nausea for the time being. Not much later, Jake pressed the bag into Heeseung’s hand but they were already pulling onto a parking bay, so the eldest unbuckled his seatbelt while the car was still moving and threw open the door the second they came to a halt.
Heeseung staggered away from the car, shoving the bag into his pocket before doubling over. Bracing himself against the guardrail, he gagged over the grass and felt his stomach lurch but only a small, watery trickle came up. Jay walked up next to him and gave him a few gentle pats on the back, a little surprised when his hyung pitched forward a large wave splattering onto the grass. Another hand appeared on Heeseung’s shoulder, giving it a light squeeze as the eldest kept retching. “You’re okay, hyung”, Jake hummed softly, steadying Heeseung when the older swayed forward and almost toppled over the guardrail. Taking in large gulps of air, Heeseung rasped: “Gosh, I knew my stomach was upset but I didn’t expect it to be this angry.” He gagged unproductively again before spitting onto the grass and straightening back up. For a short moment, Heeseung lost his balance, stumbling into Jake’s side before composing himself and walking back to the car with his friends close by his side.

Fluffy ENHYPEN oneshots
FanfictionCute Enhypen sickfics and littlespace oneshots Requests closed