Rainy day🍼

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Little: Jake

Caregivers: Enhypen (mainly Jay)

No one's POV.:

It had been raining for the past few days already, much to the members dismay. They were finally on a break and had the time to do something but found themselves stuck at the dorm due to bad weather. With frustrations running high, the mood at the dorm was tense. No, they weren't upset at each other but rather at their current situation and living in such close proximity, it was only a matter of time till one member would snap at another over the smallest inconvenience. That member ended up being Jake and he ended up snapping at none other than their makane. Niki had been taken aback at his hyung's outburst. One moment he had been playing Uno with Jake and Sunoo, the next, Jake was mad at him for playing his '+2' card. What else had he been supposed to do? It was literally the only card he had been able to play in that situation. Niki watched in confusion as the older threw his cards down and stomped to his room to sulk. What was happening?

Sunoo and Niki exchanged a look, both still in shock at their hyung's behavior. The slamming door also alerted the other members and Jungwon frowned: "What just happened?" Sunoo shrugged at that. "I don't know, hyung", Niki muttered, admitting, "I think Jake-hyung is mad at me because he had to draw two." – "Why would he get this upset over it though?", Sunoo asked quietly, unable to make sense of the older. Giving his dongsaengs a comforting smile, Jay sighed: "He was probably upset over something else this was just how he vented it. Don't worry, I don't think your game was the problem." – "Should I go talk to him?", Niki hummed, feeling guilty for pushing his friend over the edge. He wasn't scared of Jake, so he had no problem talking to him about it, especially because of how close they are, the maknae didn't want a fight. To his surprise, Jay shook his head. "Why don't the two of you continue? I'll go talk to him. Maybe he's just tired, then I can talk him into going to bed soon", Jay chuckled, already heading down the hallway to their shared room.

When he slipped into the room, he was surprised how dark it was. Sure, it was already evening and with the thick, dark clouds obstructing the sun, it was pretty dark outside too but why hadn't Jake turned the light on? The Aussie didn't even acknowledge him when he entered and Jay knew why. He was the reason the younger was upset. He had been the other's first caregiver. You see, Jake had developed a younger headspace at some point during their i-Land days. Nobody knew exactly when because the Aussie was pretty good at hiding his age regression and also didn't want to talk about the first incidents because they were a rather painful memory. The members respected that of course but sometimes, they did wonder what had been going on in their friend's head back then.

Jay found out by accident a long time after they debuted. They had shared a room, so it had only been the two of them when Jake woke up little, crying from a nightmare. He had been enamored by the way Jay handled the situation and calmed him down enough to go back to sleep. It had remained only the two of them for quite some time, the Aussie not yet ready to open up to the rest of the group, though Jay encouraged him to. Jake had been comfortable like that, so why change anything, especially when it risked the bond of their group and the way his friends saw him. Even when they sat the members down and explained what age regression was, Jake would always go to Jay first, no matter how well the others took care of him in his headspace. That was also why the other's 'betrayal' hurt so much.

Jake had tried to distract himself from his emotions by playing cards with his dongsaengs and it had worked for a little while but deep inside he was still upset. When their break had been announced, they had immediately made plans. Those obviously revolved around the Aussie being little. It had been so long since Jay had taken him to the park, so the older promised they'd go as soon as they were free of work, which was the only thing that helped Jake power through the last few days of schedule. Nobody could've predicted the downpour starting just when they headed back to their dorm after the last day of schedules. The forecast had promised clear skies and a considerably warm temperature for the season. To say Jake was heartbroken when he realized his hyung wouldn't take him to the park the next day would be an understatement.

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