Sickie: NikiCaregivers: mainly Jake
No one's POV.:
It had been a long day for all of Enhypen. They had only gotten back to Korea the previous day and already had to leave for their schedule early the next morning without even having unpacked their luggage. Most of the day had been spent travelling between different radio stations for interviews before ending the day with a couple of hours of dance practice. If they hadn't been jetlagged already, rushing from place to place all day and dancing while already exhausted would've surely drained them to the bone. Groaning, the members piled into the van, that would take them back to their dorm. Finally, their schedule was over, if only there weren't a bunch of suitcases waiting to be unpacked....
Sunghoon and Sunoo fell asleep almost as soon as they finished buckling their seatbelts, resting their heads against the windows. Jungwon leant into Jay's side, also slowly drifting off while Jay and Jake discussed where they could move their suitcases, so they wouldn't be in the way if they were left unpacked for another day or two, neither of them having the energy to deal with them right now. Heeseung had been nursing a headache for most of the day, the jetlag really getting to him. Putting in his earphones, the oldest relaxed back into his seat and closed his eyes. They had a pretty long drive ahead of them, so he might as well try to get some sleep.
Niki mindlessly scrolled through his phone. He had been exhausted for most of the day but it seemed that he had already reached the point of being wide awake again. He doubted he'd be able to sleep, so he tried to entertain himself. If only his head wasn't hurting so badly. He squinted at the brightness of his phone screen before turning it down to the point he could barely see before sighing and putting his phone down. "You good?", Jake whispered, turning to his dongsaeng. The maknae nodded with a wince, muttering: "Headache and the phone isn't helping." – "You should try to sleep a bit", the Aussie hummed, "It'll be a while till we get back and you look awful." – "Can't sleep. Was sleepy earlier but now.... I'm not sleepy but sore and headachy and just overall meh", Niki grimaced, massaging his temples. Still, he did try to get comfortable in his seat in case he did manage to fall asleep.
"There are some painkillers in my bag", Jay whispered, nodding towards the bag between his feet. He couldn't move with Jungwon asleep against him but Jake got the hint and opened the bag, pulling out the medicine. Reading the label on the box, Jake hummed: "You didn't eat anything, did you, Niki-yah?" – "No, wasn't hungry. Still not really", Niki mumbled, absentmindedly, stroking his tummy. "There should also be a protein bar in there", Jay informed, watching Jake rummage through his bag, "Front department." Handing the protein bar to his dongsaeng, Jake instructed: "Eat this, then you can take medicine." Muttering a quiet 'thanks', Niki tore open the wrapper and unenthusiastically sunk his teeth in. He had no appetite at all and almost gagged at the chewy consistency. Forcing down the first bite, a shudder ran down Niki's back and he had to take a deep breath before he dared to continue eating.
After what felt like an eternity, Niki managed to swallow the last bite and sighed. "Here, take these and make sure to drink lots of water after", Jake smiled, handing the maknae two pills and a water bottle. Downing the pills, Niki took a few sips of water and winced. The cold liquid made him shudder and it didn't feel good in his stomach. Taking off his hoodie, Jake draped it around the younger's shoulders and encouraged: "You should really have more water, it'll help your head." Niki's hand trembled a little when he lifted the bottle to his lips again, taking another tiny sip. He really didn't think he could handle anymore water than that. Sighing, Jake took the bottle back and slipped it back into his bag. "Try to get some sleep, hm? Or look out of the window if you can't sleep, just don't use your phone", Jay instructed, unable to turn to look at his dongsaeng. If he could, he would've noticed how pale the youngest had gotten.

Fluffy ENHYPEN oneshots
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