𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫

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Courtney's POV

I wake up to the cabin lights flickering on.
I flutter my eyes open "girls. Time to wake up" I hear Amy say.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes "can I shower?" I ask
"Sure. Just don't take too long" Amy replies
"I won't" I say

I get out of bed and grab my phone, two towels and some clothes before walking into the bathroom.

I turn the shower on and get in, washing my hair and my body and then getting out.
I wrap a towel around my hair and my body and then get dressed.

I decide to wear some mid length black basketball shorts and a grey t-shirt since I was gonna be playing a lot of basketball today.

That's something people underestimate about me. I'm 5"5 so people typically think I play something else and never consider basketball.

I walk out of the bathroom and sit on my bed. Now, all the rest of the girls where awake as well. I did some makeup and took my hair out of its towel to dry it.


"Alright girls, time to go to breakfast." Amy says all the girls Stand up as Amy opens the door. The big group walks to the dining hall.

When we get there, I see a huge line behind the breakfast bar. I decide to find Bill,Gustav and Georg and wait for the line to get smaller.

I find them at the same table that we ate dinner at and sit down. "Courtney!" Bill says
"Hiii!" I say "heyy" Gustav says "where's Tom?" Georg asks "I don't know" Bill says

I look up and see Tom flirting with a girl in line
"Guess Alison was right" I think

"There he is" I say pointing to him
"What a Player. I mean, he flirts with you and then turns around and flirts with some other girl. Your way prettier then her anyways." Bill says "it's fine. I don't like him. And thanks" I say "of course. Also, good. You shouldn't like him"

I smile and steal a blueberry from bills plate
"Hey!" He yells "sorry" I say, shrugging


Breakfast ends and I go to the basketball court.
I set my stuff down at a table and see a couple other girls and then about 20 boys. "Ok let's shoot for teams" a boy says
We line up at the free throw line and I miss my first shot but by a stroke of luck manage to make my second shot and get the last spot on a team.

One of the other girls is on the other team and the other didn't make her shot. We play for about 15 minutes and I make a couple shots but my team loses by a few points.

I walk over to the table where I put my stuff and see Tom sitting at it. I don't say anything and just unzip my bag "shit" I say under my breath. "What?" Tom asks. "I forgot my water" I reply. He tosses me an open, half drank water bottle.

I look at him and then back at the water "is there fentanyl in here?" I ask in a joking tone
"Oh no! How'd you find out?" Tom says, joking back. I smile and open the water and take a sip.

I sit down since I'm not playing in this next game.
Tom and I talk for a little while and I decide not to mention what happened at dinner.

"Your really not bad" Tom says "at what?" I ask "basketball" he reply's "thanks" I say, smiling
"No problem" he says.

I try to hand him his water back "no it's fine you can keep it" he says "you sure?" I ask "yep" he says

We shoot for teams again and I make my first shot this time and my team wins. I play a couple more rounds and then take a break.

Tom is still sitting at the table admiring me. I smile as I walk over to the table. He has the water he gave me in his hand and he takes a sip
I smile and he spits some of the water at me and I slap his shoulder "what's your problem?" I say in a sarcastic voice. He starts laughing and spits the water all over the table

We're both laughing at this point

"Is he really that bad?" I ask myself

Okkkkkk that's chapter three
Lmk what you think!

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩 - 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳 - 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now