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Spencer woke up one morning alone in his bed. He called out for Trina but nobody answered back. He rubbed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. As his vision focused he saw a note on the dresser addressed to him. "What did I do now", he thought. He took a deep sigh and walked to the dresser picking up the note. He read the note to himself.

"Spencer, I have some things to do this morning with Joss before I go to work this afternoon but I couldn't help to watch you sleep this morning. So I let you sleep in. I made some coffee for you. I left the coffee pot on warm. Call me please when you have a chance because I really need to tell you something. He looked at the time, it was almost 10:00.

Relieved he wasn't in trouble with Trina he giggled to himself a little at the note. He picked up his phone to dial Trina's number. Hi, Trina's voice answered. Hi, Spencer responded. "Did I do something wrong?" Why do you ask that Spencer? Trina asked, "Well what did you need to tell me that couldn't be put in the note?" It was something important that I didn't want to tell you through a note. It's too personal. Intrigued Spencer said okay what is it? Do you really want to know? Spencer was feeling a little impatient, Trina Robinson said in an apprehensive tone. Trina shouted in a joyful manner " I love you" Spencer laughed and maybe blushed a little " I love you too.Feeling a bit better He asked when she was coming home? She said I may have to work a little late so I'll probably be late for dinner. Okay, I'll see you then. I'll get some takeout or something for us. I'll wait for you. Okay, babe. See you then.

After hanging up Spencer took a shower, morning routine and went to get the coffee out of the warmer. He made a little breakfast for himself, some eggs and some toast. Then he took out the laptop to check on some business stocks Valentine had asked him to keep an eye on for him while he was gone.

After a while, he went for a ride in his car. His mind was on Trina and how special she was to him. He wanted to do something to let her know. Passing by the jewelry store he stopped to find Trina something. He looked at watches, ear rings, necklaces not that really called out to him. Then before leaving he found what he had been searching for. It was one of the most beautiful ring. It was gold with tiny diamonds all around it. The diamonds sparkle getting his attention.He said to the salesman that it was perfect, may I see it closer. The salesman obliged, handing it to Spencer. He was so engulfed by it he didn't notice Ava walking in.

"Spencer" she called out as she saw him. The gleam of the ring got her attention as well. "What is that? She asked inquisitively. It's for Trina ''Do you think she would like it?" Oh my Spencer, "It is what I think it is." What? He thought for a second. No, No he said. "Well not that I would mind but this will be my promise" Promise? Ava asked. Yes. Spencer responded. Relieved Ava said, oh okay then yes I think she will love it. Do you think it's too much? he asked Ava. No, I don't think it's sweet of you. Smiling at Ava, he said okay? He told the salesman to box it for him. Before thanking Ava for her input. Your welcome Ava smiled back. And went her way.

He looked at his watch and it was already getting late. He still had to stop by and pick up something for supper. He picked up take out from the grill hoping Trina wasn't home yet. He wanted to set up some candles and plates before she got home. When he arrived he rushed to set everything up just as he heard the key in the door. He nervously ran to the door to greet her.

Hey, he laughed, making Trina suspicious. He grabbed her waist kissing her passionately. Trina put her hands up by his chest, "What's this?" She couldn't help but to look around. Welcome home he said. "Spencer what did you do?" Nothing babe just wanted to make you feel special." Why? She asked. Because "I love you" he said as he pulled her in for another kiss. Trina put her arms around his neck inhaling his scent. I missed you, he told her. I missed you more, she responded. She sat her things down on the sofa before sitting at the table. Spencer, all this is so nice. But, you didn't have to. But, I love you, he said. Trina enjoyed those three words coming out of his mouth. She took her pinky fingers and intertwined them with Spencer's across the table. I'm starving, she said. Me too, said Spencer.

Spencer got up to get the champagne glasses. Luckily the lights were dim in the room or else Trina would have noticed Spencer could barely pour because he was shaking. He hoped he wasn't scaring her away with the ring. Spencer, you okay Trina called out. Yes, babe I'm coming. He took the ring out of his pocket and put it in her glass. What's taking so long? Coming he says. Spencer sets down the glasses. Let's eat, he says. Trina is even more suspicious now. Spencer takes a big spoonful of his food. He looks at Trina and says let's eat. Trina squinted her eyes at him so she could tell something was going on.

She starts to talk about her day and tells Spencer her and Joss started a gym class. Spencer keeps looking at the glass. Not really paying attention to Trina because he's thinking. "Dam,what if she chokes on the ring?" Trina asks a question and yells at Spencer when he doesn't respond. Trina gets annoyed saying you're not even listening to me. Folding her arms at chest.

Spencer takes a drink of his champagne. What's going on Spencer? Trina scolds. Something has been off since I got here. She scoffs, and takes a drink of her champagne. Spencer's stares at the glass, taking a gulp. Trina holds up the glass to the candle because she noticed the sparkle. Trina's eyes are wide open . As her jaw drops. Spencer takes the glass from her to get the ring out. He takes her hands in his and holds the ring in her hands. Trina grows speechless. He says, this is my promise that I will always love you, Be here for you when you need me,To hold you when you're scared. I will be your partner in life, crime, and in bed. I love you Trina with all my heart. You saved my life.

Trina looks at the ring with tears welled in her eyes. Spencer gets up out of his seat and kneels beside her. This is my promise ring to you. He slips it on her finger. Spencer almost loses the ring on the floor because his fingers are so flimsy. Trina gasps,as she cups Spencer face kissing his lips. Spencer deepens the kiss as he wipes her tears.

Spencer, I love it. I- I don't know what to say. Spencer laughs nervously, you don't like it do you. Spencer!! No, I love it as much as I love you. She couldn't stop staring at the ring. She bends down sitting on Spencer's knees on the floor. As she hugs him tightly. It's beautiful, she says. I'm never taking it off. Spencer sighs in relief. They make out on the floor for a while. Afterwards, Spencer asks, "What about supper?" They both laughed at the moment and decided to finish eating.

Later, after cleaning up.Trina comes out of the bedroom in a towel, with her hands on her hips. Spencer accidentally drops a plate, in awe at the site. Trina laughs, before saying care to join me. Spencer throws the towel he was cleaning with over his shoulder and runs towards her. Trina lets out a shriek and runs into the bathroom. Chasing her while stripping off his clothes along the way, Spencer splashes in the tub as Trina throws off her towel, jumping onto his lap. Making all her promises come true for him. 

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