Jealous Spencer

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Spencer Cassidine has been out of the country on Cassadine Enterprise business. He's been gone for 3 months. But, everyday he would call Trina and talk about each other's day, even though the time difference was so off that Spencer's nighttime was Trina's daytime. But, they made it work. They never would hang up without saying "I love you" to each other.

Trina kept herself busy with the gallery and school since she took a year off. But, she still was lonely in that big apartment by herself. So she decided to go to the pool where Joslyn was a lifeguard. Trina got some much needed sun. There was a new pool boy named Gio, he was Brooklyn Quartermaine's cousin. Gio was a very nosey person. He started asking Trina all these personal questions. Boy, if Spencer knew how personal this kid was being towards Trina he'd be up to his eyeballs with Jealousy. Not feeling comfortable with all of his questions, Trina gave a nervous laugh. Gio,, I'm sorry I have to stop you. But, your line of questioning is making me nervous. Gio apologized feeling bad. It's okay, said Trina, but it would be better if we talked about our love of art or music. Gio was embarrassed. To make it less awkward Trina went over to Joslyn and ask her about her day. But Joslyn was busy keeping her eyes on Dex. He was in his cadet uniform making him look extra hottt. Joss wasn't really paying attention when Trina tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped and fell into the pool. Trina put her hands over her mouth in laughter. Joss was really paying attention now. Dex went over either a towel and picked Joss out of the pool. He couldn't contain his laughter either. Gio got called for a laundry of towels. Trina got back to work on her computer to continue her work.

A while later Trina got a video call from Spencer. She got a huge smile on her face. " Hey Babe, she answered." " Hi, Baby" he responded" Where are you? I'm here at the Metro Court pool getting some sun. I was bored at home. Oh, okay. They talked about each other's day like they did everyday.

Gio was still feeling bad about what had happened earlier between him and Trina so he decided to buy Trina a drink and take it to her. Gio didn't even notice that she was on the video call. " Hey Trina, sorry about getting so personal earlier. Trina's eyes got big and shook her head No. She knew what Spencer was going to say. " What the Hell!! Spencer exclaimed. Trina gave a nervous laugh. " Baby it's not what you think" Gio was once again embarrassed. " I'm sorry. Trina pushed him in another direction. "Honey, why don't you get a good night's sleep and I'll talk to you tomorrow okay." This infuriated Spencer more." TRINA ROBINSON this issue isn't over tonight. "Who is this idiot and how the fuck did he get so personal". Trina could see the anger in his eyes through the phone. Trina was getting a little mad herself the way Spencer was talking to her." Spencer I'll call you back when I get home"

She hung up the video call. Gio was off to the side with his hands in his hair. " I screwed up didn't I." No, No. Said Trina. My boyfriend can be a little possessive. I'll take care of it. Trina was embarrassed by the way Spencer acted over the video call. "Well to tell you the truth, " said Gio, " I can't really blame the guy. You're really beautiful." Thanks,said Trina.

About 20 minutes after Trina got home she video called Spencer back hoping that he had time to call his ass down. Spencer didn't answer which made Trina angrier. She called a second time and he answered. His head looked devilish where he had been pulling it. The room looked like he had tossed it around. " Why in the hell did you hang up on me Trina." "Because you were acting like an idiot Spencer." "And just where do you get off yelling at me like that. Embarrassing me in front of people. I'm not playing with you Spencer" " Just how personal did that idiot get Trina, did he touch you!!!" Spencer!!! Exclaims Trina. Do you honestly think that I'd let some other idiot touch me? I'm already in love with an idiot, which is you. Spencer squinted his eyes at Trina. Trina rolled her eyes at Spencer.

Spencer, Gio is just a guy that's working at the pool and going to PCU. He's Brooklyn Quartermaine's cousin. I got him a side job at the gallery playing the violin during art shows. It's not to make a big deal out of. He was just being nice and trying to make conversation. " What the hell you even got him in the gallery. " Spencer. It's just business." We're just friends. Looked to me like he wanted to be more than friends Trina." You're being ridiculous Spencer. "Whatever" Exclaims Spencer. How would you feel if it was the other way around. By this time Trina was up and pacing. I LOVE YOU, TRINA ROBINSON and I'll be damned if anybody takes you away from me. You're mine!!! Well honey that's nice to know Trina said sarcastic. I've been here by myself for 3 months. And to tell you the truth I miss your physical attention. It's nice to get some attention. Are you saying that you want to get physical with some else other than me? NO EXCLAIMED Trina. I miss you idiot. Trina put her hand over her face while she cried. In a quieter voice Spencer said I sorry Baby. I just go crazy when it comes to you. I love you. I love you too Spencer. Said Trina. I miss you babe. I miss you too. Baby. Trina said and you don't have to worry I know that I am yours and you are mine.

Two weeks later Spencer got off a long flight. He headed straight to the gallery. He didn't even tell Trina he was coming home. When he walked in Gio was there practicing his violin. Trina had just walked to the back storage room to take inventory and to receive a shipment. Which gave Spencer time to set the record straight with Gio. Gio was so into practicing his violin that he didn't notice Spencer until he was right in front of him. " So you're Gio. " Gio got startled as he said yes and gulped really big. Spencer extended his hand out for a very firm, strong handshake. Who are you? Asked Gio as he took back his hand. Trina's BOYFRIEND said Spencer with a smirk. Oh, said Gio, Trina and Joss have told me alot about you. Really, said Spencer. Well I've been out of town for work but, I'm back now. So, Trina said you're working at the Metro Court pool. Yes. Said Gio, my aunt Olivia is co manager. Oh, said Spencer, well the Metro Court is named after my mother. Oh. Said Gio. Trina is a really nice girl. Yes, agreed Spencer, my Trina has a heart of gold. It's one of the many reasons I love her. You're very lucky, said Gio. The luckiest man in the world said Spencer. Well said Gio I better be going. Welcome back home Spencer. Thank you, said Spencer.

Trina came in from the back office. " Gio, did I hear another voice?" She stopped when she realized it was Spencer. " Oh, my God, what did you do with Gio?" Spencer laughed, nothing my love. He said he had to go. He reached over, pulling her by the waist in for a passionate kiss. Trina wrapped her arms around his neck. Spencer Cassidine you didn't tell me you were coming home today. Yes ma'am I'm back and I don't plan on going anywhere else anytime soon. At least not without you. Oh, well exclaims Trina dramatically. She puckers up for another sweet kiss. What time do you get off? Asks Spencer. Right about now Trina responded, as she locked the main door and turned down the lights. And in the middle of that gallery. Trina got reclaimed after months of Spencer being gone. Afterwards, they laid in eachothers arms. I love you Spencer Cassisdine. I love you more Trina Robinson.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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