Puzzle Piece

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Trina walked into the apartment she shared with Spencer. She was tired and hungry. She called out to Spencer, "Babe I'm home " Spencer came in from the kitchen wearing an apron that said "KISS THE CHEF!!!" with a smirk on his face and looking at her with those bedroom eyes. Trina couldn't help but let out a laugh hitting his chest playfully when he grabbed her waist pulling her in for a kiss. He started attacking her face with pecks. Trina playfully pushed him away saying I'm too tired.

Spencer said " Go take a bubble bath, dinner will be ready in a bit." "You're making dinner laughing out loud, said Trina. Yes, Trina. I know how to cook a little. I used You Tube. Trina couldn't help but to hold her stomach laughing so hard. Spencer looked at her playfully acting like he was hurt by her laughter. Just go he said , slapping her behind softly. Trina pulled up to him for one more kiss before going into the bathroom for a bath.

About 30 minutes later Trina came out with her lacy, pink long nightgown. Spencer was setting the food on the table and pulled her chair out for her to have a seat. As he pulled her chair back in he smoothed her hair to the side and kissed her neck tenderly. His lips were soft on that special spot she loves on her neck. Trina tilted her head and closed her eyes. Her man knew all the right buttons to push on her. Clearing her throat a little because she felt like she was burning with desire inside she asked "So what's for dinner"? Spencer responded, we have baked chicken, broccoli and mashed potatoes. He picked up the lid to bowl. Trina smelled the food. Mmm, it smells delicious. Spencer got her plate and served her. Here you go my Princess. Trina cranked herself up to kiss his lips as he bent down to put down her plate. After serving himself Spencer sat across the table. Oh my gosh Spencer you out did yourself this food is delicious. Thank you Baby, he said. They made small talk about each other's day.

Are you ready for dessert?, asked Spencer. Wow desert too. How did I get so lucky? She interlocked her fingers with his from across the table. He got up and kissed her nose before saying " I'll be right back". When he came back he had a plate full of strawberries , grapes and whipped cream. My goodness said Trina you're gonna make me fall more in love with you, if that even possible. She held his hand and kissed him. He gazed at her, feeling her love for him. "That's all right baby, because you already have me crazy in love with you." They enjoyed their desert feeding each other and stealing glances and kisses.

Spencer, thank you for this dinner. I was so tired and hungry when I walked in here tonight. It is my pleasure Trina you know I would do anything for you. He pulled her in by her waist for a deep passionate kiss. Before he got too heated he pulled out from the kiss. Tell you what, you go ahead and get some rest and I will clean up the kitchen. Oh I'll help said Trina. No,No you go rest it my kitchen mess. He kissed her one last time before sending her away. He wasn't gonna take No for an answer.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Spencer turned off the lights, made sure the door was locked and headed to the bedroom. Upon entering he found a trail of Trina leading to the bed. First, he found her pink lacy nightgown, Second, he found her light pink panties. Third, he found Trina with her blanket up to her chest wearing a big beautiful smile. He said, I see you made a mess here Robinson. Oh oh my sorry Mr. Cassidine. Do you want me to clean it up? No, he said with a grin. Because I'm about to make a mess out of you. He yanked off the covers over Trina and pretty much had some more dessert that was not on the menu tonight. Trina in turn had some beverages that made a huge mess of her and she cleaned some that spilled off on Spencer as well.

Afterwards they both had a trail of clothes on the floor they decided that could wait till tomorrow morning. They were too wrapped up and folded into each other. Like two pieces of precious puzzle pieces they just fit together.

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