Curtis' Fall

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Trina arrived at the hospital after a long day of work, Curtis was back in the hospital due to a fall he had at home, trying to walk by himself. Portia,Stella,Marshall, T.J. Molly were there for him all day. Trina was anxious all day but there was no way she could get off work. She didn"t want to let Ava down. And Portia had told her there was not much she could do at the hospital. Spencer was at Laura's because Ace was sick with a cold and stayed with him while Esme was at work. Curtis was more frustrated than hurt.

Curtis, how are you feeling? asked Trina. I'm fine Trina you didn't have to come. Yes, I did. I've been worried all day. I do care about you. I know Trina, If I hadn't been up trying to walk by myself like an idiot I wouldn't be here. You don't need to make a fuss over me. I'm okay. Why don't you go home ,rest and eat something. You are my father and I'm going to stay here and make sure you're good. When they release you to go home,I'll go home too. I don't want you to do that Trina, you have your own life.I'm staying Curtis.

She walks out of the room to go talk to Portia and T.J. about his injury. Portia says he hit his head on the table when he fell down. They were waiting to do a CT scan before releasing him but they had several patients before him. But, other than that he was okay. She sat down and closed her eyes. Mom, I feel like it's just been one thing after another lately. I can understand why Curtis feels so frustrated. It's just so overwhelming.Portia reaches to hug her. I know sweetie. We have to hang in there for Curtis. We will get him through this. But, we don't know if he will ever be able to walk again.

Spencer walks in with food and water for everyone. He knows they have been there all day and haven't had a bite to eat. He comes in, handing everyone a taco and a bottle of water. He notices Trina and Portia talking and doesn't want to intrude. He waits until the right time to walk over. Hello, Dr. Robinson, I brought some tacos and some water for everyone. Would you like one? Yes, Spencer, thank you. I think I forgot to eat today. I appreciate it. Your Welcome.He hands one to Portia and gives one to Trina after he embraces her in a hug and kisses her lips.

Trina asks about how Ace was feeling. Spencer responded he was okay. His fever spiked up but I gave him some medicine and he slept a lot today. Esme called and told me to put a cool towel on him to keep his fever down. Oh okay, well that's good, responded Trina. How's Curtis holding up? Trina says he is okay, we are just waiting for a CT scan to make sure he doesn't have a concussion. Well I'm glad he's okay. But, I can tell you're still worried. Trina nods her head and sighs. She turns around and looks through Curtis' window. She asks Spencer " When will we get a break"? Spencer puts his arms around from behind her with his chin on top of her head and she puts her head back against his chest, Holding his arms around hers.

Marshall and Stella are talking to Curtis and notices Trina and Spencer outside the window. He asks Marshall what's going on out there. Stella says Spencer brought some food for everyone. I think he's worried about Trina because she's worried about you. Now I told her to stop fussing over me, replies Curtis. What's taking the doctors so long anyways? Curtis Marshall interrupts, Son , you're not the only patient. I know Pop. Curtis hits the bed with his fists in frustration. Curtis, you need to calm down, says Stella.

He looks over at the window and sees Trina crying. Let me talk to Spencer by himself. He tells Marshall and Stella. They walk out of the room and tell Spencer Curtis wants to see him. Spencer looks at Trina and Trina nods at him. Spencer walks in Good Evening, Mr. Ashford what can I do for you. Good Evening Spencer. Why is my daughter crying out there? She's worried about you sir. If you care about my daughter as much as you say you do I need you to take her home, get her some rest and real food. I don't want her over here worrying about me. Spencer laughs a little, now Mr. Ashford you know how Trina is. If I try to make her do something she won't budge. And I know better than to argue with her.She means the world to me and there's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for her. I'm taking care of her needs. I'll make sure she gets them after you get released but until then I'll stand beside her. But, you know Trina's a strong one. Yes, I do know that Spencer. Spencer looks at him and says you know Mr. Ashford, I see a lot of you in Trina. You are both courageous,fighters, and stubborn as hell. Curtis laughs, I guess you're right about that Spencer. Spencer puts his hand on Curtis' shoulder, " Hang in there Mr. Ashford".

T.J. walks in with the machine for the CT scan. Sorry for the interruption but we're ready. Spencer walks out of the room. Trina walks over to Spencer "What did Curtis want" asks Trina? Spencer rubs her shoulder and says he wanted me to take you home but, I told him nobody tells you what to do, but I would make sure you get everything you need. Spencer pulls her in for a hug.

Everyone groups at the window as Curtis gets his CT scan. The doctor comes out and tells Portia that Curtis' doesn't have a concussion and he will be released to go home. But, he needs to be monitored more around the house so he won't be trying to get up by himself. Marshall asks Portia if he can move back in to help take care of him. Portia thinks it's a good idea.

T.J. wheels out Curtis' in his wheelchair. Okay people show is over time to go home. Yes. Son, says Marshall I'm going home with ya'll, And I'm gonna make sure you stay in that chair unless someone is helping you with your therapy. Curtis rolls his eyes at Marshall. Alright Pop. Curtis takes Trina's hand. Okay Trina I'm being released now you get home too. Trina smiles and hugs Curtis.

When Spencer and Trina arrive home Spencer makes a bath for Trina with some relaxing bath bombs. He puts on some soft music for her while he makes her a healthy supper. Trina walks out in her bath robe after her bath with supper waiting at the table. Spencer was in the corner waiting for her Trina caught him staring." What," asks Trina? Spencer walks over to her and takes her hands walking over to the table pulling out her chair for her. He flips her hair to one side and gently kisses her neck. They both sit down to eat. Both of them are not saying much. Trina extends out her hands to Spencer from across the table, " Thank you Spencer". For what Spencer questions. For being there for me and my family and bringing us food. Even though sometimes they are not an easy group. Spencer kisses her knuckles and says you know Trina I would do anything for you and your family. I love you Trina. I Love you too Spencer.

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