Blood Hive

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The group danced as "this is how we do it" blared through the cabin.

"Alright!, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4" Samara said before everyone started dancing together.

They all shouted the name's different dance moves with smiles on their faces.

"running man! running man!"

"bart simpson, bart simpson!"
"and javi!" Samara yelled as javi stood in doing a little dance as everyone copied him.

Suddenly the music became softer and softer until it finally stopped. Mara stood with her arm around Nat as they tried to get the music to start again.

"Godamn it. Has hitting something ever fixed it?"Van questioned

"I mean helps me when I hit a bon-"Samara was cut off as Nat elbowed her side making her cough, realizing Javi was hearing their conversation.

"Maybe try blowing on it. "Mari suggested as all of a sudden they heard a creak above them.

"Uh the fuck was that?"Mari questioned causing everyone to look at eachother in shock.

"Hey you heard it too ." said Lottie as she looked up.

"It was probably just a branch. "Taissa scoffed as everyone looked at her in disbelief.

"Inside on the floor?What if it's him?"Mari asked everyone in fear.

"What the dead guy?"Shauna questioned as Mari nodded

"You know what it probably was? The dead guys missing fingers trying to find their way home. "Nat joked causing everyone to laugh.

"All right all right you know what I think it was I think the ghost decided it was time to get some sleep and we should probably do the same yeah?"Coach announced as everyone agreed before going to bed.


Samara struggled as she dragged the wood towards camp. She had been helping Tai and Nat cut up wood. Her arm was now healed from the outside but she could still a tingly sensation that wouldn't let her focus.

"Hey Bloody soldiers on the left and breakfast on the right. Okay? Don't mess them up like Travis did." Akilah scoffed.

"Okay you guys are disgusting." Travis groaned before getting up.

"How about getting some more water breakfast isn't going anywhere. "Mari stated as she passed the bucket to Jackie.

"Jackie wait up. I'll go with you" Mara said as she ran over to Jackie.

As they were walking Mara was dying to ask Jackie something. She decided to just say it before she were to overthink  it.

"Have you uh- Have you ever liked someone other than Jeff?" asked Samara.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jackie looking towards Samara.

"I mean like have you liked someone else while being in a relationship with Jeff"

"Hmmm yeah I mean I love Jeff but Ive had other attractions to different guys"

"Oh?" said Mara even more confused.

"I'm a little confused how can you like 2 people at the same time" she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I mean it depends on what attraction you have for each person like a emot- Lottie?" Jackie was interrupted as she saw Lottie in the lake.

"Lottie?Arent you cold. "Jackie asked the girl who stood there.

"Yeah actually I thought it'd be warmer" Lottie stated as she turned around to face Mara and Jackie.

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